From c2d7e1d069fd0e42167fc4d00d027d5d8f3e9a2c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Andreas=20=C3=85kre=20Solberg?= <>
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2009 09:38:36 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] remove doc that is not relevant for this module

git-svn-id: 44740490-163a-0410-bde0-09ae8108e29a
 .../docs/ConsentDocs.txt.old                  | 128 ------------------
 1 file changed, 128 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 modules/consentSimpleAdmin/docs/ConsentDocs.txt.old

diff --git a/modules/consentSimpleAdmin/docs/ConsentDocs.txt.old b/modules/consentSimpleAdmin/docs/ConsentDocs.txt.old
deleted file mode 100644
index 58254a98b..000000000
--- a/modules/consentSimpleAdmin/docs/ConsentDocs.txt.old
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-Using the Consent and ConsentAdmin modules
-When the Consent module is active, the end user must give his consent when attributes are sent to an SP.
-The Consent module can be configured to save the given consents to a database. 
-The user is then given the option to store the consent for later. Then the next time the attributes will be sent right away.
-When the Consent module is using persistent storage, you can activate the optional ConsentAdmin module.
-With this, the user can view and remove his consents for various SP's. 
-Installing the Consent module
-The Consent module is part of the simplesamlphp standard sources.
-It consists of the following files
-Create the Consent database.
-Activate Consent module on IdP.
-Edit metadata/saml20-idp-hosted.php and set
-	requireconsent
-to true
-Configuring persistent storage of the Consent module.
-Create a database with the Consent schema and necessary user rights.
-For now, the examples assume you are using the MySQL database.
-Consult the database documentation to see how you grant permission to the database user which the Consent module must use.
-The database schema is shown in the lib/SimpleSAML/Consent/ConsentStorage.php file:
- * The Consent Storage class is used for storing Attribute Release consents.
- *
- * CREATE TABLE consent ( 
- *	hashed_user_id varchar(128) NOT NULL, 
- *	service_id varchar(128) NOT NULL, 
- *	attribute varchar(128) NOT NULL, 
- *	consent_date datetime NOT NULL, 
- *	usage_date datetime NOT NULL, 
- *	PRIMARY KEY USING BTREE (hashed_user_id, service_id) 
- * );
- *
-Edit the Consent section of config/config.php and set the database and user information.
-Remember to activate persistent Consent storage by setting the
-	consent_usestorage
-attribute to true
-	 * Configuration of Consent storage used for attribute consent.
-	 * connect, user and passwd is used with PDO (in example Mysql)
-	 */
-	'consent_usestorage' => true,
-	'consent_userid' => 'eduPersonPrincipalName',
-	'consent_salt' => 'sdkfjhsidu87werwe8r79w8e7r',
-	'consent_pdo_connect' => ';dbname=simplesamlconsent',
-	'consent_pdo_user' => 'simplesamluser',
-	'consent_pdo_passwd' => 'xxxx',
-Installing the ConsentAdmin module
-The ConsentAdmin module adds a user interface to SimpleSaml which allows the end user to edit his/her consents for all the Service Providers.
-The ConsentAdmin module consists of the following files in the SimpleSaml directory structure:
-As you can see in the Consent file listing, the consent module uses two of its own dictionaries for translations, consent.php and consentadmin.php.
-The dictionaries are work-in-progress!
-Additionally, it uses the attributes.php dictionary for showing localised attribute names.	
-From the ConsentAdmin source files, you can copy these manually to the right places. 
-If you received the ConsentAdmin as a .tgz archive you can untar them directly into the SimpleSaml source files with these commands
-	$ cd <your simplesaml source root>
-	$ tar -wkzxvf <ConsentAdmin.tgz>
-Configuring the Idp
-The ConsentAdmin module uses the IdP's list of remote SP's (configured in metadata/saml20-sp-remote.php). It uses the attributes 'name' and 'description'.
-Both these attributes must specify an array for language translations.
-' => array(
- 			'AssertionConsumerService' => '', 
- 			'SingleLogoutService'      => '',
-	        'name' => array(
-				'en' => 'Saml2 SP english',
-				'no' => 'Saml2 SP bokmĂĄl',
-		  		'nn' => 'Saml2 SP nynorsk',
-				'da' => 'Saml2 SP dansk',
-		  		'es' => 'Saml2 SP español',
-    	  		'fr' => 'Saml2 SP français',
-		  		'de' => 'Saml2 SP deutsch',
-		  		'nl' => 'Saml2 SP dutch',
-		  		'lu' => 'Saml2 SP Luxembourgish',
-		  		'sl' => 'Saml2 SP Slovenščina',
-         	),
-	        'description' => array(
-				'en' => 'Saml2 SP description english',
-				'no' => 'Saml2 SP description bokmĂĄl',
-		  		'nn' => 'Saml2 SP description nynorsk',
-				'da' => 'Saml2 SP description dansk',
-		  		'es' => 'Saml2 SP description español',
-    	  		'fr' => 'Saml2 SP description français',
-		  		'de' => 'Saml2 SP description deutsch',
-		  		'nl' => 'Saml2 SP description dutch',
-		  		'lu' => 'Saml2 SP description Luxembourgish',
-		  		'sl' => 'Saml2 SP description Slovenščina',
-         	),
- 		),
\ No newline at end of file