diff --git a/templates/default/logout-iframe.php b/templates/default/logout-iframe.php
index 794b20d2515cc1f46ce0e9b43aeee678d225194c..d27a80baebc089e4656e3e6788a319f76618565c 100644
--- a/templates/default/logout-iframe.php
+++ b/templates/default/logout-iframe.php
@@ -1,23 +1,73 @@
+	$iframehtml = '';
+	foreach ($this->data['sparray'] AS $sp) {
+		$iframehtml .= '<iframe class="hiddeniframe" onload="xajax_updateslostatus()" style="border: 1px solid #888; width: 80%; height: 100px" src="' . htmlentities($sp['url']) . '" ></iframe>';
+	}
+#	$iframehtml = str_replace('"', '\"', $iframehtml);
+#	$iframehtml = str_replace("\n", '', $iframehtml);
+#	$iframehtml = str_replace("\r", '', $iframehtml);
+	$this->data['hideLanguageBar'] = TRUE;
+	$this->data['head']  .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="/' . $this->data['baseurlpath'] . 'resources/jquery.js"></script>';
+	$this->data['head']  .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/' . $this->data['baseurlpath'] . 'resources/slo.css" />';
+	$nologoutSPs = (count($this->data['sparrayNoLogout']) > 0);
 	$this->data['head'] .= '
 <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
-function showdiv(id) {
-	//safe function to show an element with a specified id
-	if (document.getElementById) { // DOM3 = IE5, NS6
-		document.getElementById(id).style.display = \'block\';
-	}
-	else {
-		if (document.layers) { // Netscape 4
-			document.id.display = \'block\';
-		}
-		else { // IE 4
-			document.all.id.style.display = \'block\';
-		}
-	}
+$(document).ready(function() {
+	$("div#requirejavascript").show();
+/*	$("div.completedButWarnings").hide(); */
+	$("div#interrupt").hide();
+	$("input#ok").click(function () { 
+      startslo();
+    });
+	$("input#cancel").click(function () { 
+      sendResponse();
+    });	
+	$("input#returnanyway").click(function () { 
+      sendResponse();
+    });
+	$("input#interruptbutton").click(function () { 
+      sendResponse();
+    });
+    ' . ($nologoutSPs ? '$("div#incapablesps").show();' : '$("div#incapablesps").hide();') . '
+function toolong() {
+	$("div#interrupt").show().fadeOut("fast").fadeIn("fast");
+/* This function is called when users clicks to start single logout */
+function startslo() {
+	$("#confirmation").hide();
+	$("#hiddeniframecontainer").html("' . str_replace('"', '\"', $iframehtml) . '");
+	$("table#slostatustable tr.onhold").removeClass("onhold").addClass("inprogress");
+	$("div.completedButWarnings").show(); 
+	setTimeout("toolong()", 16000);
+/* This function is called from the AJAX response with xajax with the hash of the entityid of the SP   */
+function slocompletesp($entityhash) {
+	$("table#slostatustable tr#" + $entityhash).filter(".inprogress").removeClass("inprogress").addClass("completed").
+		children().fadeOut("fast").fadeIn("fast");
+/* SLO completed for all sps. */
+function slocompleted() {
+/*	$("div.completedButWarnings").show(); */
+' . ($nologoutSPs ? ' ' : 'setTimeout("sendResponse()", 2000);') . '
+function sendResponse() {
+	window.location = "' .  $this->data['logoutresponse'] . '";
@@ -26,59 +76,139 @@ function showdiv(id) {
+<!-- Proper fallback for browsers that do not support javascript or have javascript turned off -->
+	<div id="nojavascriptframe">
+		<iframe style="margin: 1em; width: 90%; height: 5em; border: 1px solid #eee" src="SingleLogoutServiceiFrameNoJavascript.php?response=<?php echo urlencode($this->data['logoutresponse']); ?>"></iframe>			
+	</div>
+	foreach ($this->data['sparray'] AS $sp) {
+		echo '<iframe class="hiddeniframe" onload="xajax_updateslostatus()" style="border: 1px solid #888; width: 80%; height: 100px" 
+			src="' . htmlentities($sp['url']) . '" ></iframe>' . "\n";
+	}
+<div id="requirejavascript" style="display: none">
+	<?php
+	$requestername = is_array($this->data['requesterName']) ? 
