diff --git a/modules/statistics/bin/loganalyzer.php b/modules/statistics/bin/loganalyzer.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ec0a813c8f923a61634e4976a79aa4d64f9d3883
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/statistics/bin/loganalyzer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env php
+#$logfile = file_get_contents('/Users/andreas/Desktop/simplesamlphp.stat');
+#int mktime ([ int $hour [, int $minute [, int $second [, int $month [, int $day [, int $year [, int $is_dst ]]]]]]] )
+require_once( dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))) . '/www/_include.php');
+$config = SimpleSAML_Configuration::getInstance();
+$statconfig = $config->copyFromBase('statconfig', 'statistics.php');
+$statdir = $statconfig->getValue('statdir');
+$offset = $statconfig->getValue('offset');
+$inputfile = $statconfig->getValue('inputfile');
+echo 'Statistics directory   : ' . $statdir . "\n";
+echo 'Input file             : ' . $inputfile . "\n";
+echo 'Offset                 : ' . $offset . "\n";
+$statrules = $statconfig->getValue('statrules');
+$file = fopen($inputfile, 'r');
+$logfile = file($inputfile, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES );
+# Aug 27 12:54:25 ssp 5 STAT [5416262207] saml20-sp-SSO urn:mace:feide.no:services:no.uninett.wiki-feide sam.feide.no NA
+#Oct 30 11:07:14 www1 simplesamlphp-foodle[12677]: 5 STAT [200b4679af] saml20-sp-SLO spinit urn:mace:feide.no:services:no.feide.foodle sam.feide.no
+function parse15($str) {
+	$di = date_parse($str);
+	$datestamp = mktime($di['hour'], $di['minute'], $di['second'], $di['month'], $di['day']);	
+	return $datestamp;
+function parse23($str) {
+	$timestamp = strtotime($str);
+	return $timestamp;
+$results = array();
+# Sat, 16 Feb 08 00:55:11  (23 chars)
+foreach ($logfile AS $logline) {
+	$datenumbers = 15;
+	$datestr = substr($logline,0,$datenumbers);
+	#$datestr = substr($logline,0,23);
+	$timestamp = parse15($datestr) + $offset;
+	$restofline = substr($logline,$datenumbers+1);
+	$restcols = split(' ', $restofline);
+	$action = $restcols[5];
+#	print_r($restcols); exit;
+	foreach ($statrules AS $rulename => $rule) {
+		$timeslot = floor($timestamp/$rule['slot']);
+		$fileslot = floor($timestamp/$rule['fileslot']);
+		if ($action !== $rule['action']) continue; 
+		$difcol = $restcols[$rule['col']];
+		$results[$rulename][$fileslot][$timeslot]['_']++;
+		$results[$rulename][$fileslot][$timeslot][$difcol]++;
+	}
+echo "Results:\n";
+foreach ($results AS $rulename => $ruleresults) {
+	foreach ($ruleresults AS $fileno => $fileres) {
+		$slotlist = array_keys($fileres);
+		$start = $slotlist[0];
+		$start = $fileno*($statrules[$rulename]['fileslot'] / $statrules[$rulename]['slot']);
+		#echo 'Start was set to ' . $start . ' instead consider ' . $fileno*($statrules[$rulename]['fileslot'] / $statrules[$rulename]['slot']) . "\n";
+		$end   = $slotlist[count($fileres)-1];
+		$end = ($fileno+1)*($statrules[$rulename]['fileslot'] / $statrules[$rulename]['slot']);
+		#echo 'End   was set to ' . $end   . ' instead consider ' . ($fileno+1)*($statrules[$rulename]['fileslot'] / $statrules[$rulename]['slot']) . "\n";
+// 		exit;		
+// 		echo "From $start to $end \n";
+		$filledresult = array();
+		for ($slot = $start; $slot < $end; $slot++) {
+			$filledresult[$slot] = (isset($fileres[$slot])) ? $fileres[$slot] : array('_' => 0);
+		}
+		file_put_contents($statdir . $rulename . '-' . $fileno . '.stat', serialize($filledresult) );
+	}
+// foreach ($results AS $rulename => $ruleresults) {
+// 	foreach ($ruleresults AS $fileno => $fileres) {
+// 		file_put_contents($statdir . $rulename . '-' . $fileno . '.stat', serialize($fileres) );
+// 	}
+// }
+foreach ($results AS $slot => $val) {
+	 echo date($dateformat, ($slot*$granularity)-$offset) . "\t" . $slot . "\t";
+	 foreach ($val AS $sp => $no) {
+	 	echo $sp . " " . $no . " - ";
+	 }
+	 echo "\n";
diff --git a/modules/statistics/config-templates/statistics.php b/modules/statistics/config-templates/statistics.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7c4e68f65a1d82fb0559c75417e8e6ad7320c494
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/statistics/config-templates/statistics.php
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ * The configuration of simpleSAMLphp statistics package
+ */
+$config = array (
+	'statdir' => '/tmp/stats/',
+	'inputfile' => '/Users/andreas/Desktop/stat2.log',
+#	'inputfile' => '/Users/andreas/Desktop/simplesamlphp.stat.1',
+	'offset' => 60*60*1,			// Two hours offset to match epoch and norwegian winter time.
