diff --git a/lib/SimpleSAML/Bindings/Shib13/HTTPPost.php b/lib/SimpleSAML/Bindings/Shib13/HTTPPost.php
index ee8dc5f1882356f6076bc1bdcf7b245d6a00c819..8b6a14e26986eda04b03882a4e8632b98935a252 100644
--- a/lib/SimpleSAML/Bindings/Shib13/HTTPPost.php
+++ b/lib/SimpleSAML/Bindings/Shib13/HTTPPost.php
@@ -16,90 +16,35 @@ class SimpleSAML_Bindings_Shib13_HTTPPost {
 		$this->configuration = $configuration;
 		$this->metadata = $metadatastore;
-	public function sendResponseUnsigned($response, $idpentityid, $spentityid, $relayState = null, $endpoint = 'AssertionConsumerService') {
-		SimpleSAML_Utilities::validateXMLDocument($response, 'saml11');
-		$idpmd = $this->metadata->getMetaData($idpentityid, 'saml20-idp-hosted');
-		$spmd = $this->metadata->getMetaData($spentityid, 'saml20-sp-remote');
-		$destination = $spmd[$endpoint];
-		echo '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
-				"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
-		<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
-		<head>
-			<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
-			<title>Send SAML 2.0 Authentication Response</title>
-		</head>
-		<body>
-		<h1>Send SAML 2.0 Authentication Response</h1>
-		 <form style="border: 1px solid #777; margin: 2em; padding: 2em" method="post" action="' . $destination . '">
-			<input type="hidden" name="SAMLResponse" value="' . base64_encode($response) . '" />
-			<input type="hidden" name="TARGET" value="' . $relayState. '">
-			<input type="submit" value="Submit the SAML 1.1 Response" />
-		 </form>
-		<ul>
-			<li>From IdP: <tt>' . $idpentityid . '</tt></li>
-			<li>To SP: <tt>' . $spentityid . '</tt></li>
-			<li>SP Assertion Consumer Service URL: <tt>' . $destination . '</tt></li>
-			<li>RelayState: <tt>' . $relayState . '</tt></li>
-		</ul>
-		<p>SAML Message: <pre>' .  htmlentities($response) . '</pre>
-		</body>
-		</html>';
-	}
 	 * Send an authenticationResponse using HTTP-POST.
-	 * @param $idpmetaindex The metaindex of the IdP to send from.
+	 * @param string $response  The response which should be sent.
+	 * @param array $idpmd  The metadata of the IdP which is sending the response.
+	 * @param array $spmd  The metadata of the SP which is receiving the response.
+	 * @param string|NULL $relayState  The relaystate for the SP.
+	 * @param string $shire  The shire which should receive the response.
-	public function sendResponse($response, $idpmetaindex, $spentityid, $relayState = null, $claimedacs = null) {
+	public function sendResponse($response, $idpmd, $spmd, $relayState, $shire) {
 		SimpleSAML_Utilities::validateXMLDocument($response, 'saml11');
-		$idpmd = $this->metadata->getMetaData($idpmetaindex, 'shib13-idp-hosted');
-		$spmd = $this->metadata->getMetaData($spentityid, 'shib13-sp-remote');
-		$destination = $spmd['AssertionConsumerService'];
-		if(!isset($destination) or $destination == '') {
-			throw new Exception('Could not find AssertionConsumerService for SP entity ID [' . $spentityid. ']. ' . 
-				'Claimed ACS is: ' . (isset($claimedacs) ? $claimedacs : 'N/A'));
-		}
-		if(strpos($claimedacs, $destination) === 0) {
-			$destination = $claimedacs;
-		} else {
-			throw new Exception('Claimed ACS (shire) and ACS in SP Metadata do not match. [' . $claimedacs. '] [' . $destination . ']');
-		}
 		$privatekey = SimpleSAML_Utilities::loadPrivateKey($idpmd, TRUE);
 		$publickey = SimpleSAML_Utilities::loadPublicKey($idpmd, TRUE);
 		$responsedom = new DOMDocument();
 		$responsedom->loadXML(str_replace ("\r", "", $response));
 		$responseroot = $responsedom->getElementsByTagName('Response')->item(0);
 		$firstassertionroot = $responsedom->getElementsByTagName('Assertion')->item(0);
 		/* Determine what we should sign - either the Response element or the Assertion. The default
 		 * is to sign the Assertion, but that can be overridden by the 'signresponse' option in the
 		 * SP metadata or 'saml20.signresponse' in the global configuration.