+		$this->getTranslation($this->data['requesterName']) : $this->data['requesterName'];
+	?>
+	<p>You have initiated a <strong>global logout</strong> from the service <strong><?php echo $requestername; ?></strong>. Global logout means you will be logged out from all of the services listed below.</p>
+	<!-- <div class="loggedout">Logout was started from <?php echo $requestername; ?>.</div> -->
+	<?php
-		<noscript>
-			<div id="nojavascriptframe">
-				<iframe style="margin: 1em; width: 90%; height: 5em; border: 1px solid #eee" src="SingleLogoutServiceiFrameNoJavascript.php?response=<?php echo urlencode($this->data['logoutresponse']); ?>"></iframe>			
-			</div>
-		</noscript>
-		<div id="requirejavascript" style="display: none">
+		echo '<table id="slostatustable">';
-			<noscript><div style="background: #500; color: white; border: 1px solod #300">Ignore the logout indicators below. They will not be updated as your browser do not support javascript. Logout will still work.</div></noscript>
+		echo '<tr class="initiated" id="e' . sha1($spentityid) . '">' . "\n";
+		echo '	<td><img style="float: left; margin: 3px" src="/' . $this->data['baseurlpath'] . 
+			'resources/icons/silk/accept.png" alt="Initiated from" /></td>' . "\n";
+		echo '	<td>Initiated logout</td>';
+		echo '	<td>' . $requestername . '</td>' ."\n";
+		echo '</tr>' . "\n";
-			<?php
+		foreach ($this->data['sparrayNoLogout'] AS $spentityid => $sp) {
+			$spname = is_array($sp['name']) ? $this->getTranslation($sp['name']) : $sp['name'];
+			echo '<tr class="initiated" id="e' . sha1($spentityid) . '">' . "\n";
+			echo '	<td><img style="float: left; margin: 3px" src="/' . $this->data['baseurlpath'] . 
+				'resources/icons/silk/delete.png" alt="Initiated from" /></td>' . "\n";
+			echo '	<td>Logout not supported</td>';
+			echo '	<td>' . $spname . '</td>' ."\n";
+			echo '</tr>' . "\n";
+		}
+		foreach ($this->data['sparray'] AS $spentityid => $sp) {
+			$spname = is_array($sp['name']) ? $this->getTranslation($sp['name']) : $sp['name'];
-			$requestername = is_array($this->data['requesterName']) ? 
