diff --git a/modules/authwindowslive/docs/windowsliveid.md b/modules/authwindowslive/docs/windowsliveid.md
index a26c8fe49a51d6257104c623e1ac5b95c130c14c..b80116cf3a7ad20fc55ad1e0ceacb6999e438693 100644
--- a/modules/authwindowslive/docs/windowsliveid.md
+++ b/modules/authwindowslive/docs/windowsliveid.md
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 Using the Windows Live ID authentication source with SimpleSAMLphp
+This module works around the limitation in Microsoft Online/Azure OIDC implementation of not supplying the OIDC userinfo endpoint.
+Microsoft explains the omission by suggesting that the Graph API can produce anything userinfo would have brought, in place.
 Remember to configure `authsources.php`, with both your Client ID and Secret key.