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title: "Quick Start"
date: 2021-05-18T11:22:35+02:00
draft: false
weight: -60
The following guide will take you through the steps necessary to start your first virtual machine instance.
* Up-to-date web browser
* Active account in MetaCentrum (
* Basic knowledge of SSH (for remote connections)
## Sign In
The dashboard is available at [](
1. Select `EINFRA CESNET`.
{{< hint info >}}
Users of the Czech national e-infrastructure (also MetaCentrum/CERIT-SC/MUNI users) should always select <strong>EINFRA CESNET</strong>.
{{< /hint >}}
{{< hint info >}}
International users may choose <strong>EGI Check-in</strong>, <strong>DEEP AAI</strong> or <strong>ELIXIR AAI</strong>, depending on their membership in these projects.
{{< /hint >}}
{{< hint danger >}}
If you use multiple accounts, you should use the one that you need for your corresponding work.
{{< /hint >}}
2. Click on **Sign In**.
3. Select your institution from the drop-down list.
{{< hint info >}}
You can use the search box at the top as a filter.
{{< /hint >}}
4. Provide your institution-specific sign-in credentials.
5. Wait to be redirected back to our dashboard.
{{< hint info >}}
If your attempts repeatedly result in an error message about projects, make sure you have an active MetaCentrum account
and that you are selecting the correct institution when attempting to log in. If the problem persists, please, contact user
{{< /hint >}}
## Create Key Pair
All virtual machine instances running in the cloud have to be accessed remotely. The most common way of accessing
an instance remotely is SSH. Using SSH requires a pair of keys - a public key and a private key.
1. In **Project &gt; Compute &gt; Key Pairs**, click the **Create Key Pair** or **Import Public Key ** button.
* **Import Key Pair** if existing SSH key on your local computer, but not listed as available, then import public key using button **Import Public Key**
* Insert Key Pair Name
* Select SSH key for Key Type
* Load Public Key from a file or copy/paste public key content in the field
* **Create key Pair** if any public key not available
* Use button **Create Key Pair**
* Insert Key Pair Name. Avoid using special characters, if possible.
* Select SSH key for Key Type
* Use button **Create KeyPair**
* Copy Private Key to Clipboard and save it to the ~/.ssh/id_rsa on your local computer
* Confirm using button **Done**
* Now the public key is available down on the page. Use the arrow before the key name to show the public part. Copy this public key to the file ~/.ssh/ on your local computer
2. Set Access Privileges on .ssh Folder using commands
chmod 700 .ssh/
chmod 644 .ssh/
chmod 600 .ssh/id_rsa
For details, refer to [the official documentation](
## Update Security Group
In MetaCentrum Cloud, all incoming traffic from external networks to virtual machine instances is blocked by default.
You need to explicitly allow access to virtual machine instances and services via a security group.
You need to add two new rules to be able to connect to your new instance (or any instance using the given security group).
This is similar to setting up firewall rules on your router or server. If set up correctly, you will be able to access
your virtual machine via SSH from your local terminal.
1. Go to **Project &gt; Network &gt; Security Groups**. Click on **Manage Rules**, for the **default** security group.
2. Click on **Add rule**, choose **SSH**, and leave the remaining fields unchanged.
This will allow you to access your instance.
3. Click on **Add rule**, choose **ALL ICMP**, and leave the remaining fields unchanged.
This will allow you to `ping` your instance.
{{< hint danger >}}
You have 2 possibilities for how to configure security groups policy. One is through CIDR which specifies rules for concrete network range. The second one specifies
rules for members of a specified security group, i.e. policy will be applied on instances that belong to the selected security group.
For details, refer to [the official documentation](
## Create Virtual Machine Instance
1. In **Compute &gt; Instances**, click the **Launch Instance** button.
2. Choose a name, description, and number of instances.
If you are creating more instances, `-%i` will be automatically appended to the name of each instance.
3. Choose an image from which to boot the instance. The image will be automatically copied to a persistent volume
that will remain available even after the instance has been deleted.
4. Choose the size of your instance by selecting a flavor. Additional volumes for data can be attached later on. The shown table sometimes won't list all flavors, so if you do not see some flavors in the table (flavors that you should have access to), try to use the search field (and enter few characters from its name). Other option is to use OpenStack CLI or some automation tool (like Terraform) to create instances.