-				$this->getTranslation($this->data['requesterName']) : $this->data['requesterName'];
+			echo '<tr class="ready onhold" id="e' . sha1($spentityid) . '">' . "\n";
+			echo '	<td class="icons">';
+			echo '		<img class="completed"  src="/' . $this->data['baseurlpath'] . 'resources/icons/silk/accept.png" alt="Completed" />' . "\n";
+			echo '		<img class="onhold"     src="/' . $this->data['baseurlpath'] . 'resources/icons/silk/control_pause.png" alt="SP SLO on hold" />' . "\n";
+			echo '		<img class="inprogress" src="/' . $this->data['baseurlpath'] . 'resources/progress.gif" alt="Progress bar" />' . "\n";
+			echo '		<img class="failed"     src="/' . $this->data['baseurlpath'] . 'resources/icons/silk/exclamation.png" alt="Failed" />' . "\n";
+			echo '	</td>' . "\n";
-			?>
-			<p>You have initiated a <strong>global logout</strong> from the service <strong><?php echo $requestername; ?></strong>. Global logout means you will be logged out from all services connected to this identity provider. This page will show the status of the logout proccess for all of the services you are logged into.</p>
-			<div class="loggedout">Logout was started from <?php echo $requestername; ?>.</div>
+			echo '	<td class="statustext">';
+			echo '		<span class="completed">Completed</span>' . "\n";
+			echo '		<span class="onhold">On hold</span>' . "\n";
+			echo '		<span class="inprogress">Logging out…</span>' . "\n";
+			echo '		<span class="failed">Logout failed</span>' . "\n";
+			echo '	</td>';
+			echo '	<td>' . $spname . '</td>' ."\n";
+			echo '</tr>' . "\n";
+// 			echo '<div class="inprogress" id="e' . sha1($spentityid) . '">
+// 				<img style="float: left; margin: 3px" src="/' . $this->data['baseurlpath'] . 'resources/progress.gif" alt="Progress bar" />Wait... is logging out from <strong>' . $spname . '</strong></div>'  . "\n";
+		}
+		echo '</table>';
+		$completed = ' class="allcompleted"';
+		if (count($this->data['sparray']) > 0) {
+			$completed = '';
+		}
-			<?php
-				foreach ($this->data['sparray'] AS $sp) {
-					echo '<iframe class="hiddeniframe" onload="xajax_updateslostatus()" style="border: 1px solid #888; width: 80%; height: 100px" src="' . $sp['url'] . '" ></iframe>' . "\n";
-				}
-				foreach ($this->data['sparray'] AS $spentityid => $sp) {
-					$spname = is_array($sp['name']) ? $this->getTranslation($sp['name']) : $sp['name'];
-					echo '<div class="inprogress" id="e' . sha1($spentityid) . '">
-						<img style="float: left; margin: 3px" src="/' . $this->data['baseurlpath'] . 'resources/progress.gif" alt="Progress bar" />Wait... is logging out from <strong>' . $spname . '</strong></div>'  . "\n";
-				}
+	?>
+	<p id="confirmation" style="margin-top: 1em" >Do you want to continue global logout? <br />
+		<input type="button" id="ok" name="ok" value="Yes, continue logout" />
+		<input type="button" id="cancel" name="cancel" value="Cancel logout" />
+	</p>
-				$completed = ' class="allcompleted"';
-				if (count($this->data['sparray']) > 0) {
-					$completed = '';
-				}
+	<div id="interrupt" style="margin-top: 1em; border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 1em; background: #eaeaea" >
+		<p style="margin: 0px; padding; 0px">
+			<img src="/<?php echo($this->data['baseurlpath']); ?>resources/icons/timeout.png" 
+				style="float: left; margin: 0px 5px 0px 0px"
+				/>
+			If some of the service providers do not respond in reasonable time, you are encouraged to close your browser to ensure sessions are closed. <br />
+			<input type="button" id="interruptbutton" name="interrupt" value="Return to service" />
+		</p>
+	</div>
-			?>
-			<div id="interrupt"<?php echo $completed; ?>>[ <a href="<?php echo $this->data['logoutresponse']; ?>">Interrupt logging out and go back to service</a> ]</div>
-			<div id="iscompleted"<?php echo $completed; ?>>You have successfully logged out from all services listed above.
-				<!-- form method="get" action="<?php echo $this->data['logoutresponse']; ?>">
-					<input type="submit" name="s" value="OK, continue back to <?php echo $this->data['requesterName']; ?> to complete the logout process." />
-				</form  -->
-				<br />[ <a href="<?php echo $this->data['logoutresponse']; ?>">OK, continue back to <?php echo $requestername; ?> to complete the logout process.</a> ]	
-			</div>
+	<div id="incapablesps" style="margin-top: 1em; border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 1em; background: #eaeaea" >
+		<p style="margin: 0px; padding; 0px">
+			<img src="/<?php echo($this->data['baseurlpath']); ?>resources/icons/caution.png" 
+				style="float: left; margin: 0px 5px 0px 0px"
+				/>
+			One or more of the services you are logged into <i>do not support logout</i>. To ensure that all your sessions are closed, you are encouraged to <i>close your webbrowser</i>.