 		$signResponse = FALSE;
-		if(array_key_exists('signresponse', $spmd) && $spmd['signresponse'] !== NULL) {
+		if (array_key_exists('signresponse', $spmd) && $spmd['signresponse'] !== NULL) {
 			$signResponse = $spmd['signresponse'];
 			if(!is_bool($signResponse)) {
 				throw new Exception('Expected the \'signresponse\' option in the metadata of the' .
@@ -108,103 +53,85 @@ class SimpleSAML_Bindings_Shib13_HTTPPost {
 		} else {
 			$signResponse = $this->configuration->getBoolean('shib13.signresponse', TRUE);
 		/* Check if we have an assertion to sign. Force to sign the response if not. */
-		if($firstassertionroot === NULL) {
+		if ($firstassertionroot === NULL) {
 			$signResponse = TRUE;
 		$signer = new SimpleSAML_XML_Signer(array(
 			'privatekey_array' => $privatekey,
 			'publickey_array' => $publickey,
 			'id' => ($signResponse ? 'ResponseID' : 'AssertionID') ,
-		if(array_key_exists('certificatechain', $idpmd)) {
+		if (array_key_exists('certificatechain', $idpmd)) {
-		if($signResponse) {
-			/* Sign the response - this must be done after encrypting the assertion. */
+		if ($signResponse) {
+			/* Sign the response - this must be done after encrypting the assertion. */
 			/* We insert the signature before the saml2p:Status element. */
 			$statusElements = SimpleSAML_Utilities::getDOMChildren($responseroot, 'Status', '@saml1p');
 			assert('count($statusElements) === 1');
 			$signer->sign($responseroot, $responseroot, $statusElements[0]);
 		} else {
 			/* Sign the assertion */
 			$signer->sign($firstassertionroot, $firstassertionroot);
 		$response = $responsedom->saveXML();
-		# openssl genrsa -des3 -out server.key 1024 
-		# openssl rsa -in server.key -out server.pem
-		# openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr
-		# openssl x509 -req -days 60 -in server.csr -signkey server.key -out server.crt
 		if ($this->configuration->getValue('debug')) {
 			$p = new SimpleSAML_XHTML_Template($this->configuration, 'post-debug.php');
 			$p->data['header'] = 'SAML (Shibboleth 1.3) Response Debug-mode';
 			$p->data['RelayStateName'] = 'TARGET';
 			$p->data['RelayState'] = $relayState;
-			$p->data['destination'] = $destination;
+			$p->data['destination'] = $shire;
 			$p->data['response'] = str_replace("\n", "", base64_encode($response));
 			$p->data['responseHTML'] = htmlspecialchars(SimpleSAML_Utilities::formatXMLString($response));
 		} else {
 			$p = new SimpleSAML_XHTML_Template($this->configuration, 'post.php');
 			$p->data['RelayStateName'] = 'TARGET';
 			$p->data['RelayState'] = $relayState;
-			$p->data['destination'] = $destination;
+			$p->data['destination'] = $shire;
 			$p->data['response'] = base64_encode($response);
+	/**
+	 * Decode a received response.
+	 *
+	 * @param array $post  POST data received.
+	 * @return SimpleSAML_XML_Shib13_AuthnResponse  Response.
