diff --git a/docs/index.md b/docs/index.md
index e9e48e3691d31631680f87500cb2169ca6711ec7..32674dbeded788fb9693d4d5b5a9f36b81609db9 100644
--- a/docs/index.md
+++ b/docs/index.md
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ SimpleSAMLphp Documentation
  * [Using SimpleSAMLphp as a SAML Service Provider](simplesamlphp-sp)
   * [Hosted SP Configuration Reference](./saml:sp)
   * [IdP remote reference](simplesamlphp-reference-idp-remote)
-  * [Upgrading - migration to use the SAML authentication source](simplesamlphp-sp-migration)
   * [Configuring HTTP-Artifact](./simplesamlphp-artifact-sp)
   * [Using scoping](./simplesamlphp-scoping)
   * [Holder-of-Key profile](simplesamlphp-hok-sp)
diff --git a/docs/simplesamlphp-install.md b/docs/simplesamlphp-install.md
index 14d8550c63f57515886c15db78366b9ff673713c..b410c54c793471412d502d9f03ae264d9ff300f6 100644
--- a/docs/simplesamlphp-install.md
+++ b/docs/simplesamlphp-install.md
@@ -290,7 +290,6 @@ You have now successfully installed SimpleSAMLphp, and the next steps depends on
  * [Using SimpleSAMLphp as a SAML Service Provider](simplesamlphp-sp)
   * [IdP remote reference](simplesamlphp-reference-idp-remote)
   * [Connecting SimpleSAMLphp as a SP to UK Access Federation or InCommon](simplesamlphp-ukaccess)
-  * [Upgrading - migration to use the SAML authentication source](simplesamlphp-sp-migration)
  * [Identity Provider QuickStart](simplesamlphp-idp)
   * [IdP hosted reference](simplesamlphp-reference-idp-hosted)
   * [SP remote reference](simplesamlphp-reference-sp-remote)
diff --git a/docs/simplesamlphp-sp-migration.md b/docs/simplesamlphp-sp-migration.md
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-Migrating to the `saml` module
-<!-- {{TOC}} -->
-This document describes how you can migrate your code to use the `saml` module for authentication against SAML 2.0 and SAML 1.1 IdPs.
-It assumes that you have previously set up a SP by using redirects to `saml2/sp/initSSO.php`.
-The steps we are going to follow are:
-1. Create a new authentication source.
-2. Add the metadata for this authentication source to the IdP.
-3. Test the new authentication source.
-4. Convert the application to use the new API.
-5. Test the application.
-6. Remove the old metadata from the IdP.
-7. Disable the old SAML 2 SP.
-Create a new authentication source
-In this step we are going to create an authentication source which uses the `saml` module for authentication.
-To do this, we open `config/authsources.php`. Create the file if it does not exist.
-If you create the file, it should look like this:
-    <?php
-    $config = [
-        /* Here we can add entries for authentication sources we want to use. */
-    ];
-We are going to add an entry to this file.
-The entry should look something like this:
-    'default-sp' => [
-        'saml:SP',
-        /*
-         * The entity ID of this SP.
-         * Can be NULL/unset, in which case an entity ID is generated based on the metadata URL.
-         */
-        'entityID' => NULL,
-        /*
-         * The entity ID of the IdP this should SP should contact.
-         * Can be NULL/unset, in which case the user will be shown a list of available IdPs.
-         */
-        'idp' => NULL,
-        /* Here you can add other options to the SP. */
-    ],
-`default-sp` is the name of the authentication source.
-It is used to refer to this authentication source when we use it.
-`saml:SP` tells SimpleSAMLphp that authentication with this authentication source is handled by the `saml` module.
-The `idp` option should be set to the same value that is set in `default-saml20-idp` in `config.php`.
-To ease migration, you probably want the entity ID on the new SP to be different than on the old SP.
-This makes it possible to have both the old and the new SP active on the IdP at the same time.
-You can also add other options this authentication source.
-See the [`saml:SP`](./saml:sp) documentation for more information.
-Add the metadata for this authentication source to the IdP
-After adding the authentication source on the SP, you need to register the metadata on the IdP.
-To retrieve the metadata, open the frontpage of your SimpleSAMLphp installation, and go to the federation tab.
-You should have a list of metadata entries, and one will be marked with the name of the new authentication source.
-In our case, that was `default-sp`.
-Click the `Show metadata` link, and you will arrive on a web page with the metadata for that service provider.
-How you proceed from here depends on which IdP you are connecting to.
-If you use a SimpleSAMLphp IdP, you can use the metadata in the flat file format at the bottom of the page.
-That metadata should be added to `saml20-sp-remote.php` on the IdP.
-For other IdPs you probably want to use the XML metadata.
-Test the new authentication source
-You should now be able to log in using the new authentication source.
-Go to the frontpage of your SimpleSAMLphp installation and open the authentication tab.
-There you will find a link to test authentication sources.
-Click that link, and select the name of your authentication source (`default-sp` in our case).
-You should be able to log in using that authentication source, and receive the attributes from the IdP.
-Convert the application to use the new API
-This section will go through some common changes that you need to do when you are using SimpleSAMLphp from a different application.
-### `_include.php`
-You should also no longer include `.../simplesamlphp/www/_include.php`.