+	'statrules' => array(
+		'sso_hoursday' => array(
+			'name' 		=> 'Numer of SP logins (per 15 minutes for one day)',
+			'descr'		=> 'The number of Service Provider logins put into slots of one hour.',
+			'action' 	=> 'saml20-sp-SSO',
+			'col'		=> 7,				// Service Provider EntityID
+			'slot'		=> 60*15,			// Slots of one hour
+			'fileslot'	=> 60*60*24,		// 7 days of data in each file
+			'axislabelint' => 6*4,			// Number of slots per label. 24 is one each day
+			'dateformat-period'	=> 'j. M', 			//  4. Mars
+			'dateformat-intra'	=> 'j. M H:i', 		//  4. Mars 12:30
+#			'dateformat-intra'	=> 'j. H:i', 		//  4. Mars 12:30
+		),
+		'sso_hoursweek' => array(
+			'name' 		=> 'Numer of SP logins (per hour)',
+			'descr'		=> 'The number of Service Provider logins put into slots of one hour.',
+			'action' 	=> 'saml20-sp-SSO',
+			'col'		=> 7,				// Service Provider EntityID
+			'slot'		=> 60*60,			// Slots of one hour
+			'fileslot'	=> 60*60*24*7,		// 7 days of data in each file
+			'axislabelint' => 24,			// Number of slots per label. 24 is one each day
+			'dateformat-period'	=> 'j. M', 			//  4. Mars
+			'dateformat-intra'	=> 'j. M H:i', 		//  4. Mars 12:30
+#			'dateformat-intra'	=> 'j. H:i', 		//  4. Mars 12:30
+		),
+		'sso_days' => array(
+			'name' 		=> 'Numer of SP logins (per day)',
+			'descr'		=> 'The number of Service Provider logins put into slots of one day.',
+			'action' 	=> 'saml20-sp-SSO',
+			'col'		=> 7,				// Service Provider EntityID
+			'slot'		=> 60*60*24,			// Slots of one day
+			'fileslot'	=> 60*60*24*30,		// 30 days of data in each file
+			'axislabelint' => 7,			// Number of slots per label. 24 is one each day
+			'dateformat-period'	=> 'j. M Y H:i', 			//  4. Mars
+			'dateformat-intra'	=> 'j. M', 		//  4. Mars 12:30
+#			'dateformat-intra'	=> 'j. H:i', 		//  4. Mars 12:30
+		),
+	),
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/statistics/default-disable b/modules/statistics/default-disable
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/modules/statistics/hooks/hook_frontpage.php b/modules/statistics/hooks/hook_frontpage.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3d3fdd040fc031c827bfc3ac3e710d3d11047272
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/statistics/hooks/hook_frontpage.php
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ * Hook to add the modinfo module to the frontpage.
+ *
+ * @param array &$links  The links on the frontpage, split into sections.