+		</p>
+		<div class="completedButWarnings">
+			<input type="button" id="returnanyway" name="ok" value="Return to service" />
-		<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
-			showdiv('requirejavascript');
-		</script>
+	</div>
+	<div id="hiddeniframecontainer" stye="margin: 0px; padding: 0px;"></div>
+<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
+	showdiv('requirejavascript');
 <?php $this->includeAtTemplateBase('includes/footer.php'); ?>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/www/resources/default.css b/www/resources/default.css
index b94056162ce3abce450a020204384d7d148a59f6..4c7730d007bbb3c3b4ff46550bb86c6f239a9080 100644
--- a/www/resources/default.css
+++ b/www/resources/default.css
@@ -267,50 +267,3 @@ div.preferredidp {
-div.allcompleted#interrupt {
-	display: none;
-div#interrupt a:link {
-	color: #036;
-	border-bottom: 1px dotted #036;
-	text-decoration: none;
-div#interrupt a:hover {
-	border-bottom: 1px solid #036;
-div#interrupt {
-	display: block;
-	border: 3px solid #036;
-	background: #39F;
-	padding: 1em;	
-	margin: .2em;
-div#iscompleted {
-	display: none;
-	border: 3px solid #993;
-	background: #FF9;
-	padding: 1em;
-	margin: .2em;
-div.allcompleted#iscompleted {
-	display: block ! important;
-div.inprogress, div.loggedout {
-	background: #eee; 
-	color: #444; 
-	padding: .2em 1em;
-	margin: .2em;
-div.inprogress {
-	border: 1px dotted #888; 
-div.loggedout {
-	border: 1px solid #888; 
-	background: #9f9 ! important ;
-iframe.hiddeniframe {
-	display: none;
diff --git a/www/resources/icons/silk/accept.png b/www/resources/icons/silk/accept.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..89c8129a490b329f3165f32fa0781701aab417ea
Binary files /dev/null and b/www/resources/icons/silk/accept.png differ
diff --git a/www/resources/icons/silk/cancel.png b/www/resources/icons/silk/cancel.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c149c2bc017d5ce5a8ae9330dd7dbd012482e0f4
Binary files /dev/null and b/www/resources/icons/silk/cancel.png differ
diff --git a/www/resources/icons/silk/control_pause.png b/www/resources/icons/silk/control_pause.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2d9ce9c4ec4b787b77e2407809c8887b6252dc6e
Binary files /dev/null and b/www/resources/icons/silk/control_pause.png differ
diff --git a/www/resources/icons/silk/delete.png b/www/resources/icons/silk/delete.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..08f249365afd29594b51210c6e21ba253897505d
Binary files /dev/null and b/www/resources/icons/silk/delete.png differ
diff --git a/www/resources/icons/silk/exclamation.png b/www/resources/icons/silk/exclamation.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c37bd062e60c3b38fc82e4d1f236a8ac2fae9d8c
Binary files /dev/null and b/www/resources/icons/silk/exclamation.png differ
diff --git a/www/resources/icons/silk/tick.png b/www/resources/icons/silk/tick.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a9925a06ab02db30c1e7ead9c701c15bc63145cb
Binary files /dev/null and b/www/resources/icons/silk/tick.png differ
diff --git a/www/resources/icons/timeout.png b/www/resources/icons/timeout.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..460f7d152738827cada13920c5c602ff3280a6dd
Binary files /dev/null and b/www/resources/icons/timeout.png differ
diff --git a/www/resources/slo.css b/www/resources/slo.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7bf8578ef1f82d9bc2ee4c8bfa80a3dab9c7d353
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/resources/slo.css
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+table#slostatustable {
+	width: 100%;
+	border-collapse: collapse;
+table#slostatustable tr td {
+	border-top: 1px solid #ccc;
+table#slostatustable tr td.statustext span { display: none; }