-Instead, you should include `.../simplesamlphp/lib/_autoload.php`.
-This means that you replace lines like:
-    require_once('.../simplesamlphp/www/_include.php');
-    require_once('.../simplesamlphp/lib/_autoload.php');
-`_autoload.php` will register an autoloader function for the SimpleSAMLphp classes.
-This makes it possible to access the classes from your application.
-`_include.php` does the same, but also has some side-effects that you may not want in your application.
-If you load any SimpleSAMLphp class files directly, you should remove those lines.
-That means that you should remove lines like the following:
-    require_once('SimpleSAML/Utilities.php');
-    require_once('SimpleSAML/Session.php');
-    require_once('SimpleSAML/XHTML/Template.php');
-### Authentication API
-There is a new authentication API in SimpleSAMLphp which can be used to authenticate against authentication sources.
-This API is designed to handle the common operations.
-#### Overview
-This is a quick overview of the API:
-    /* Get a reference to our authentication source. */
-    $as = new \SimpleSAML\Auth\Simple('default-sp');
-    /* Require the user to be authentcated. */
-    $as->requireAuth();
-    /* When that function returns, we have an authenticated user. */
-    /*
-     * Retrieve attributes of the user.
-     *
-     * Note: If the user isn't authenticated when getAttributes() is
-     * called, an empty array will be returned.
-     */
-    $attributes = $as->getAttributes();
-    /* Log the user out. */
-    $as->logout();
-#### `$config` and `$session`
-Generally, if you have:
-    $config = \SimpleSAML\Configuration::getInstance();
-    $session = \SimpleSAML\Session::getSessionFromRequest();
-you should replace it with this single line:
-    $as = new \SimpleSAML\Auth\Simple('default-sp');
-#### Requiring authentication
-Blocks of code like the following:
-    /* Check if valid local session exists.. */
-    if (!isset($session) || !$session->isValid('saml2') ) {
-      \SimpleSAML\Utilities::redirect(
-        '/' . $config->getBaseURL() .
-        'saml2/sp/initSSO.php',
-        ['RelayState' => \SimpleSAML\Utilities::selfURL()]
-        );
-    }
-should be replaced with a single call to `requireAuth()`:
-    $as->requireAuth();
-#### Fetching attributes
-Where you previously called:
-    $session->getAttributes();
-you should now call:
-    $as->getAttributes();
-#### Logging out
-Redirecting to the initSLO-script:
-    \SimpleSAML\Utilities::redirect(
-        '/' . $config->getBaseURL() .
-        'saml2/sp/initSLO.php',
-        ['RelayState' => \SimpleSAML\Utilities::selfURL()]
-        );
-should be replaced with a call to `logout()`:
-    $as->logout();
-If you want to return to a specific URL after logging out, you should include that URL as a parameter to the logout function:
-    $as->logout('https://example.org/');
-Please make sure the URL is trusted. If you obtain the URL from the user input, make sure it is trusted before
-calling $as->logout(), by using the \SimpleSAML\Utilities::checkURLAllowed() method.
-#### Login link
-If you have any links to the initSSO-script, those links must be replaced with links to a new script.
-The URL to the new script is `https://.../simplesaml/module.php/core/as_login.php`.
-It has two mandatory parameters:
-  * `AuthId`: The id of the authentication source.
-  * `ReturnTo`: The URL the user should be redirected to after authentication.
-#### Logout link
-Any links to the initSLO-script must be replaced with links to a new script.
-The URL to the new script is `https://.../simplesaml/module.php/core/as_logout.php`.
-It has two mandatory parameters:
-  * `AuthId`: The id of the authentication source.
-  * `ReturnTo`: The URL the user should be redirected to after logout.
-Test the application
-How you test the application is highly dependent on the application, but here are the elements you should test:
-### SP initiated login
-Make sure that it is still possible to log into the application.
-### IdP initiated login
-If you use a SimpleSAMLphp IdP, and you want users to be able to bookmark the login page, you need to test IdP initiated login.
-To test IdP initiated login from a SimpleSAMLphp IdP, you can access:
-    https://.../simplesaml/saml2/idp/SSOService.php?spentityid=<entity ID of your SP>&RelayState=<URL the user should be sent to after login>
-Note that the RelayState parameter is only supported if the IdP runs version 1.5 of SimpleSAMLphp.
-If it isn't supported by the IdP, you need to configure the `RelayState` option in the authentication source configuration.
-### SP initiated logout
-Make sure that logging out of your application also logs out of the IdP.
-If this does not work, users who log out of your application can log in again without entering any username or password.
-### IdP initiated logout
-This is used by the IdP if the user logs out of a different SP connected to the IdP.
-In this case, the user should also be logged out of your application.
-The easiest way to test this is if you have two SPs connected to the IdP.
-You can then log out of one SP and check that you are also logged out of the other.
-Remove the old metadata from the IdP
-Once the new SP works correctly, you can remove the metadata for the old SP from the IdP.
-How you do that depends on the IdP.
-If you are running a SimpleSAMLphp IdP, you can remove the entry for the old SP in `metadata/saml20-sp-remote.php`.
-Disable the old SAML 2 SP
-You may also want to disable the old SP code in SimpleSAMLphp.
-To do that, open `config/config.php`, and change the `enable.saml20-sp` option to `FALSE`.