In the following image, you can also find details about concrete flavor in highlighted sections
5. Select Network
* For personal project select subnet-147-251-115-pers-proj-net from the 147-251-115-pers-proj-net network (eventually personal-project-network-subnet from network 78-128-250-pers-proj-net)
* For group project select group-project-network-subnet from network group-project-network (check if [Router gateway](/cloud/network/#associate-floating-ip) is set)
6. Key pair
* **If public key was imported already**, add existing key to the instance and continue using button **Next**
* **Import Key Pair** if you have existing SSH key on your local computer, but not listed as available, then import public key using button **Import Key**
* Continue steps in section [Create Key Pair](#create-key-pair) -> Import Key Pair
* Add key and continue using button **Next**
* **Create key Pair** if you don't have any public key available
* Use button **Create Key Pair**
* Continue steps in section [Create Key Pair](#create-key-pair) -> Create Key Pair
* Add key and continue using button **Next**
![Select Key pair](cloud/quick-start/images/instance_launch_key_pair.png)
7. __(optional)__ On the Configuration tab, you can use `user_data` to customize your instance at boot.
See [cloud-init]( for details.
8. Use the button Launch Instance to initialize a new instance
9. Wait until instance initialization finishes and [Associate Floating IP](/cloud/network/#associate-floating-ip). For group project always select the same network as used in [Router gateway](cloud/network/#setup-router-gateway-required-for-group-projects)
10. Login using your SSH key as selected in Key pair above
Connect to the instance using **ssh image login**, [id_rsa key registered in Openstack](#create-key-pair) and [Floating IP](/network/#associate-floating-ip).
{{< hint info >}}
On Linux and Mac, you can use the already present SSH client. On Windows, there are other possibilities for how to connect via SSH. One of the most common is [PuTTy]( SSH client. How to configure and use PuTTy you can visit our tutorial [here](/cloud/putty/#putty).
To get **ssh image login** of corresponding image go to **Project &gt; Compute &gt; Images**. There you will have a list of all available images and then you have to click on the name of the one you want.
And then you must check section **Custom Properties** where you will see a property **default_user** which is **ssh image login**. In picture **ssh image login** for that image is "debian".
Then you can connect to your instance using the following command:
ssh -A -X -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa <ssh_image_login>@<Floating IP>
So it can look like this:
ssh -A -X -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa debian@
-A Enables forwarding of the authentication agent connection.
-X Enables X11 forwarding.
| OS | login for ssh command|
|Debian |debian|
|Ubuntu| ubuntu|
|Centos| centos|
For details, refer to [the official documentation](
## Setup Router gateway (Required only for GROUP projects!!)
{{< hint danger >}}
If you have [GROUP](/cloud/register/#group-project) project, you need to configure
Router gateway for your network. [Here](/cloud/network/#setup-router-gateway-required-for-group-projects) you can find the manual.
## Associate Floating IP
{{< hint danger >}}
To make an instance accessible from external networks (e.g., The Internet), a so-called Floating IP Address has to be
associated with it. [Here](/cloud/network/#associate-floating-ip) you can find the manual.
## Create Volume
When storing a large amount of data in a virtual machine instance, it is advisable to use a separate volume and not the
root file system containing the operating system. It adds flexibility and often prevents data loss. Volumes can be
attached and detached from instances at any time, their creation and deletion are managed separately from instances.
1. In **Project &gt; Volumes &gt; Volumes**, select **Create Volume**.
2. Provide name, description, and size in GBs. If not instructed otherwise, leave all other fields unchanged.
3. Click on **Create Volume**.
4. __(optional)__ In **Project &gt; Compute &gt; Instances**, select **Attach Volume** from the **Actions** drop-down menu for the
given instance.
5. __(optional)__ Select **Volume ID** from the drop-down list and click **Attach Volume**.
For details, refer to [the official documentation](
## Instance resize
If you find out that you need to select another flavor for your instance, here is a tutorial on how to do it:
Before resizing u should save all your unsaved work and you should also consider making data backup in case if something goes wrong.
