diff --git a/tests/modules/core/lib/Auth/Source/Auth_Source_SP_Test.php b/tests/modules/core/lib/Auth/Source/Auth_Source_SP_Test.php
deleted file mode 100644
index d91bdff3c1fc13701720600301f40c7189cd9d5d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tests/modules/core/lib/Auth/Source/Auth_Source_SP_Test.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-// Custom Exception to throw to terminate a TestCase
-class ExitTestException extends Exception {
-    private $testResult;
-    public function __construct($testResult) {
-        parent::__construct("ExitTestException", 0, null);
-        $this->testResult = $testResult;
-    }
-    function getTestResult() {
-        return $this->testResult;
-    }
-/* Wrap the SSP sspmod_saml_Auth_Source_SP class
-   - Use introspection to make startSSO2Test available
-   - Override sendSAML2AuthnRequest() to catch the AuthnRequest being sent
-class sspmod_saml_Auth_Source_SP_Tester extends \sspmod_saml_Auth_Source_SP
-    public function __construct($info, $config) {
-        parent::__construct($info, $config);
-    }
-    public function startSSO2Test(SimpleSAML_Configuration $idpMetadata, array $state) {
-        $reflector = new ReflectionObject($this);
-        $method=$reflector->getMethod('startSSO2');
-        $method->setAccessible(true);
-        $method->invoke($this, $idpMetadata, $state);
-    }
-    // Override
-    public function sendSAML2AuthnRequest(array &$state, SAML2_Binding $binding, SAML2_AuthnRequest $ar) {
-        // Exit test. Continuing would mean running into a assert(FALSE)
-        throw new ExitTestException(
-            array(
-                'state' => $state,
-                'binding' => $binding,
-                'ar' => $ar,
-            )
-        );
-    }
-class Auth_Source_SP_Test extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
-    private $idpMetadata = NULL;
-    private $idpConfigArray = array(
-        'metadata-set' => 'saml20-idp-remote',
-        'entityid' => 'https://engine.surfconext.nl/authentication/idp/metadata',
-        'SingleSignOnService' =>
-            array (
-                0 =>
-                    array (
-                        'Binding' => 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect',
-                        'Location' => 'https://engine.surfconext.nl/authentication/idp/single-sign-on',
-                    ),
-            ),
-        'keys' =>
-            array (
-                0 =>
-                    array (
-                        'encryption' => false,
-                        'signing' => true,
-                        'type' => 'X509Certificate',
-                    ),
-            ),
-    );
-    private function getIdpMetadata() {
-        if (!$this->idpMetadata) {
-            $this->idpMetadata = new SimpleSAML_Configuration($this->idpConfigArray, 'Auth_Source_SP_Test::getIdpMetadata()');
-        }
-        return $this->idpMetadata;
-    }
-    /** Create a SAML AuthnRequest using sspmod_saml_Auth_Source_SP
-     * @param $state State Array to use in the test. This is an array of the Parameters described in section 2 of
-     *               https://simplesamlphp.org/docs/development/saml:sp
-     * @return SAML2_AuthnRequest
-     */
-    private function CreateAuthnRequest($state = array()) {
-        $info=array( 'AuthId' => 'default-sp' );
-        $config=array();
-        $as = new \sspmod_saml_Auth_Source_SP_Tester($info, $config);
-        /** @var SAML2_AuthnRequest $ar */
-        $ar=NULL;
-        try {
-            $as->startSSO2Test($this->getIdpMetadata(), $state);
-            $this->assertTrue(FALSE, 'Expected ExitTestException');
-        }
-        catch (ExitTestException $e) {
-            $r = $e->getTestResult();
-            $ar = $r['ar'];
-        }
-        return $ar;
-    }
-    /** Test generating a authnrequest
-     * @test **/
-    public function TestAuthnRequest() {
-        /** @var SAML2_AuthnRequest $ar */
-        $ar = $this->CreateAuthnRequest();
-        // Assert values in the generated AuthnRequest
-        /** @var $xml DOMElement */
-        $xml=$ar->toSignedXML();
-        // echo $xml->ownerDocument->saveXML($xml);  // Print XML
-        $q=SAML2_Utils::xpQuery($xml, '/samlp:AuthnRequest/@Destination');
-        $this->assertEquals(
-            $this->idpConfigArray['SingleSignOnService'][0]['Location'],
-            $q[0]->value);
-        $q=SAML2_Utils::xpQuery($xml, '/samlp:AuthnRequest/saml:Issuer');
-        $this->assertEquals(
-            'http://localhost/simplesaml/module.php/saml/sp/metadata.php/default-sp',
