Steps to be done before new release:
# Release Cycle
* [ ] Create issue `Release yy.mm` in the [kypo-crp-deployment](https://gitlab.ics.muni.cz/muni-kypo-crp/devops/kypo-crp-deployment/-/issues) and set the proper tags of the services.
1. Create a [new milestone](https://gitlab.ics.muni.cz/groups/muni-kypo-crp/-/milestones/new) with the title in format `YYYY.MM.Index` - year, month, and the index of the release within that month.
* [ ] Deploy the KYPO instance on the stagging and check that all services are running.
* [ ] Open the related [milestone](https://gitlab.ics.muni.cz/groups/muni-kypo-crp/-/milestones) and go through the issues, check if they are resolved in the deployed KYPO instance. If so, close the issue.
Assign as many issues as you can resolve up to the release date.
* [ ] Check if the documentation is up to date. |
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2. Create a [new issue](https://gitlab.ics.muni.cz/muni-kypo-crp/devops/kypo-crp-deployment/-/issues/new?issue%5Bassignee_id%5D=&issue%5Bmilestone_id%5D=) with the title in format `Release YY.MM` - year, month, and optionally the index of the release within that month.
Copy the necessary steps of the following description into the new issue.
Update Docker image tags of all KYPO microservices in the file [kypo-crp-deployment/provisioning/group_vars/all.yml](https://gitlab.ics.muni.cz/muni-kypo-crp/devops/kypo-crp-deployment/-/blob/master/provisioning/group_vars/all.yml).
* [ ] Java:
* [user-and-group](https://gitlab.ics.muni.cz/muni-kypo-crp/backend-java/kypo2-user-and-group)
* [training](https://gitlab.ics.muni.cz/muni-kypo-crp/backend-java/kypo2-training)
* [adaptive training](https://gitlab.ics.muni.cz/muni-kypo-crp/backend-java/kypo-adaptive-training)
* [elasticsearch](https://gitlab.ics.muni.cz/muni-kypo-crp/backend-java/kypo-elasticsearch-service)
* [smart assistant](https://gitlab.ics.muni.cz/muni-kypo-crp/backend-java/kypo-adaptive-smart-assistant)
* [ ] Python:
* [sandbox service](https://gitlab.ics.muni.cz/muni-kypo-crp/backend-python/kypo-sandbox-service)
* [ansible runner](https://gitlab.ics.muni.cz/muni-kypo-crp/backend-python/kypo-ansible-runner)
* [ ] Angular:
* [trainings](https://gitlab.ics.muni.cz/muni-kypo-crp/frontend-angular/kypo2-trainings)
**TODO**: We could create a template for this issue.
Assign this issue to all group leaders and let them do the integration and testing using the local Vagrant/VirtualBox KYPO instance.
3. Once the release branch is ready to be merged, deploy the KYPO instance on the staging server and check whether the KYPO CRP works properly.
4. Go through the related [milestone](https://gitlab.ics.muni.cz/groups/muni-kypo-crp/-/milestones) and check if the issues are resolved in the deployed KYPO instance. If so, close the issue. If not, report the issue to the responsible group leader.
5. Check if the documentation is up to date.
6. Once everything is ready to be released, create release tags in format `YY.MM` from tags previously specified in the file [kypo-crp-deployment/provisioning/group_vars/all.yml](https://gitlab.ics.muni.cz/muni-kypo-crp/devops/kypo-crp-deployment/-/blob/master/provisioning/group_vars/all.yml) and again update the file with release tags.
* Java:
* [user-and-group](https://gitlab.ics.muni.cz/muni-kypo-crp/backend-java/kypo2-user-and-group/-/tags/new)
* [training](https://gitlab.ics.muni.cz/muni-kypo-crp/backend-java/kypo2-training/-/tags/new)
* [adaptive training](https://gitlab.ics.muni.cz/muni-kypo-crp/backend-java/kypo-adaptive-training/-/tags/new)
* [elasticsearch](https://gitlab.ics.muni.cz/muni-kypo-crp/backend-java/kypo-elasticsearch-service/-/tags/new)
* [smart assistant](https://gitlab.ics.muni.cz/muni-kypo-crp/backend-java/kypo-adaptive-smart-assistant/-/tags/new)
* Python:
* [sandbox service](https://gitlab.ics.muni.cz/muni-kypo-crp/backend-python/kypo-sandbox-service/-/tags/new)
* [ansible runner](https://gitlab.ics.muni.cz/muni-kypo-crp/backend-python/kypo-ansible-runner/-/tags/new)
* Angular:
* [trainings](https://gitlab.ics.muni.cz/muni-kypo-crp/frontend-angular/kypo2-trainings/-/tags/new)
Squeeze the group leaders hard enough so that they'll produce changelogs of their microservices and add them to the tags release notes in the following format.
# Version YY.MM
Month DD, YYYY
# Changelog
* Change one.
7. Finally, merge the release issue and create a release tag on the [deployment project](https://gitlab.ics.muni.cz/muni-kypo-crp/devops/kypo-crp-deployment/-/tags/new) in the same format as the others `YY.MM`.
For release notes, compose a changelog from all the previous changelogs and optionally changelog for the deployment project.
Also, mention any potential issues with upgrading from the previous KYPO CRP version. |
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