+	 */
 	public function decodeResponse($post) {
-		$rawResponse = 	$post["SAMLResponse"];
-		$relaystate = 	$post["TARGET"];
-		$samlResponseXML = base64_decode( $rawResponse );
+		assert('is_array($post)');
+		if (!array_key_exists('SAMLResponse', $post)) {
+			throw new Exception('Missing required SAMLResponse parameter.');
+		}
+		$rawResponse = $post['SAMLResponse'];
+		$samlResponseXML = base64_decode($rawResponse);
 		SimpleSAML_Utilities::validateXMLDocument($samlResponseXML, 'saml11');
 		$samlResponse = new SimpleSAML_XML_Shib13_AuthnResponse($this->configuration, $this->metadata);
-		if (isset($relaystate)) {
-			$samlResponse->setRelayState($relaystate);
+		if (array_key_exists('TARGET', $post)) {
+			$samlResponse->setRelayState($post['TARGET']);
-        return $samlResponse;
-	}
+		return $samlResponse;
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/SimpleSAML/XML/Shib13/AuthnResponse.php b/lib/SimpleSAML/XML/Shib13/AuthnResponse.php
index adf815f7bdd044cbf603463a092a68758cf8a3d3..a7ad3cd1e55e57f37c7ac5cfcd26fe0d13c4230d 100644
--- a/lib/SimpleSAML/XML/Shib13/AuthnResponse.php
+++ b/lib/SimpleSAML/XML/Shib13/AuthnResponse.php
@@ -235,22 +235,29 @@ class SimpleSAML_XML_Shib13_AuthnResponse extends SimpleSAML_XML_AuthnResponse {
 		return $nameID;
-	// Not updated for response. from request.
-	public function generate($idpentityid, $spentityid, $inresponseto, $nameid, $attributes) {
-		//echo 'idp:' . $idpentityid . ' sp:' . $spentityid .' inresponseto:' .  $inresponseto . ' namid:' . $nameid;
-		$idpmd 	= $this->metadata->getMetaData($idpentityid, 'shib13-idp-hosted');
-		$spmd 	= $this->metadata->getMetaData($spentityid, 'shib13-sp-remote');
-		if (array_key_exists('scopedattributes', $spmd)) {
-			$scopedAttributes = $spmd['scopedattributes'];
-			$scopedAttributesSource = 'the shib13-sp-remote sp \'' . $spentityid . '\'';
-		} elseif (array_key_exists('scopedattributes', $idpmd)) {
-			$scopedAttributes = $idpmd['scopedattributes'];
-			$scopedAttributesSource = 'the shib13-idp-hosted idp \'' . $idpentityid . '\'';
+	/**
+	 * Build a authentication response.
+	 *
+	 * @param array $idp  Metadata for the IdP the response is sent from.
+	 * @param array $sp  Metadata for the SP the response is sent to.
+	 * @param string $shire  The endpoint on the SP the response is sent to.
+	 * @param array|NULL $attributes  The attributes which should be included in the response.
+	 * @return string  The response.
+	 */
+	public function generate($idp, $sp, $shire, $attributes) {
+		assert('is_array($idp)');
+		assert('is_array($sp)');
+		assert('is_string($shire)');
+		assert('$attributes === NULL || is_array($attributes)');
+		if (array_key_exists('scopedattributes', $sp)) {
+			$scopedAttributes = $sp['scopedattributes'];
+			$scopedAttributesSource = 'the shib13-sp-remote sp \'' . $sp['entityid'] . '\'';
+		} elseif (array_key_exists('scopedattributes', $idp)) {
+			$scopedAttributes = $idp['scopedattributes'];
+			$scopedAttributesSource = 'the shib13-idp-hosted idp \'' . $idp['entityid'] . '\'';
 		} else {
 			$scopedAttributes = array();
@@ -265,47 +272,45 @@ class SimpleSAML_XML_Shib13_AuthnResponse extends SimpleSAML_XML_AuthnResponse {
 		$id = SimpleSAML_Utilities::generateID();
 		$issueInstant = SimpleSAML_Utilities::generateTimestamp();
 		$assertionExpire = SimpleSAML_Utilities::generateTimestamp(time() + 60 * 5);# 5 minutes
 		$assertionid = SimpleSAML_Utilities::generateID();
-		if (is_null($nameid)) {
-			$nameid = SimpleSAML_Utilities::generateID();
-		}
-		$issuer = $idpentityid;
+		$audience = isset($sp['audience']) ? $sp['audience'] : $sp['entityid'];
+		$base64 = isset($sp['base64attributes']) ? $sp['base64attributes'] : false;
+		$namequalifier = isset($sp['NameQualifier']) ? $sp['NameQualifier'] : $sp['entityid'];
+		$nameid = SimpleSAML_Utilities::generateID();
+		$subjectNode =
+			'<Subject>' .