+ */
+function statistics_hook_frontpage(&$links) {
+	assert('is_array($links)');
+	assert('array_key_exists("links", $links)');
+	$links['links'][] = array(
+		'href' => SimpleSAML_Module::getModuleURL('statistics/showstats.php'),
+		'text' => 'Show statistics',
+	);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/statistics/templates/default/statistics-tpl.php b/modules/statistics/templates/default/statistics-tpl.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c6f6de98cc3676ca63a6b1501d3c973527bf1d9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/statistics/templates/default/statistics-tpl.php
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+$this->data['header'] = 'Statistics';
+echo('<div id="content">');
+echo('<h1>'. $this->data['available.rules'][$this->data['selected.rule']]['name'] . '</h1>');
+echo('<p>' . $this->data['available.rules'][$this->data['selected.rule']]['descr'] . '</p>');
+echo '<div class="selecttime" style="border: 1px solid #999; background: #ccc; margin: .5em; padding: .5em">';
+echo '<div style="display: inline">';
+echo '<form style="display: inline"><select onChange="submit();" name="rule">';
+foreach ($this->data['available.rules'] AS $key => $rule) {
+	if ($key === $this->data['selected.rule']) {
+		echo '<option selected="selected" value="' . $key . '">' . $rule['name'] . '</option>';
+	} else {
+		echo '<option value="' . $key . '">' . $rule['name'] . '</option>';
+	}
+echo '</select></form>';
+echo '</div>';
+echo '<div style="display: inline">';
+echo '<form style="display: inline">';
+echo '<input type="hidden" name="rule" value="' . $this->data['selected.rule'] . '" />';
+echo '<select onChange="submit();" name="time">';
+foreach ($this->data['available.times'] AS $key => $timedescr) {
+	if ($key == $this->data['selected.time']) {
+		echo '<option selected="selected" value="' . $key . '">' . $timedescr . '</option>';
+	} else {
+		echo '<option  value="' . $key . '">' . $timedescr . '</option>';
+	}
+echo '</select></form>';
+echo '</div>';
+echo '<div style="display: inline">';
+echo '<form style="display: inline">';
+echo '<input type="hidden" name="rule" value="' . $this->data['selected.rule'] . '" />';
+echo '<input type="hidden" name="time" value="' . $this->data['selected.time'] . '" />';
+echo '<select onChange="submit();" name="d">';
+foreach ($this->data['availdelimiters'] AS $key => $delim) {
+	if ($key == '_') {
+		echo '<option value="_">Total</option>';
+	} elseif ($delim == $_REQUEST['d']) {
+		echo '<option selected="selected" value="' . $delim . '">' . $delim . '</option>';
+	} else {
+		echo '<option  value="' . $delim . '">' . $delim . '</option>';
+	}
+echo '</select></form>';
+echo '</div>';
+echo '<br style="clear: both; height: 0px">';
+echo '</div>';
+echo '<img src="' . htmlspecialchars($this->data['imgurl']) . '" />';
+#echo $this->data['selected.time'];
+echo '<h3>Debug information</h3>';
+echo '<input style="width: 80%" value="' . htmlspecialchars($this->data['imgurl']) . '" />';
+echo '<table style="">';
+foreach ($this->data['debugdata'] AS $dd) {
+	echo '<tr><td style="padding-right: 2em; border: 1px solid #ccc">' . $dd[0] . '</td><td style="padding-right: 2em; border: 1px solid #ccc">' . $dd[1] . '</td></tr>';
+echo '</table>';
+// if (count($this->data['sources']) === 0) {
+// 	echo('<p>' . $this->t('{aggregator:dict:no_aggregators}') . '</p>');
+// } else {
+// 	echo('<ul>');
+// 	foreach ($this->data['sources'] as $source) {
+// 		$encId = urlencode($source);
+// 		$encName = htmlspecialchars($source);
+// 		echo('<li>');
+// 		echo('<a href="?id=' . $encId . '">' . $encName . '</a>');
+// 		echo(' <a href="?id=' . $encId . '&amp;mimetype=text/plain">[' . $this->t('{aggregator:dict:text}') . ']</a>');
+// 		echo(' <a href="?id=' . $encId . '&amp;mimetype=application/xml">[xml]</a>');
+// 		echo('</li>');
+// 	}
+// 	echo('</ul>');
+// }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/statistics/www/showstats.php b/modules/statistics/www/showstats.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..92246198f918c26c717afad6760385be5e2f0e4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/statistics/www/showstats.php
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+function encodeaxis($axis) {
+	return join('|', $axis);
+# t:10.0,58.0,95.0
+function encodedata($data) {
+	return 't:' . join(',', $data);
+function show($axis, $axispos, $values, $max) {
+	$nv = count($values);
+	$url = 'http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?' .
