... | @@ -57,15 +57,15 @@ |
... | @@ -57,15 +57,15 @@ |


**Note**: Optionally you can select **redeploy-stage**, which will first destroy all related cloud resources, including KYPO Head, and start from scratch. Do not use this option too frequently. We have a limit on certificate generation.
**Note**: Optionally, you can select **redeploy-stage**, which will first destroy all related cloud resources, including KYPO Head, and start from scratch.
6. Wait until the new version of the KYPO CRP instance is deployed.
6. Wait until the new version of the KYPO CRP instance is deployed.
5. Inform others about deployed KYPO instance on staging server. Send a message to the channel KYPOLAB in MS Teams:
5. Inform others about the deployed KYPO instance on the staging server. Send a message to the channel KYPOLAB in MS Teams:
**KYPOLAB** na stránke **https://stage.crp.kypo.muni.cz** sa nachádza náhľad na release `YY.MM`. Prosím vás skontrolujte, že všetky zmeny, ktoré ste požadovali/nahlásili sú implementované, nasadné a fungujú podľa vašich predstáv.
**KYPOLAB** na stránce **https://stage.crp.kypo.muni.cz** je k dispozici release `YY.MM`. Prosím zkontrolujte, že všechny požadované změny jsou implementované, nasazené a fungují.
Inštancia obsahuje nasledujúcich používateľov:
Instance obsahuje následující uživatele:
- name: user1
- name: user1
password: gD10ZENn0T
password: gD10ZENn0T
... | @@ -73,15 +73,15 @@ |
... | @@ -73,15 +73,15 @@ |
password: vgcBNtpD6S
password: vgcBNtpD6S
Nastavil som nasledujúce práva:
Nastavená jsou nasledující práva:
* All Mighty Users - user1, user2, user3
* All Mighty Users - user1, user2, user3
* Instructor - user4, user5, user6
* Instructor - user4, user5, user6
* Trainee - user7, user8, user9, user10
* Trainee - user7, user8, user9, user10
Pokiaľ sa prihlásite pomocou MUNI OIDC a chcete si nastaviť iné práva ako trainee, využite jedného z All Mighty users.
Pokud se přihlásíte pomocí MUNI OIDC a chcete přiřadit jiná práva než jen trainee, využite jednoho z All Mighty users.
6. Go through the related [milestone](https://gitlab.ics.muni.cz/groups/muni-kypo-crp/-/milestones) and check if the issues are resolved in the deployed KYPO instance. If so, write the following comment.
6. Go through the related [milestone](https://gitlab.ics.muni.cz/groups/muni-kypo-crp/-/milestones) and check that all the issues are resolved in the deployed KYPO instance. If so, write the following comment.
Verified on staging instance of KYPO CRP release YY.MM.
Verified on staging instance of KYPO CRP release YY.MM.
... | @@ -89,11 +89,11 @@ |
... | @@ -89,11 +89,11 @@ |
The feature/bug/issue has been implemented/fixed/resolved in the project {link to the project} tag X.Y.Z.
The feature/bug/issue has been implemented/fixed/resolved in the project {link to the project} tag X.Y.Z.
And close the issue. If not, report the issue to the responsible group leader and go back to the previous step.
Then close the issue. If not, report the issue to the responsible group leader and return to the previous step.
7. Check if the documentation is up to date.
7. Check if the documentation is up to date.
8. Once everything is ready to be released, create release tags in format `YY.MM` from tags previously specified in the file [kypo-crp-deployment/provisioning/group_vars/all.yml](https://gitlab.ics.muni.cz/muni-kypo-crp/devops/kypo-crp-deployment/-/blob/master/provisioning/group_vars/all.yml) and again update the file with release tags.
8. Once everything is ready to be released, create release tags in the format `YY.MM` from tags previously specified in the file [kypo-crp-deployment/provisioning/group_vars/all.yml](https://gitlab.ics.muni.cz/muni-kypo-crp/devops/kypo-crp-deployment/-/blob/master/provisioning/group_vars/all.yml) and again update the file with release tags.
* Java:
* Java:
* [user-and-group](https://gitlab.ics.muni.cz/muni-kypo-crp/backend-java/kypo-user-and-group/-/tags/new)
* [user-and-group](https://gitlab.ics.muni.cz/muni-kypo-crp/backend-java/kypo-user-and-group/-/tags/new)
... | @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ |
... | @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ |
* Angular:
* Angular:
* [trainings](https://gitlab.ics.muni.cz/muni-kypo-crp/frontend-angular/kypo2-trainings/-/tags/new)
* [trainings](https://gitlab.ics.muni.cz/muni-kypo-crp/frontend-angular/kypo2-trainings/-/tags/new)
Squeeze the group leaders hard enough so that they'll produce changelogs of their microservices and add them to the tags release notes in the following format.
~~Squeeze~~ Ask the group leaders ~~hard enough so that they'll produce~~ for changelogs of their microservices and add them to the tags release notes in the following format.
# Version YY.MM
# Version YY.MM
... | @@ -152,15 +152,14 @@ |
... | @@ -152,15 +152,14 @@ |
10. Inform others about a new release of KYPO CRP. Send a message to the channel KYPOLAB in MS Teams:
10. Inform others about a new release of KYPO CRP. Send a message to the channel KYPOLAB in MS Teams:
**KYPOLAB** všetko potrebné je otagované.
**KYPOLAB** vše potřebné je otagované.
Release YY.MM máme tu: { link to kypo-crp-deployment with tag `YY.MM` }
Release YY.MM: { link to kypo-crp-deployment with tag `YY.MM` }
Venujte prosím pozornosť sekcii **Upgrading from the previous version**, v ktorej sú obsiahnuté dôležité informácie pri prechode z predcházdajúcej verzie na novú.
Věnujte prosím pozornost sekci **Upgrading from the previous version**, ve které jsou obsažené důležité informace při přechodu na novou verzi.
Ďalšie zmeny:
Další změny:
11. Contact Martin Horák who will create a tweet that we have released a new version of the KYPO CRP. Provide him a release notes mainly the list of new features and their usage. |
11. Contact Martin Horák, who will create a tweet that we have released a new version of the KYPO CRP. Provide him with release notes, mainly the list of new features and their usage. |
\ No newline at end of file |
\ No newline at end of file |