+table#slostatustable tr.completed td.statustext span.completed { display: inline; }
+table#slostatustable tr.onhold td.statustext span.onhold { display: inline; }
+table#slostatustable tr.inprogress td.statustext span.inprogress { display: inline; }
+table#slostatustable tr.failed td.statustext span.failed { display: inline; }
+table#slostatustable tr td.icons img {
+	margin: 3px;
+	display: none;
+table#slostatustable tr.completed td.icons img.completed { display: inline; }
+table#slostatustable tr.onhold td.icons img.onhold { display: inline; }
+table#slostatustable tr.inprogress td.icons img.inprogress { display: inline; }
+table#slostatustable tr.failed td.icons img.failed { display: inline; }
+iframe.hiddeniframe {
+	display: none;
+/* From old CSS
+div.allcompleted#interrupt {
+	display: none;
+div#interrupt a:link {
+	color: #036;
+	border-bottom: 1px dotted #036;
+	text-decoration: none;
+div#interrupt a:hover {
+	border-bottom: 1px solid #036;
+div#interrupt {
+	display: block;
+	border: 3px solid #036;
+	background: #39F;
+	padding: 1em;	
+	margin: .2em;
+div#iscompleted {
+	display: none;
+	border: 3px solid #993;
+	background: #FF9;
+	padding: 1em;
+	margin: .2em;
+div.allcompleted#iscompleted {
+	display: block ! important;
+div.inprogress, div.loggedout {
+	background: #eee; 
+	color: #444; 
+	padding: .2em 1em;
+	margin: .2em;
+div.inprogress {
+	border: 1px dotted #888; 
+div.loggedout {
+	border: 1px solid #888; 
+	background: #9f9 ! important ;
+iframe.hiddeniframe {
+	display: none;
+ */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/www/saml2/idp/SingleLogoutServiceiFrame.php b/www/saml2/idp/SingleLogoutServiceiFrame.php
index 1142ae0a8115ec8c63a10c479106aa6ceeda58b6..d92160e4a920407e65112b871d722c39032349d6 100644
--- a/www/saml2/idp/SingleLogoutServiceiFrame.php
+++ b/www/saml2/idp/SingleLogoutServiceiFrame.php
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- * This SAML 2.0 endpoint can receive incomming LogoutRequests. It will also send LogoutResponses, 
+ * This SAML 2.0 endpoint can receive incoming LogoutRequests. It will also send LogoutResponses, 
  * and LogoutRequests and also receive LogoutResponses. It is implemeting SLO at the SAML 2.0 IdP.
  * @author Andreas Ă…kre Solberg, UNINETT AS. <andreas.solberg@uninett.no>
@@ -90,6 +90,8 @@ require_once(SimpleSAML_Utilities::resolvePath('libextinc') . '/xajax/xajax.inc.
 function updateslostatus() {
 	SimpleSAML_Logger::info('SAML2.0 - IdP.SingleLogoutServiceiFrame: Accessing SAML 2.0 IdP endpoint SingleLogoutService (iFrame version) within updateslostatus() ');
 	$config = SimpleSAML_Configuration::getInstance();
@@ -117,14 +119,19 @@ function updateslostatus() {
 		$spname = is_array($name) ? $t->getTranslation($name) : $name;
-		$objResponse->addAssign('e' . sha1($spentityid), "className", 'loggedout');
-		$objResponse->addAssign('e' . sha1($spentityid), "innerHTML", 'Logging out from <strong>' . $spname . '</strong> successfully completed');
+		$objResponse->addScriptCall('slocompletesp', 'e' . sha1($spentityid));
+		// $objResponse->addAssign('e' . sha1($spentityid), "className", 'loggedout');
+		// $objResponse->addAssign('e' . sha1($spentityid), "innerHTML", 'Logging out from <strong>' . $spname . '</strong> successfully completed');
 	if ($session->sp_logout_completed() === TRUE) {
-		$objResponse->addAssign('iscompleted', "className", 'allcompleted');
-		$objResponse->addAssign('interrupt', "className", 'allcompleted');
+// 		$objResponse->addAssign('iscompleted', "className", 'allcompleted');
+// 		$objResponse->addAssign('interrupt', "className", 'allcompleted');
+		$objResponse->addScriptCall('slocompleted');
 		 * Clean up session object to save storage.