+		'chs=800x250' .
+		'&chd=' . encodedata($values) .
+		'&cht=lc' .
+		'&chxt=x,y' .
+		'&chxl=0:|' . encodeaxis($axis) . # . $'|1:||top' .
+		'&chxp=0,' . join(',', $axispos) . 
+#		'&chxp=0,0.3,0.4' .
+		'&chxr=0,0,1|1,0,' . $max . 
+#		'&chm=R,CCCCCC,0,0.25,0.5' .
+		'&chg=' . (2400/(count($values)-1)) . ',20,3,3';   // lines
+	return $url;
+function prettydate($timeslot, $granularity, $offset, $dateformat) {
+#	echo 'date: [' . $dateformat . date($dateformat, $timeslot*$granularity-$offset) . ']';
+	return date($dateformat, $timeslot*$granularity-$offset);
+function roof($in) {
+	if ($in < 1) return 1;
+	$base = log10($in);
+	$r =  ceil(5*$in / pow(10, ceil($base)));
+	return ($r/5)*pow(10, ceil($base));
+// $foo = array(0, 2, 2.3, 2.6, 6, 10, 15, 98, 198, 256, 487, 563, 763, 801, 899, 999, 987, 198234.485, 283746);
+// foreach ($foo AS $f) {
+// 	echo '<p>' . $f . ' => ' . roof($f);
+// }
+// exit;
+$config = SimpleSAML_Configuration::getInstance();
+$statconfig = $config->copyFromBase('statconfig', 'statistics.php');
+$statdir = $statconfig->getValue('statdir');
+$offset = $statconfig->getValue('offset');
+$inputfile = $statconfig->getValue('inputfile');
+$statrules = $statconfig->getValue('statrules');
+if (!is_dir($statdir))
+	throw new Exception('Statisics output directory [' . $statdir . '] does not exists.');
+$filelist = scandir($statdir);
+$available = array();
+foreach ($filelist AS $file) {
+	if (preg_match('/([a-z_]+)-([0-9]+)\.stat/', $file, $matches)) {
+		if (array_key_exists($matches[1], $statrules)) {
+			$available[$matches[1]][] = $matches[2];
+		}
+	}
+$available_rules = array();
+foreach ($available AS $key => $av) {
+	$available_rules[$key] = array('name' => $statrules[$key]['name'], 'descr' => $statrules[$key]['descr']);
+$availrulenames = array_keys($available_rules);
+$rule = $availrulenames[0];
+if(array_key_exists('rule', $_GET)) {
+	if (array_key_exists($_GET['rule'], $available_rules)) {
+		$rule = $_GET['rule'];
+	}
+$available_times = array(); 
+foreach ($available[$rule] AS $slot) {
+	$available_times[$slot] = prettydate($slot, $statrules[$rule]['fileslot'], $offset, $statrules[$rule]['dateformat-period']) . ' to ' .
+		prettydate($slot+1, $statrules[$rule]['fileslot'], $offset, $statrules[$rule]['dateformat-period']);
+#print_r($available_times); exit;
+$fileslot = $available[$rule][count($available[$rule])-1];
+if (array_key_exists('time', $_GET)) {
+	if (in_array($_GET['time'], $available[$rule])) {
+		$fileslot = $_GET['time'];
+	}
+#echo 'fileslot: ' . $fileslot; exit;
+#echo '<pre>'; print_r($available_rules); exit;
+#echo '<pre>'; print_r($available); exit;
+$resultfile = file_get_contents($statdir . $rule . '-' . $fileslot . '.stat');
+$results = unserialize($resultfile);
+// echo '<html><body><pre>';
+// print_r($results);
+// echo '</pre>';
+$dataset = array();
+$axis = array();
+$axispos = array();
+$max = 15;
+ * Get rule specific configuration from the configuration file.
