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title: "Manage Volumes"
date: 2022-03-17T14:37:00+02:00
draft: false
weight: 100
disableToc: false
When storing a large amount of data in a virtual machine instance, it is advisable to use a separate volume and not the
root file system containing the operating system. It adds flexibility and often prevents data loss. Volumes can be
attached and detached from instances at any time, their creation and deletion are managed separately from instances.
## Creating volume
__1.__ In **Project > Volumes > Volumes**, select **Create Volume**.
__2.__ Provide name, description, and size in GBs. If not instructed otherwise, leave all other fields unchanged and click on **Create Volume**.
__3.__ __(optional)__ In **Project > Compute > Instances**, select **Attach Volume** from the **Actions** menu for the
given instance.
__4.__ __(optional)__ Select **Volume ID** from the drop-down list and click **Attach Volume**.
For details, refer to [the official documentation](
## Backups
It is possible to create volume snapshots or backups. In this guide we will focus on volume backups. When creating a backup it is recommended to turn off the instance if possible to prevent data errors.
### Creating volume backup
__1.__ __(optional)__ In **Project > Compute > Instances** Turn off the affected instance.
__2.__ In **Project > Volumes > Volumes** open the **Actions** menu of selected volume an select **Create Backup**.
__3.__ Specify Backup Name and optional information and press **Create Volume Backup**
__3.__ Wait for the Backup to be created, it will be then stored in **Project > Volumes > Backups**.
### Restoring volume backup
__1.__ __(optional)__ In **Project > Compute > Instances** Turn off the affected instance.
__2.__ In **Project > Volumes > Backups** open the **Actions** menu of selected backup an select **Restore Backup**.
__3.__ Wait for the Backup to be restored.
## Volume resize
We can distinghuish two types of volumes, namely
- Attachable volumes: additional volumes that don't contain the system image and the VM can startup without their presence.
- System volumes: The boot image must be always present.
### Resizing attachable volume
When working with volumes, we highly recommend to always make a [volume backup](#creating-volume-backup) before any operations with the volume.
__1.__ Turn off the instance in **Project > Compute > Instances**.
__2.__ Detach the volume from the instance in **Project > Volumes > Volumes**. On selected volume open the **Actions** menu and select **Manage Attachments**
__3.__ Select **Detach Volume** and confirm.
__4.__ Open the **Actions** menu again an select **Extend Volume**.
__5.__ Specify new size of the volume and press **Extend Volume**.
__6.__ Attach the volume back to the instance via **Manage Attachments**.
__7.__ Verify correct mounting of the volume in the instance.
### Resizing system volume
Resizing the system volume is not possible. It is however possible to create a backup of the system volume, make necessary changes and deploy new VM with the modified volume.
__1.__ Turn off the instance in **Project > Compute > Instances**.
__2.__ First [create a volume backup](#creating-volume-backup).
__3.__ Next [restore volume backup](#restoring-volume-backup), this will create a copy volume that can be attached to new instance.
__4.__ In **Project > Volumes > Volumes** find created backup volume, its name should begin with restore_backup and in the **Actions** menu select **Extend Volume**.
__5.__ Specify new volume size and press **Extend Volume**.
__6.__ In **Actions** menu select **Launch as Instance** and deploy a new instance with this volume, or if you need to make additional changes to the volume, you can attach it to another instance via **Manage Attachments**.
title: "Accessing Windows instance"
date: 2021-05-18T11:22:35+02:00
draft: false
disableToc: true
Windows host system allows RDP access allowed for the `Administrators` group. By default there are two users in this group:
- Admin - the password for this account is defined by `admin_pass` OpenStack instance metadata, if no value is entered for this key, a random password is generated. (could be used for orchestration).
- Administrator - the password must be filled after instantiation of the system.
The next step is to create a security group, that will allow access to a port `3389` ([RDP protocol]( for the instance.
We recommend disabling those accounts, creating new ones to administer Windows instances in any production environment.
# Licensing
- We are not currently supporting Windows licensing. License responsibility for Windows is entirely up to the user.
# Advanced users
- You may use all features of [cloudbase-init]( for Windows.
- Windows Server [hardening guidelines](
{{ if not (.Params.disableToc) }}
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<i style="position: relative; left: 3px"> <h3>Table of Contents</h3></i>
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<li><span class="flex"><a class="gdoc-nav__entry " href="/cloud/news/">News</a></span></li>
<li><span class="flex"><a class="gdoc-nav__entry " href="/cloud/about/">About Metacentrum cloud</a></span></li>
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<li><span class="flex"><a class="gdoc-nav__entry " href="/cloud/gpus">GPUs</a></span></li>
<li><span class="flex"><a class="gdoc-nav__entry " href="/cloud/project-expiration/">Project Expiration Policy</a></span></li>
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{{ range . }}
{{ if (findRE "^\\d+$" .) }}
<td class="numeric">{{ . }}</td>
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The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2021 Robert Kaussow
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
# Geekdoc
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Geekdoc is a simple Hugo theme for documentations. It is intentionally designed as a fast and lean theme and may not fit the requirements of complex projects. If a more feature-complete theme is required there are a lot of got alternatives out there. You can find a demo and the full documentation at [](
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## Build and release process
This theme is subject to a CI driven build and release process common for software development. During the release build, all necessary assets are automatically built by [gulp]( and bundled in a release tarball. You can download the latest release from the GitHub [release page](
Due to the fact that `gulp` is used as pre-processor the theme cannot be used from the main branch by default. If you want to use the theme from a cloned branch instead of a release tarball you'll need to install `gulp` locally and run the default pipeline once to create all required assets.
# install required packages from package.json
npm install
# run gulp pipeline to build required assets
npx gulp default
See the [Getting Started Guide]( for details about the different setup options.
## Contributors
Special thanks goes to all [contributors]( If you would like to contribute,
please see the [instructions](
Geekdoc is inspired and partially based on the [hugo-book]( theme, thanks [Alex Shpak]( for your work.
## License
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE]( file for details.
The used SVG icons and generated icon fonts are licensed under the license of the respective icon pack:
- Font Awesome: [CC BY 4.0 License](
- IcoMoon Free Pack: [GPL/CC BY 4.0](
- Material Icons: [Apache License 2.0](
title: "{{ .Name | humanize | title }}"
weight: 1
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# geekdocHidden: false
title: "{{ replace .Name "-" " " | title }}"
date: {{ .Date }}
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* Creates links to given fields and either returns them in an array or attaches them to a target element
* @param {Object} fields Page to which the link should point to
* @param {HTMLElement} target Element to which the links should be attatched
* @returns {Array} If target is not specified, returns an array of built links
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function fetchErrors(response) {
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throw Error(response.statusText);
return response;
function getJson(src, callback) {
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.then(json => callback(json))
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map.set(page.doc.href, true);
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"content": {{ $page.Plain | jsonify }}
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