-            $q[0]->textContent);
-    }
-    /** Test setting a Subject
-      * @test **/
-    public function TestNameID() {
-        $state=array(
-            'saml:NameID' => array('Value' => 'user@example.org', 'Format' => SAML2_Const::NAMEID_UNSPECIFIED)
-        );
-        /** @var SAML2_AuthnRequest $ar */
-        $ar = $this->CreateAuthnRequest($state);
-        $nameID=$ar->getNameId();
-        $this->assertEquals($state['saml:NameID']['Value'], $nameID['Value']);
-        $this->assertEquals($state['saml:NameID']['Format'], $nameID['Format']);
-        /** @var $xml DOMElement */
-        $xml=$ar->toSignedXML();
-        //echo $xml->ownerDocument->saveXML($xml);  // Print XML
-        $q=SAML2_Utils::xpQuery($xml, '/samlp:AuthnRequest/saml:Subject/saml:NameID/@Format');
-        $this->assertEquals(
-            $state['saml:NameID']['Format'],
-            $q[0]->value);
-        $q=SAML2_Utils::xpQuery($xml, '/samlp:AuthnRequest/saml:Subject/saml:NameID');
-        $this->assertEquals(
-            $state['saml:NameID']['Value'],
-            $q[0]->textContent);
-    }
-    /** Test setting an AuthnConextClassRef
-      * @test **/
-    public function TestAuthnContextClassRef() {
-        $state=array(
-            'saml:AuthnContextClassRef' => 'http://example.com/myAuthnContextClassRef'
-        );
-        /** @var SAML2_AuthnRequest $ar */
-        $ar = $this->CreateAuthnRequest($state);
-        $a=$ar->getRequestedAuthnContext();
-        $this->assertEquals(
-            $state['saml:AuthnContextClassRef'],
-            $a['AuthnContextClassRef'][0] );
-        /** @var $xml DOMElement */
-        $xml=$ar->toSignedXML();
-        //echo $xml->ownerDocument->saveXML($xml);  // Print XML
-        $q=SAML2_Utils::xpQuery($xml, '/samlp:AuthnRequest/samlp:RequestedAuthnContext/saml:AuthnContextClassRef');
-        $this->assertEquals(
-            $state['saml:AuthnContextClassRef'],
-            $q[0]->textContent);
-    }
-    /** Test setting ForcedAuthn
-     * @test **/
-    public function TestForcedAuthn() {
-        $state=array(
-            'ForceAuthn' => true
-        );
-        /** @var SAML2_AuthnRequest $ar */
-        $ar = $this->CreateAuthnRequest($state);
-        $this->assertEquals(
-            $state['ForceAuthn'],
-            $ar->getForceAuthn() );
-        /** @var $xml DOMElement */
-        $xml=$ar->toSignedXML();
-        //echo $xml->ownerDocument->saveXML($xml);  // Print XML
-        $q=SAML2_Utils::xpQuery($xml, '/samlp:AuthnRequest/@ForceAuthn');
-        $this->assertEquals(
-            $state['ForceAuthn'] ? 'true' : 'false',
-            $q[0]->value);
-    }
diff --git a/tests/modules/saml/lib/Auth/Source/Auth_Source_SP_Test.php b/tests/modules/saml/lib/Auth/Source/Auth_Source_SP_Test.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bfa81b4efb2b1a3316feb9c60777a2136e1a5ab3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/modules/saml/lib/Auth/Source/Auth_Source_SP_Test.php
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+ * Custom Exception to throw to terminate a TestCase.
+ */
+class ExitTestException extends Exception
+    private $testResult;
+    public function __construct($testResult)
+    {
+        parent::__construct("ExitTestException", 0, null);
+        $this->testResult = $testResult;
+    }
+    public function getTestResult()
+    {
+        return $this->testResult;
+    }
+ * Wrap the SSP sspmod_saml_Auth_Source_SP class
+ * - Use introspection to make startSSO2Test available
+ * - Override sendSAML2AuthnRequest() to catch the AuthnRequest being sent
+ */
+class sspmod_saml_Auth_Source_SP_Tester extends \sspmod_saml_Auth_Source_SP
+    public function __construct($info, $config)
+    {
+        parent::__construct($info, $config);
+    }
+    public function startSSO2Test(SimpleSAML_Configuration $idpMetadata, array $state)
+    {
+        $reflector = new ReflectionObject($this);
+        $method = $reflector->getMethod('startSSO2');
+        $method->setAccessible(true);
+        $method->invoke($this, $idpMetadata, $state);
+    }
+    // override the method that sends the request to avoid sending anything
+    public function sendSAML2AuthnRequest(array &$state, SAML2_Binding $binding, SAML2_AuthnRequest $ar)
+    {
+        // Exit test. Continuing would mean running into a assert(FALSE)
+        throw new ExitTestException(
+            array(
+                'state'   => $state,
+                'binding' => $binding,
+                'ar'      => $ar,
+            )
+        );
+    }
+ * Set of test cases for sspmod_saml_Auth_Source_SP.