+ */
+$slotsize = $statrules[$rule]['slot'];
+$dateformat_period = $statrules[$rule]['dateformat-period'];
+$dateformat_intra = $statrules[$rule]['dateformat-intra'];
+$axislabelint = $statrules[$rule]['axislabelint'];
+$delimiter = '_';
+if (isset($_REQUEST['d'])) {
+	$delimiter = $_REQUEST['d'];
+$maxvalue = 0;
+$debugdata = array();
+foreach($results AS $slot => $res) {
+	$maxvalue = max($res[$delimiter],$maxvalue);
+	$debugdata[] = array(
+		prettydate($slot, $statrules[$rule]['slot'], $offset, $statrules[$rule]['dateformat-intra']),
+		$res[$delimiter]
+	);
+$max = roof($maxvalue);
+#echo '<pre>'; print_r($debugdata); exit;
+$availdelimiters = array();
+$lastslot = 0;
+$xentries = count($results);
+$i = 0;
+foreach($results AS $slot => $res) {
+	#echo '<p>' . date($dateformat, $slot*$granularity) . ': ' . (isset($results[$slot]) ? $results[$slot] : 0);
+	$dataset[] = 100*$res[$delimiter] / $max;
+	foreach(array_keys($res) AS $nd) $availdelimiters[$nd] = 1;
+	#$dataset[] = (isset($results[$slot]) ? round(($results[$slot]*$perseconds/($granularity*$max))*100) : 0);
+	if ($slot % $axislabelint == 0)  {
+		$axis[] = date($dateformat_intra, $slot*$slotsize - $offset);
+		$axispos[] = (($i)/($xentries-1));
+		#echo "<p> ". $slot . " = " . date($dateformat_intra, ($slot*$slotsize - $offset) ) . " ";
+	}
+	#echo "<p> ". $slot . " = " . date($dateformat_intra, ($slot*$slotsize - $offset) ) . " ";
+	$lastslot = $slot;
+	$i++;
+$axis[] = date($dateformat_intra, ($lastslot*$slotsize) + $slotsize);
+#echo "<p> ". ($lastslot+1) . " = " . date($dateformat_intra, (($lastslot+1)*$slotsize - $offset) ) . " ";
+// echo '<input value="' . htmlspecialchars(show($axis, $dataset, $max)) . '" />';
+// echo '<img src="' . htmlspecialchars() . '" />';
+$t = new SimpleSAML_XHTML_Template($config, 'statistics:statistics-tpl.php');
+$t->data['header'] = 'stat';
+$t->data['imgurl'] = show($axis, $axispos, $dataset, $max);
+$t->data['available.rules'] = $available_rules;
+$t->data['available.times'] = $available_times;
+$t->data['selected.rule']= $rule;
+$t->data['selected.time'] = $fileslot;
+$t->data['debugdata'] = $debugdata;
+$t->data['availdelimiters'] = array_keys($availdelimiters);
+// $slotlist = array_keys($results);
+// $start = $slotlist[0];
+// $end   = $slotlist[count($results)-1];
+// #echo 'from slot ' . $start . ' to ' . $end;
+// $dataset = array();
+// $axis = array();
+// $max = 10;
+// $perseconds = 60;
+// for ($slot = $start; $slot <= $end; $slot++) {
+// 	#echo '<p>' . date($dateformat, $slot*$granularity) . ': ' . (isset($results[$slot]) ? $results[$slot] : 0);
+// 	$dataset[] = (isset($results[$slot]) ? round(($results[$slot]*$perseconds/($granularity*$max))*100) : 0);
+// 	if ($slot % 3 == 0) 
+// 		$axis[] = date($dateformat, $slot*$granularity);
+// }
+// echo '<input value="' . htmlspecialchars(show($axis, $dataset)) . '" />';
+// echo '<img src="' . htmlspecialchars(show($axis, $dataset, $max)) . '" />';
\ No newline at end of file