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SimpleSAMLphp module for getting user identity from REMOTE_USER or SSL_CLIENT_S_CERT variables
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Module for simpleSAMLphp which shows Proxy IdP/SP statistics
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🐟 OTP Two Factor Authentication Module for simpleSAMLphp to run with privacyIDEAUpdated -
Module for displaying users warning about unauthorized access to the services
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Module which allows simpleSAMLphp to get data from Perun
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SimpleSAMLphp IdP template for LifeScience AAI local accounts IdP (previously known as hostel)
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Template for ELIXIR AAI Proxy IdP component
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Template for CESNET eInfra Proxy IdP component
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Template for CEITEC AAI Proxy IdP component
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Template for BBMRI AAI Proxy IdP component
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SimpleSAMLphp is an award-winning application written in native PHP that deals with authentication.
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PHP client to help with development of plugins for the privacyIDEA authentication server