diff --git a/docs/source/simplesamlphp-authproc.txt b/docs/source/simplesamlphp-authproc.txt
index 944b53ef6769861df3889d3facf2aaa956ad084a..d89bd982ef6b185f94475b8520cc6f64c09cf2b6 100644
--- a/docs/source/simplesamlphp-authproc.txt
+++ b/docs/source/simplesamlphp-authproc.txt
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ Example - generate from only the `eduPersonAffilitation` attribute:
 ### Adopting preferred language from and to attributes (`core:LanguageAdaptor`)
-SimpleSAMLphp has built in lanugage support, and stores the preferred language in a cookie.
+SimpleSAMLphp has built in language support, and stores the preferred language in a cookie.
 Identity systems also often has a specific attribute that indicates what language is understood by the user. MACE defines an attribute with preferred language: `preferredLanguage`. [Read more about the preferredLanguage attribute defined by MACE](http://rnd.feide.no/node/1054).