+			'<NameIdentifier' .
+			' Format="urn:mace:shibboleth:1.0:nameIdentifier"' .
+			' NameQualifier="' . htmlspecialchars($namequalifier) . '"' .
+			'>' .
+			htmlspecialchars($nameid) .
+			'</NameIdentifier>' .
+			'<SubjectConfirmation>' .
+			'<ConfirmationMethod>' .
+			'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:cm:bearer' .
+			'</ConfirmationMethod>' .
+			'</SubjectConfirmation>' .
+			'</Subject>';
-		if (!array_key_exists('AssertionConsumerService', $spmd)) throw new Exception('Could not find [AssertionConsumerService] in Shib 1.3 Service Provider remote metadata.');
-		$shire = $spmd['AssertionConsumerService'];
-		$audience = isset($spmd['audience']) ? $spmd['audience'] : $spentityid;
-		$base64 = isset($spmd['base64attributes']) ? $spmd['base64attributes'] : false;
-		$namequalifier = isset($spmd['NameQualifier']) ? $spmd['NameQualifier'] : $spmd['entityid'];
 		$encodedattributes = '';
 		if (is_array($attributes)) {
-			$encodedattributes .= '<AttributeStatement>
-				<Subject>
-					<NameIdentifier Format="urn:mace:shibboleth:1.0:nameIdentifier" NameQualifier="' . htmlspecialchars($namequalifier) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($nameid) . '</NameIdentifier>
-					<SubjectConfirmation><ConfirmationMethod>urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:cm:bearer</ConfirmationMethod></SubjectConfirmation>
-				</Subject>';
+			$encodedattributes .= '<AttributeStatement>';
+			$encodedattributes .= $subjectNode;
 			foreach ($attributes AS $name => $value) {
 				$encodedattributes .= $this->enc_attribute($name, $value, $base64, $scopedAttributes);
 			$encodedattributes .= '</AttributeStatement>';
 		 * The SAML 1.1 response message
@@ -314,41 +319,30 @@ class SimpleSAML_XML_Shib13_AuthnResponse extends SimpleSAML_XML_AuthnResponse {
     xmlns:samlp="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:protocol" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
     xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" IssueInstant="' . $issueInstant. '"
     MajorVersion="1" MinorVersion="1"
-    Recipient="' . htmlspecialchars($shire) . '" 
-    ' . (isset($idpmd['edugainInResponseTo']) ? 'InResponseTo="' . $idpmd['edugainInResponseTo'] . '"' : '') . ' 
-    ResponseID="' . $id . '">
-	<Status>
-        <StatusCode Value="samlp:Success">
-            <StatusCode xmlns:code="urn:geant:edugain:protocol" Value="code:Accepted" />
-        </StatusCode>
-    </Status>    
+    Recipient="' . htmlspecialchars($shire) . '" ResponseID="' . $id . '">
+    <Status>
+        <StatusCode Value="samlp:Success" />
+    </Status>
     <Assertion xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:assertion"
         AssertionID="' . $assertionid . '" IssueInstant="' . $issueInstant. '"
-        Issuer="' . htmlspecialchars($issuer) . '" MajorVersion="1" MinorVersion="1">
+        Issuer="' . htmlspecialchars($idp['entityid']) . '" MajorVersion="1" MinorVersion="1">
         <Conditions NotBefore="' . $issueInstant. '" NotOnOrAfter="'. $assertionExpire . '">
                 <Audience>' . htmlspecialchars($audience) . '</Audience>
         <AuthenticationStatement AuthenticationInstant="' . $issueInstant. '"
-            AuthenticationMethod="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:am:unspecified">
-            <Subject>
-                <NameIdentifier Format="urn:mace:shibboleth:1.0:nameIdentifier" NameQualifier="' . htmlspecialchars($namequalifier) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($nameid) . '</NameIdentifier>
-                <SubjectConfirmation>
-                    <ConfirmationMethod>urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:cm:bearer</ConfirmationMethod>
-                </SubjectConfirmation>
-            </Subject>
+            AuthenticationMethod="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:am:unspecified">' .