First, you must go to your instance and then you select **Resize Instance**
After that, you select what flavor you want instead of your current one and then you confirm your choice
Then you just have to either confirm or revert selected changes in the instance menu
title: "How to Get Access"
date: 2021-05-18T11:22:35+02:00
draft: false
weight: -80
- /register
Access to MetaCentrum Cloud is granted to users with active accounts in
one of the following identity federations
* __EGI Check-in__`*`,
* __ELIXIR AAI__`*`.
* __DEEP AAI__`*`.
Users from the Czech academic community should always use the `EINFRA CESNET`
identity provider, unless instructed otherwise by user support.
Identity providers marked with `*` should only be used by international
communities with explicitly negotiated resource allocations.
MetaCentrum Cloud provides the following ways for allocating resources
* __personal project__,
* __group project__.
## Personal Project
A personal project goal is to gain cloud environment knowledge, resource allocation quotas can not be increased.
{{< hint danger >}}
A personal project resource allocation quotas can not be increased.
Personal projects are available automatically to all users of the Czech
e-infrastructure for science, development, and education.
To register, follow instructions for
[registration in the MetaCentrum VO](
Personal projects are intended as a low-barrier entry
into the infrastructure for testing and exploration of features. Any
serious resource usage requires the use of a group project, see below.
The following already established terms and conditions apply
* [Terms and Conditions for Access to the CESNET e-infrastructure](
* [MetaCentrum End User Statement and Usage Rules](
* [Appreciation Formula / Acknowlegement in Publications](
* [Account Validity](
* [Annual Report](
## Group Project
{{< hint info >}}
Preferred way to request new <a href="">GROUP</a> project is through this online application form: <a href=""></a>
Group projects are the primary resource allocation unit for MetaCentrum Cloud.
Any user or a group of users requiring a non-trivial amount of resources must
request a group project using [this form]( and provide the following basic information:
* __name of the project__,
* __purpose of the project__,
* __contact information__,
* __amount and type of requested resources__ _[(please read first)](/cloud/faq/#how-many-floating-ips-does-my-group-project-need)_,
* __impact would the service have on unavailability for 1h, 1d, 1w__,
* __estimated length of the project__,
* __access control information__ _[(info)](#get-access-control-information)_.
## Increase quotas for existing group project
To request quota increase or access to particular [flavor](/cloud/flavors), please use [this form](
## Get access control information
__Access control__ is based on information provided by the selected identity federation
and is presented in the form of a VO name and, optionally, a group name. Every user
with active membership in the specified VO/group will have full access to all resources
of the requested group project. Membership is managed with tools provided by the selected
identity federation, in a self-service manner.
If you already have VO/group, and already using services
provided by the __CESNET e-Infrastructure__ e.g. MetaCentrum, Data Care,
or you represent a project internal to __Masaryk University__,
please visit OpenID Connect User Profile according to your federation:
- [EGI](
and provide us with information that you see on the page. That is going to be __access control information__.
If you don't have VO/group or you know nothing about it, please contact the MUNI Identity Management team
to create a new group within the Unified Login service.
In the request, describe that you need a group for accessing MetaCentrum Cloud and provide the following information:
* Project/group name
* Project members
After creating a group, you will be provided with a graphical interface for managing group members within the Perun system.
And you will be able to make further adjustments to the member list on your own.
title: "Terms of Service"
date: 2021-07-21T09:22:35+02:00
draft: false
weight: 200
disableToc: true
### *The following documents describe your rights and responsibilities as a user of MetaCentrum Cloud.*
- Terms and conditions for the access to the CESNET e-infrastructure: [EN]( | [CZ](
- NGI MetaCentrum - Rules of Use: [EN]( | [CZ](
- Masaryk University Directive No. 10/2017 Use of information technology: [EN]( | [CZ](
### *Beside mentioned document, following rules and information apply.*
#### Backups
- We are not responsible for any data loss.
- Users are responsible for making backups.
#### Floating IPs
- Allocated PERSONAL scope addresses that are not assigned to any VM are deallocated daily.
- Allocated GROUP scope addresses that are not assigned to any VM can be deallocated after 3 months.
title: "Cloud Tools"
date: 2021-05-18T11:22:35+02:00
draft: false
weight: 100
disableToc: true
On this address []( you can find a docker container with all modules required for cloud management if you are interested in managing your cloud platform via CLI. If so, you can check our guide on how to use the CLI cloud interface [here](/cloud/cli/).

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