diff --git a/docs/simplesamlphp-install.md b/docs/simplesamlphp-install.md
index 11805b95d18da193ca00a7468f01ca9c1de34671..c2760a1d3ee3201a1316c0f6fce2f41700928b6c 100644
--- a/docs/simplesamlphp-install.md
+++ b/docs/simplesamlphp-install.md
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Prerequisites
  * A web server capable of executing PHP scripts.
- * PHP version >= 5.5.0.
+ * PHP version >= 7.2.0.
  * Support for the following PHP extensions:
    * Always required: `date`, `dom`, `hash`, `libxml`, `openssl`, `pcre`, `SPL`, `zlib`, `json`, `mbstring`
    * When automatically checking for latest versions, and used by some modules: `cURL`
@@ -211,8 +211,12 @@ look like this:
             location ~ ^(?<prefix>/simplesaml)(?<phpfile>.+?\.php)(?<pathinfo>/.*)?$ {
                 include          fastcgi_params;
                 fastcgi_pass     $fastcgi_pass;
-                fastcgi_param    SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
-                fastcgi_param    SCRIPT_NAME /simplesaml$phpfile;
+                fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$phpfile;
+                # Must be prepended with the baseurlpath
+                fastcgi_param SCRIPT_NAME /simplesaml$phpfile;
+                fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $pathinfo if_not_empty;