diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 6c85d595b379a33bb8fa7ff52b2251b1ba1e752b..21d4de943f58b7a5145038c8c48dd0be456819af 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -6,6 +6,13 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0
 ## [Unreleased]
+## [1.3.0] 2025-01-16
+### Added
+- /liveness, /readiness endpoints
+### Changed
+- js code clean-up
+- improve guidance text
 ## [1.2.4] 2025-01-16
 ### Fixed
 - summary after migration is listed and improved
diff --git a/app/app.py b/app/app.py
index 938d0977566dac1bdcd3657cfc6226e501f3a239..40143b33865ae831a1fbc4b5847977812de1b65f 100644
--- a/app/app.py
+++ b/app/app.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-from flask import Flask, request, render_template, redirect, url_for, g, session
+from flask import Flask, request, render_template, redirect, url_for, g, session, jsonify
 from datetime import datetime
 from models.box import Box
 from models.box_item import BoxItem
@@ -86,21 +86,21 @@ def index():
       for cloud testing and exploration purposes</a> only.
       We believe just fraction of personal projects actually <strong>need to be migrated</strong>.
-      This website helps you with the actual cloud migration.
+      This website helps you with the cloud workload migration.
-      Website uses external migration job processing executed in MU ICS Gitlab and enforces that only
+      Website uses external migration job processing executed in MU ICS Gitlab CI and enforces that only
       one migration can be executing at the time.
-      This is why your migration may wait in the CI queue log time before actually starting.
+      This is why your migration may wait in the CI queue long time before actually starting.
-      Please log on both clouds before continuing.
+      Please log on the both clouds before migration.
       You should identify in <a href="https://cloud.metacentrum.cz/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
       G1 Metacentrum OpenStack cloud</a> what cloud resources need to be migrated and
       <a href="https://brno.openstack.cloud.e-infra.cz" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
       G2 Metacentrum OpenStack cloud</a> needs to be visited for automatic creation of your personal project.
-      After cloud migration, <strong>cloud user is responsible for deletion of the 
+      After cloud workload migration, <strong>cloud user is responsible for deletion of the 
       <a href="https://cloud.metacentrum.cz/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">G1 Metacentrum OpenStack cloud</a>
-      project resources</strong>. Not released G1 cloud resources may be automatically removed 7 days after migration.
+      project resources</strong>. Not removed G1 cloud resources are monitored and may be automatically removed 7 days after migration.
     for box in boxes:
@@ -201,6 +201,17 @@ def get_pipeline_status():
         gitlab_pipeline_status_data = gitlab_pipeline_status.json()
         return gitlab_pipeline_status_data['status']
+# Liveness endpoint: Checks if the application is alive
+@app.route('/liveness', methods=['GET'])
+def liveness():
+    return jsonify({"status": "alive"}), 200
+# Readiness endpoint: Checks if the application is functional
+# atm /readiness logic does not call dependent services as it is considered heavy
+@app.route('/readiness', methods=['GET'])
+def readiness():
+    return jsonify({"status": "ready"}), 200
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     # Optionally, configure the host and port
     app.run(debug=True)  # Use debug=True for debugging during development
diff --git a/app/static/js/migration.js b/app/static/js/migration.js
index ae91865a14bab542572fc3ef6414eec77be352d3..384d2eeae9f5f693c7471aade9ea32aec366d5dc 100644
--- a/app/static/js/migration.js
+++ b/app/static/js/migration.js
@@ -3,14 +3,13 @@
         url: '/api/pipeline-status',
         method: 'GET',
         success: function(data) {
-            //console.log("Fetched data: ", data);
-            //console.log("general-status-message: ", $('#general-status-message'));
             // Update the HTML content with the received data
             if($('.migration_box').last().find('input').val() != data){
+            // Show summary message
             if(data === 'success'){
-                $('#general-status-message').text("Cloud migration pipeline has successfully finished. Evaluate functionality of (G2) migrated cloud resources and remove original (G1) cloud resources");
+                $('#general-status-message').text("Cloud migration pipeline has successfully finished. Confirm functionality of (G2) migrated cloud resources and remove original (G1) cloud resources.");
             } else if(data === 'failed'){
                 $('#general-status-message').text("Cloud migration pipeline failed. Inspect logs of the CI Gitlab pipeline and re-run or contact us at cloud@metacentrum.cz. Re-running the cloud migrations may require new browser anonymous window." );
diff --git a/kubernetes/deployment.yaml b/kubernetes/deployment.yaml
index 24d65d836e9ca6f12b1ccbab1d42e1636beed501..d85e3a22a451478b5674cba73600c6ab7cfd862e 100644
--- a/kubernetes/deployment.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/deployment.yaml
@@ -18,27 +18,40 @@ spec:
         - name: cloud-migrations
           image: registry.gitlab.ics.muni.cz:443/cloud/cloud-migrations:latest
-      - env:
-        - name: CM_GUNICORN_LOGLEVEL
-          value: INFO
-        - name: CM_GUNICORN_ARGS
-          value: ""
-        - name: CM_GITLAB_PROJECT_ID
-          value: "0"
-        - name: CM_GITLAB_PROJECT_TOKEN
-          valueFrom:
-            secretKeyRef:
-              key: CM_GITLAB_PROJECT_TOKEN
-              name: cloud-migrations
-        - name: CM_OSTACK_SRC_OPENRC
-          valueFrom:
-            secretKeyRef:
-              key: CM_OSTACK_SRC_OPENRC
-              name: cloud-migrations
-        - name: CM_OSTACK_DST_OPENRC
-          valueFrom:
-            secretKeyRef:
-              key: CM_OSTACK_DST_OPENRC
-              name: cloud-migrations
-            - containerPort: 8080
+          - containerPort: &container_port 8080
+          livenessProbe:
+            httpGet:
+              path: /liveness
+              port: *container_port
+            initialDelaySeconds: 5
+            timeoutSeconds: 5
+          readinessProbe:
+            httpGet:
+              path: /readiness
+              port: *container_port
+            initialDelaySeconds: 10
+            timeoutSeconds: 5
+          - env:
+            - name: CM_GUNICORN_LOGLEVEL
+              value: INFO
+            - name: CM_GUNICORN_ARGS
+              value: ""
+            - name: CM_GITLAB_PROJECT_ID
+              value: "0"
+            - name: CM_GITLAB_PROJECT_TOKEN
+              valueFrom:
+                secretKeyRef:
+                  key: CM_GITLAB_PROJECT_TOKEN
+                  name: cloud-migrations
+            - name: CM_OSTACK_SRC_OPENRC
+              valueFrom:
+                secretKeyRef:
+                  key: CM_OSTACK_SRC_OPENRC
+                  name: cloud-migrations
+            - name: CM_OSTACK_DST_OPENRC
+              valueFrom:
+                secretKeyRef:
+                  key: CM_OSTACK_DST_OPENRC
+                  name: cloud-migrations