Authorization implemented - group section
Created by: xkureck
Description of roles in perun: Where to find policies what needs to be used: perun-roles.yml in perun repository(backend) What needs to be done: In entity-overview hide items that user dont have role to see them - what does that means - eg. - vo - application item - user shouldnt have see that item if he doesnt have the authority to call the method getApplication(example) Same rules are applicated to side-menu. Also check the entity description(there could be link into the user detail or facility detail) and you must check if that link should be available.
Then when we go to the eg. vo-groups page we agreed on:
- button - create/add - this should be easy look on vo-groups button add, I already did an example how to do that
- button - remove/delete - when checking/unchecking the select checkbox in the table always check if the user have the authority to delete this group and if dont make the delete button disabled and make the tooltip on that button say that he doesnt have the priviledge to delete some of the selected groups.
- clicking on the detail of the entity - always check on first entity in the list if the user have priviledge to go into the detail of entity. There is example in vo-groups.
Your fake account that you have created use for the testing if your solution works. If that wouldnt work there would be PerunPriviledge exception notification showing up.