+			$subjectNode . '
         ' . $encodedattributes . '
 		return $response;
 	 * Format a shib13 attribute.
@@ -389,10 +383,10 @@ class SimpleSAML_XML_Shib13_AuthnResponse extends SimpleSAML_XML_AuthnResponse {
 			$attr .= '<AttributeValue' . $scopePart . '>' . htmlspecialchars($value) . '</AttributeValue>';
 		$attr .= '</Attribute>';
 		return $attr;
-	}	
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/www/shib13/idp/SSOService.php b/www/shib13/idp/SSOService.php
index 638c43d7d4e8fb0227061f0fd6c2c9490f44e95d..666ce4c3ce510b26a11b875c35992d1571157a6e 100644
--- a/www/shib13/idp/SSOService.php
+++ b/www/shib13/idp/SSOService.php
@@ -22,15 +22,13 @@ if (!$config->getValue('enable.shib13-idp', false))
 	SimpleSAML_Utilities::fatalError($session->getTrackID(), 'NOACCESS');
 try {
-	$idpentityid = $metadata->getMetaDataCurrentEntityID('shib13-idp-hosted', 'entityid');
-	$idpmetaindex = $metadata->getMetaDataCurrentEntityID('shib13-idp-hosted', 'metaindex');
 	$idpmetadata = $metadata->getMetaDataCurrent('shib13-idp-hosted');
 } catch (Exception $exception) {
 	SimpleSAML_Utilities::fatalError($session->getTrackID(), 'METADATA', $exception);
- * If the shire query parameter is set, we got an incoming Authentication Request 
+ * If the shire query parameter is set, we got an incoming Authentication Request
  * at this interface.
  * In this case, what we should do is to process the request and set the neccessary information
@@ -43,7 +41,7 @@ if (isset($_GET['shire'])) {
 	try {
 		$authnrequest = new SimpleSAML_XML_Shib13_AuthnRequest($config, $metadata);
 		$requestid = $authnrequest->getRequestID();
@@ -55,9 +53,12 @@ if (isset($_GET['shire'])) {
 			'shire'		=> $authnrequest->getShire(),
 			'RelayState' => $authnrequest->getRelayState(),
-		SimpleSAML_Logger::info('Shib1.3 - IdP.SSOService: Got incoming Shib authnRequest requestid: '.$requestid);
+		SimpleSAML_Logger::info('Shib1.3 - IdP.SSOService: Got incoming Shib authnRequest requestid: ' . $requestid);
+		if (empty($requestcache['Issuer']))
+			throw new Exception('Could not retrieve issuer of the AuthNRequest (ProviderID)');
 	} catch(Exception $exception) {
 		SimpleSAML_Utilities::fatalError($session->getTrackID(), 'PROCESSAUTHNREQUEST', $exception);
@@ -67,21 +68,21 @@ if (isset($_GET['shire'])) {
  * If we did not get an incoming Authenticaiton Request, we need a RequestID parameter.
  * The RequestID parameter is used to retrieve the information stored in the session object
- * related to the request that was received earlier. Usually the request is processed with 
+ * related to the request that was received earlier. Usually the request is processed with
  * code above, then the user is redirected to some login module, and when successfully authenticated
- * the user isredirected back to this endpoint, and then the user will need to have the RequestID 
+ * the user isredirected back to this endpoint, and then the user will need to have the RequestID
  * parmeter attached.
