From a53eddeeb932008db0453a30766590b770aa55de Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thijs Kinkhorst <>
Date: Mon, 4 Jul 2022 16:56:10 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Reorder some toptics in the index page

 docs/ | 39 +++++++++++++++------------------------
 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index 7ccd397d7..20dea1a6d 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -21,27 +21,18 @@ SimpleSAMLphp Documentation
   * [Configuring HTTP-Artifact](./simplesamlphp-artifact-idp)
   * [Identity Provider Advanced Topics](simplesamlphp-idp-more)
   * [Holder-of-Key profile](simplesamlphp-hok-idp)
- * [Automated Metadata Management](./metarefresh:simplesamlphp-automated_metadata)
- * [Maintenance and configuration](simplesamlphp-maintenance) - covers session handling, php configuration etc.
- * [Authentication Processing Filters](simplesamlphp-authproc) - attribute filtering, attribute mapping, consent, group generation etc.
- * [Advanced features](simplesamlphp-advancedfeatures) - covers bridging protocols, attribute filtering, etc.
- * [State Information Lost](simplesamlphp-nostate) - more about this common error message
- * [SimpleSAMLphp Dictionaries and Translation](simplesamlphp-translation)
- * [Theming SimpleSAMLphp](simplesamlphp-theming)
- * [SimpleSAMLphp Modules](simplesamlphp-modules) - how to create own customized modules
- * [Key rollover](./saml:keyrollover)
- * [Creating authentication sources](./simplesamlphp-authsource)
-  * [Implementing custom username/password authentication](./simplesamlphp-customauth)
- * [Storing sessions in Riak](./riak:simplesamlphp-riak)
-Documentation on specific SimpleSAMLphp modules:
- * [Consent module](./consent:consent)
- * [Installing and configuring the consentAdmin module](./consentAdmin:consentAdmin)
- * [Authorization](./authorize:authorize)
- * [autotest Module](
- * [Statistics](./statistics:statistics)
-Documentation for SimpleSAMLphp developers:
- * [Error handling in SimpleSAMLphp](simplesamlphp-errorhandling)
+ * Further topics
+  * [Maintenance and configuration](simplesamlphp-maintenance) - covers session handling, php configuration etc.
+  * [Automated Metadata Management](./metarefresh:simplesamlphp-automated_metadata)
+  * [Key rollover](./saml:keyrollover)
+  * [Authentication Processing Filters](simplesamlphp-authproc) - attribute filtering, attribute mapping, consent, group generation etc.
+  * [State Information Lost](simplesamlphp-nostate) - more about this common error message
+  * [Advanced features](simplesamlphp-advancedfeatures) - covers bridging protocols, attribute filtering, etc.
+ * SimpleSAMLphp Modules
+  * Documentation for specific modules:
+    * [Consent module](./consent:consent)
+    * [Installing and configuring the consentAdmin module](./consentAdmin:consentAdmin)
+    * [Authorization](./authorize:authorize)
+    * [autotest Module](
+    * [Storing sessions in Riak](./riak:simplesamlphp-riak)
+    * [Statistics](./statistics:statistics)