+ */
+class Auth_Source_SP_Test extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
+    private $idpMetadata = null;
+    private $idpConfigArray;
+    private function getIdpMetadata()
+    {
+        if (!$this->idpMetadata) {
+            $this->idpMetadata = new SimpleSAML_Configuration(
+                $this->idpConfigArray,
+                'Auth_Source_SP_Test::getIdpMetadata()'
+            );
+        }
+        return $this->idpMetadata;
+    }
+    protected function setUp()
+    {
+        $this->idpConfigArray = array(
+            'metadata-set'        => 'saml20-idp-remote',
+            'entityid'            => 'https://engine.surfconext.nl/authentication/idp/metadata',
+            'SingleSignOnService' => array(
+                array(
+                    'Binding'  => 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect',
+                    'Location' => 'https://engine.surfconext.nl/authentication/idp/single-sign-on',
+                ),
+            ),
+            'keys'                => array(
+                array(
+                    'encryption'      => false,
+                    'signing'         => true,
+                    'type'            => 'X509Certificate',
+                    'X509Certificate' =>
+                        'YDVQQDDB1lbmdpbmUuc3VyZmNvbmV4dC5ubCAyMDE0MDUwNTAeFw0xNDA1MDUxNDIyMzVaFw0xOTA1MDUxNDIyMzVaMIG'.
+                        'LlYuMRMwEQYDVQQLDApTVVJGY29uZXh0MSYwJAYDVQQDDB1lbmdpbmUuc3VyZmNvbmV4dC5ubCAyMDE0MDUwNTCCASIwD'.
+                        'QYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAKthMDbB0jKHefPzmRu9t2h7iLP4wAXr42bHpjzTEk6gttHFb4l/hFiz1Y'.
+                        'BI88TjiH6hVjnozo/YHA2c51us+Y7g0XoS7653lbUN/EHzvDMuyis4Xi2Ijf1A/OUQfH1iFUWttIgtWK9+fatXoGUS6ti'.
+                        'rQvrzVh6ZstEp1xbpo1SF6UoVl+fh7tM81qz+Crr/Kroan0UjpZOFTwxPoK6fdLgMAieKSCRmBGpbJHbQ2xxbdykBBrBb'.
+                        'dfzIX4CDepfjE9h/40ldw5jRn3e392jrS6htk23N9BWWrpBT5QCk0kH3h/6F1Dm6TkyG9CDtt73/anuRkvXbeygI4wml9'.
+                        'bL3rE8CAwEAAaNQME4wHQYDVR0OBBYEFD+Ac7akFxaMhBQAjVfvgGfY8hNKMB8GA1UdIwQYMBaAFD+Ac7akFxaMhBQAjV'.
+                        'fvgGfY8hNKMAwGA1UdEwQFMAMBAf8wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBAC8L9D67CxIhGo5aGVu63WqRHBNOdo/FAGI7LUR'.
+                        'DFeRmG5nRw/VXzJLGJksh4FSkx7aPrxNWF1uFiDZ80EuYQuIv7bDLblK31ZEbdg1R9LgiZCdYSr464I7yXQY9o6FiNtSK'.
+                        'ZkQO8EsscJPPy/Zp4uHAnADWACkOUHiCbcKiUUFu66dX0Wr/v53Gekz487GgVRs8HEeT9MU1reBKRgdENR8PNg4rbQfLc'.
+                        '3YQKLWK7yWnn/RenjDpuCiePj8N8/80tGgrNgK/6fzM3zI18sSywnXLswxqDb/J+jgVxnQ6MrsTf1urM8MnfcxG/82oHI'.
+                        'wfMh/sXPCZpo+DTLkhQxctJ3M=',
+                ),
+            ),
+        );
+    }
+    /** Create a SAML AuthnRequest using sspmod_saml_Auth_Source_SP
+     *
+     * @param array $state The state array to use in the test. This is an array of the parameters described in section
+     * 2 of https://simplesamlphp.org/docs/development/saml:sp
+     *
+     * @return SAML2_AuthnRequest The AuthnRequest generated.