 } elseif(isset($_GET['RequestID'])) {
 	try {
 		$authId = $_GET['RequestID'];
 		$requestcache = $session->getAuthnRequest('shib13', $authId);
 		SimpleSAML_Logger::info('Shib1.3 - IdP.SSOService: Got incoming RequestID: '. $authId);
 		if (!$requestcache) {
 			throw new Exception('Could not retrieve cached RequestID = ' . $authId);
@@ -89,7 +90,7 @@ if (isset($_GET['shire'])) {
 	} catch(Exception $exception) {
 		SimpleSAML_Utilities::fatalError($session->getTrackID(), 'CACHEAUTHNREQUEST', $exception);
 } elseif(isset($_REQUEST[SimpleSAML_Auth_ProcessingChain::AUTHPARAM])) {
 	/* Resume from authentication processing chain. */
@@ -101,6 +102,13 @@ if (isset($_GET['shire'])) {
 	SimpleSAML_Utilities::fatalError($session->getTrackID(), 'SSOSERVICEPARAMS');
+/* Make sure that the issuer is a valid SP. */
+try {
+	$spmetadata = $metadata->getMetaData($requestcache['Issuer'], 'shib13-sp-remote');
+} catch (Exception $exception) {
+	SimpleSAML_Utilities::fatalError($session->getTrackID(), 'PROCESSAUTHNREQUEST', $exception);
 /* Check whether we should authenticate with an AuthSource. Any time the auth-option matches a
  * valid AuthSource, we assume that this is the case.
@@ -132,7 +140,7 @@ if (!$session->isAuthenticated($authority) ) {
 	if($authSource) {
 		/* Authenticate with an AuthSource. */
 		$hints = array(
-			'SPMetadata' => $metadata->getMetaData($requestcache['Issuer'], 'shib13-sp-remote'),
+			'SPMetadata' => $spmetadata,
 			'IdPMetadata' => $idpmetadata,
@@ -146,97 +154,64 @@ if (!$session->isAuthenticated($authority) ) {
 			'protocol' => 'shib13',
  * We got an request, and we hav a valid session. Then we send an AuthenticationResponse back to the
  * service.
-} else {
+try {
+	$spmetadata = $metadata->getMetaData($requestcache['Issuer'], 'shib13-sp-remote');
-	try {
-		$spentityid = $requestcache['Issuer'];
-		$spmetadata = $metadata->getMetaData($spentityid, 'shib13-sp-remote');
-		$sp_name = (isset($spmetadata['name']) ? $spmetadata['name'] : $spentityid);
-		$attributes = $session->getAttributes();
-		/**
-		 * Make a log entry in the statistics for this SSO login.
-			Need to be replaced by a authproc
-			$tempattr = $afilter->getAttributes();
-			$realmattr = $config->getValue('statistics.realmattr', null);
-			$realmstr = 'NA';
-			if (!empty($realmattr)) {
-				if (array_key_exists($realmattr, $tempattr) && is_array($tempattr[$realmattr]) ) {
-					$realmstr = $tempattr[$realmattr][0];
-				} else {
-					SimpleSAML_Logger::warning('Could not get realm attribute to log [' . $realmattr. ']');
-				}
-			} 
-		*/
-		SimpleSAML_Logger::stats('shib13-idp-SSO ' . $spentityid . ' ' . $idpentityid . ' NA');
-		/* Authentication processing operations. */
-		if (array_key_exists('AuthProcState', $requestcache)) {
-			/* Processed earlier, saved in requestcache. */
-			$authProcState = $requestcache['AuthProcState'];
-		} elseif (isset($authProcState)) {
-			/* Returned from redirect during processing. */
-			$requestcache['AuthProcState'] = $authProcState;
-		} else {
-			/* Not processed. */
-			$pc = new SimpleSAML_Auth_ProcessingChain($idpmetadata, $spmetadata, 'idp');
-			$authProcState = array(
-				'core:shib13-idp:requestcache' => $requestcache,
-				'ReturnURL' => SimpleSAML_Utilities::selfURLNoQuery(),
-				'Attributes' => $attributes,
-				'Destination' => $spmetadata,
-				'Source' => $idpmetadata,
-				);
-			$pc->processState($authProcState);
-			$requestcache['AuthProcState'] = $authProcState;
+	/* Validate the Shire the response should be sent to. */
+	$shire = $requestcache['shire'];
+	if (!array_key_exists('AssertionConsumerService', $spmetadata)) {
+		throw new Exception('Could not find [AssertionConsumerService] in Shib 1.3 Service Provider remote metadata.');
+	}
+	$foundACS = FALSE;
+	foreach (SimpleSAML_Utilities::arrayize($spmetadata['AssertionConsumerService']) as $acs) {
+		if ($acs === $shire) {
+			SimpleSAML_Logger::info('Shib1.3 - IdP.SSOService: Found AssertionConsumerService: '. $acs);
+			$foundACS = TRUE;
+			break;
+	}
+	if (!$foundACS) {
+		throw new Exception('Invalid AssertionConsumerService for SP ' .