@@ -269,6 +276,7 @@ $session->dump_sp_sessions();
 $listofsps = $session->get_sp_list();
 $sparray = array();
+$sparrayNoLogout = array();
 foreach ($listofsps AS $spentityid) {
 	// ($issuer, $receiver, $nameid, $nameidformat, $sessionindex, $mode) {
@@ -276,20 +284,26 @@ foreach ($listofsps AS $spentityid) {
 	if($nameId === NULL) {
 		$nameId = $session->getNameID();
-	$lr = new SimpleSAML_XML_SAML20_LogoutRequest($config, $metadata);
-	$req = $lr->generate($idpentityid, $spentityid, $nameId, $session->getSessionIndex(), 'IdP');
-	$httpredirect = new SimpleSAML_Bindings_SAML20_HTTPRedirect($config, $metadata);
-	// $request, $localentityid, $remoteentityid, $relayState = null, $endpoint = 'SingleSignOnService', $direction = 'SAMLRequest', $mode = 'SP'
-	$url = $httpredirect->getRedirectURL($req, $idpentityid, $spentityid, NULL, 'SingleLogoutService', 'SAMLRequest', 'IdP');
 	$spmetadata = $metadata->getMetaData($spentityid, 'saml20-sp-remote');
 	$name = array_key_exists('name', $spmetadata) ? $spmetadata['name'] : $spentityid;
-	$sparray[$spentityid] = array('url' => $url, 'name' => $name);
+	try {	
+		$lr = new SimpleSAML_XML_SAML20_LogoutRequest($config, $metadata);
+		$req = $lr->generate($idpentityid, $spentityid, $nameId, $session->getSessionIndex(), 'IdP');
+		$httpredirect = new SimpleSAML_Bindings_SAML20_HTTPRedirect($config, $metadata);
+		// $request, $localentityid, $remoteentityid, $relayState = null, $endpoint = 'SingleSignOnService', $direction = 'SAMLRequest', $mode = 'SP'
+		$url = $httpredirect->getRedirectURL($req, $idpentityid, $spentityid, NULL, 'SingleLogoutService', 'SAMLRequest', 'IdP');
+		$sparray[$spentityid] = array('url' => $url, 'name' => $name);
+	} catch (Exception $e) {
+		$sparrayNoLogout[$spentityid] = array('name' => $name);
+	}
@@ -396,8 +410,10 @@ if (array_key_exists('name', $spmeta)) $spname = $spmeta['name'];
 $et = new SimpleSAML_XHTML_Template($config, 'logout-iframe.php');
-$et->data['header'] = 'SAML 2.0 IdP Ajax Logout';
+$et->data['header'] = 'Global logout';
 $et->data['sparray'] = $sparray;
+$et->data['sparrayNoLogout'] = $sparrayNoLogout;
 $et->data['logoutresponse'] = $logoutresponse;
 $et->data['xajax'] = $xajax;
 $et->data['requesterName'] = $spname;
diff --git a/www/saml2/sp/SingleLogoutService.php b/www/saml2/sp/SingleLogoutService.php
index 6063df685053177d6381c48fc46de619e88eee8a..6db72f0cd467fe802a7edf6326420b8ba019bb6e 100644
--- a/www/saml2/sp/SingleLogoutService.php
+++ b/www/saml2/sp/SingleLogoutService.php
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ if (isset($session) ) {
+#	sleep(max(0, rand(-5,15)));
 if (isset($_GET['SAMLRequest'])) {