+     */
+    private function createAuthnRequest($state = array())
+    {
+        $info = array('AuthId' => 'default-sp');
+        $config = array();
+        $as = new \sspmod_saml_Auth_Source_SP_Tester($info, $config);
+        /** @var SAML2_AuthnRequest $ar */
+        $ar = null;
+        try {
+            $as->startSSO2Test($this->getIdpMetadata(), $state);
+            $this->assertTrue(false, 'Expected ExitTestException');
+        } catch (ExitTestException $e) {
+            $r = $e->getTestResult();
+            $ar = $r['ar'];
+        }
+        return $ar;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test generating an AuthnRequest
+     * @test
+     */
+    public function testAuthnRequest()
+    {
+        /** @var SAML2_AuthnRequest $ar */
+        $ar = $this->createAuthnRequest();
+        // Assert values in the generated AuthnRequest
+        /** @var $xml DOMElement */
+        $xml = $ar->toSignedXML();
+        $q = SAML2_Utils::xpQuery($xml, '/samlp:AuthnRequest/@Destination');
+        $this->assertEquals(
+            $this->idpConfigArray['SingleSignOnService'][0]['Location'],
+            $q[0]->value
+        );
+        $q = SAML2_Utils::xpQuery($xml, '/samlp:AuthnRequest/saml:Issuer');
+        $this->assertEquals(
+            'http://localhost/simplesaml/module.php/saml/sp/metadata.php/default-sp',
+            $q[0]->textContent
+        );
+    }
+    /** Test setting a Subject
+     * @test *
+     */
+    public function testNameID()
+    {
+        $state = array(
+            'saml:NameID' => array('Value' => 'user@example.org', 'Format' => SAML2_Const::NAMEID_UNSPECIFIED)
+        );
+        /** @var SAML2_AuthnRequest $ar */
+        $ar = $this->createAuthnRequest($state);
+        $nameID = $ar->getNameId();
+        $this->assertEquals($state['saml:NameID']['Value'], $nameID['Value']);
+        $this->assertEquals($state['saml:NameID']['Format'], $nameID['Format']);
+        /** @var $xml DOMElement */
+        $xml = $ar->toSignedXML();
+        $q = SAML2_Utils::xpQuery($xml, '/samlp:AuthnRequest/saml:Subject/saml:NameID/@Format');
+        $this->assertEquals(
+            $state['saml:NameID']['Format'],
+            $q[0]->value
+        );
+        $q = SAML2_Utils::xpQuery($xml, '/samlp:AuthnRequest/saml:Subject/saml:NameID');
+        $this->assertEquals(
+            $state['saml:NameID']['Value'],
+            $q[0]->textContent
+        );
+    }
+    /** Test setting an AuthnConextClassRef
+     * @test *
+     */
+    public function testAuthnContextClassRef()
+    {
+        $state = array(
+            'saml:AuthnContextClassRef' => 'http://example.com/myAuthnContextClassRef'
+        );
+        /** @var SAML2_AuthnRequest $ar */
+        $ar = $this->createAuthnRequest($state);
+        $a = $ar->getRequestedAuthnContext();
+        $this->assertEquals(
+            $state['saml:AuthnContextClassRef'],
+            $a['AuthnContextClassRef'][0]
+        );
+        /** @var $xml DOMElement */
+        $xml = $ar->toSignedXML();
+        $q = SAML2_Utils::xpQuery($xml, '/samlp:AuthnRequest/samlp:RequestedAuthnContext/saml:AuthnContextClassRef');
+        $this->assertEquals(
+            $state['saml:AuthnContextClassRef'],
+            $q[0]->textContent
+        );
+    }
+    /** Test setting ForcedAuthn
+     * @test *
+     */
+    public function testForcedAuthn()
+    {
+        $state = array(
+            'ForceAuthn' => true
+        );
+        /** @var SAML2_AuthnRequest $ar */
+        $ar = $this->createAuthnRequest($state);
+        $this->assertEquals(
+            $state['ForceAuthn'],
+            $ar->getForceAuthn()
+        );
+        /** @var $xml DOMElement */
+        $xml = $ar->toSignedXML();
+        $q = SAML2_Utils::xpQuery($xml, '/samlp:AuthnRequest/@ForceAuthn');
+        $this->assertEquals(
+            $state['ForceAuthn'] ? 'true' : 'false',
+            $q[0]->value
+        );
+    }