+			var_export($spmetadata['entityid'], TRUE) . ': ' . var_export($shire, TRUE));
+	}
-		$attributes = $authProcState['Attributes'];
-		// Generating a Shibboleth 1.3 Response.
-		$ar = new SimpleSAML_XML_Shib13_AuthnResponse($config, $metadata);
-		$authnResponseXML = $ar->generate($idpentityid, $requestcache['Issuer'],
-			$requestcache['RequestID'], null, $attributes);
-		#echo $authnResponseXML;
-		#print_r($authnResponseXML);
-		//sendResponse($response, $idpentityid, $spentityid, $relayState = null) {
-		$httppost = new SimpleSAML_Bindings_Shib13_HTTPPost($config, $metadata);
-		//echo 'Relaystate[' . $authnrequest->getRelayState() . ']';
-		$issuer = $requestcache['Issuer'];
-		$shire = $requestcache['shire'];
-		if ($issuer == null || $issuer == '')
-			throw new Exception('Could not retrieve issuer of the AuthNRequest (ProviderID)');
-		$httppost->sendResponse($authnResponseXML, $idpmetaindex, $issuer, $requestcache['RelayState'], $shire);
-	} catch(Exception $exception) {
-		SimpleSAML_Utilities::fatalError($session->getTrackID(), 'GENERATEAUTHNRESPONSE', $exception);
+	$attributes = $session->getAttributes();
+	SimpleSAML_Logger::stats('shib13-idp-SSO ' . $spmetadata['entityid'] . ' ' . $idpmetadata['entiryid'] . ' NA');
+	/* Authentication processing operations. */
+	if (!isset($authProcState)) {
+		/* Not processed. */
+		$pc = new SimpleSAML_Auth_ProcessingChain($idpmetadata, $spmetadata, 'idp');
+		$authProcState = array(
+			'core:shib13-idp:requestcache' => $requestcache,
+			'ReturnURL' => SimpleSAML_Utilities::selfURLNoQuery(),
+			'Attributes' => $attributes,
+			'Destination' => $spmetadata,
+			'Source' => $idpmetadata,
+			);
+		$pc->processState($authProcState);
+	$attributes = $authProcState['Attributes'];
+	/* Generate and send response. */
+	$ar = new SimpleSAML_XML_Shib13_AuthnResponse($config, $metadata);
+	$authnResponseXML = $ar->generate($idpmetadata, $spmetadata, $shire, $attributes);
+	$httppost = new SimpleSAML_Bindings_Shib13_HTTPPost($config, $metadata);
+	$httppost->sendResponse($authnResponseXML, $idpmetadata, $spmetadata, $requestcache['RelayState'], $shire);
+} catch(Exception $exception) {
+	SimpleSAML_Utilities::fatalError($session->getTrackID(), 'GENERATEAUTHNRESPONSE', $exception);
\ No newline at end of file