<?php namespace SimpleSAML; /** * Helper class for accessing information about modules. * * @author Olav Morken <olav.morken@uninett.no>, UNINETT AS. * @author Boy Baukema, SURFnet. * @author Jaime Perez <jaime.perez@uninett.no>, UNINETT AS. * @package SimpleSAMLphp */ class Module { /** * Autoload function for SimpleSAMLphp modules following PSR-0. * * @param string $className Name of the class. * @deprecated This method will be removed in SSP 2.0. * * TODO: this autoloader should be removed once everything has been migrated to namespaces. */ public static function autoloadPSR0($className) { $modulePrefixLength = strlen('sspmod_'); $classPrefix = substr($className, 0, $modulePrefixLength); if ($classPrefix !== 'sspmod_') { return; } $modNameEnd = strpos($className, '_', $modulePrefixLength); $module = substr($className, $modulePrefixLength, $modNameEnd - $modulePrefixLength); $path = explode('_', substr($className, $modNameEnd + 1)); if (!self::isModuleEnabled($module)) { return; } $file = self::getModuleDir($module).'/lib/'.join('/', $path).'.php'; if (!file_exists($file)) { return; } require_once($file); if (!class_exists($className, false)) { // the file exists, but the class is not defined. Is it using namespaces? $nspath = join('\\', $path); if (class_exists('SimpleSAML\Module\\'.$module.'\\'.$nspath)) { // the class has been migrated, create an alias and warn about it \SimpleSAML_Logger::warning( "The class '$className' is now using namespaces, please use 'SimpleSAML\\Module\\$module\\". "$nspath' instead." ); class_alias("SimpleSAML\\Module\\$module\\$nspath", $className); } } } /** * Autoload function for SimpleSAMLphp modules following PSR-4. * * @param string $className Name of the class. */ public static function autoloadPSR4($className) { $elements = explode('\\', $className); if ($elements[0] === '') { // class name starting with /, ignore array_shift($elements); } if (count($elements) < 4) { return; // it can't be a module } if (array_shift($elements) !== 'SimpleSAML') { return; // the first element is not "SimpleSAML" } if (array_shift($elements) !== 'Module') { return; // the second element is not "module" } // this is a SimpleSAMLphp module following PSR-4 $module = array_shift($elements); if (!self::isModuleEnabled($module)) { return; // module not enabled, avoid giving out any information at all } $file = self::getModuleDir($module).'/lib/'.implode('/', $elements).'.php'; if (file_exists($file)) { require_once($file); } } /** * Retrieve the base directory for a module. * * The returned path name will be an absolute path. * * @param string $module Name of the module * * @return string The base directory of a module. */ public static function getModuleDir($module) { $baseDir = dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))).'/modules'; $moduleDir = $baseDir.'/'.$module; return $moduleDir; } /** * Determine whether a module is enabled. * * Will return false if the given module doesn't exist. * * @param string $module Name of the module * * @return bool True if the given module is enabled, false otherwise. * * @throws \Exception If module.enable is set and is not boolean. */ public static function isModuleEnabled($module) { $moduleDir = self::getModuleDir($module); if (!is_dir($moduleDir)) { return false; } $globalConfig = \SimpleSAML_Configuration::getOptionalConfig(); $moduleEnable = $globalConfig->getArray('module.enable', array()); if (isset($moduleEnable[$module])) { if (is_bool($moduleEnable[$module]) === true) { return $moduleEnable[$module]; } throw new \Exception("Invalid module.enable value for the '$module' module."); } if (assert_options(ASSERT_ACTIVE) && !file_exists($moduleDir.'/default-enable') && !file_exists($moduleDir.'/default-disable') ) { \SimpleSAML_Logger::error("Missing default-enable or default-disable file for the module $module"); } if (file_exists($moduleDir.'/enable')) { return true; } if (!file_exists($moduleDir.'/disable') && file_exists($moduleDir.'/default-enable')) { return true; } return false; } /** * Get available modules. * * @return array One string for each module. * * @throws \Exception If we cannot open the module's directory. */ public static function getModules() { $path = self::getModuleDir('.'); $dh = opendir($path); if ($dh === false) { throw new \Exception('Unable to open module directory "'.$path.'".'); } $modules = array(); while (($f = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if ($f[0] === '.') { continue; } if (!is_dir($path.'/'.$f)) { continue; } $modules[] = $f; } closedir($dh); return $modules; } /** * Resolve module class. * * This function takes a string on the form "<module>:<class>" and converts it to a class * name. It can also check that the given class is a subclass of a specific class. The * resolved classname will be "sspmod_<module>_<$type>_<class>. * * It is also possible to specify a full classname instead of <module>:<class>. * * An exception will be thrown if the class can't be resolved. * * @param string $id The string we should resolve. * @param string $type The type of the class. * @param string|null $subclass The class should be a subclass of this class. Optional. * * @return string The classname. * * @throws \Exception If the class cannot be resolved. */ public static function resolveClass($id, $type, $subclass = null) { assert('is_string($id)'); assert('is_string($type)'); assert('is_string($subclass) || is_null($subclass)'); $tmp = explode(':', $id, 2); if (count($tmp) === 1) { // no module involved $className = $tmp[0]; if (!class_exists($className)) { throw new \Exception("Could not resolve '$id': no class named '$className'."); } } else { // should be a module // make sure empty types are handled correctly $type = (empty($type)) ? '_' : '_'.$type.'_'; // check for the old-style class names $className = 'sspmod_'.$tmp[0].$type.$tmp[1]; if (!class_exists($className)) { // check for the new-style class names, using namespaces $type = str_replace('_', '\\', $type); $newClassName = 'SimpleSAML\Module\\'.$tmp[0].$type.$tmp[1]; if (!class_exists($newClassName)) { throw new \Exception("Could not resolve '$id': no class named '$className' or '$newClassName'."); } $className = $newClassName; } } if ($subclass !== null && !is_subclass_of($className, $subclass)) { throw new \Exception( 'Could not resolve \''.$id.'\': The class \''.$className.'\' isn\'t a subclass of \''.$subclass.'\'.' ); } return $className; } /** * Get absolute URL to a specified module resource. * * This function creates an absolute URL to a resource stored under ".../modules/<module>/www/". * * @param string $resource Resource path, on the form "<module name>/<resource>" * @param array $parameters Extra parameters which should be added to the URL. Optional. * * @return string The absolute URL to the given resource. */ public static function getModuleURL($resource, array $parameters = array()) { assert('is_string($resource)'); assert('$resource[0] !== "/"'); $url = Utils\HTTP::getBaseURL().'module.php/'.$resource; if (!empty($parameters)) { $url = Utils\HTTP::addURLParameters($url, $parameters); } return $url; } /** * Call a hook in all enabled modules. * * This function iterates over all enabled modules and calls a hook in each module. * * @param string $hook The name of the hook. * @param mixed &$data The data which should be passed to each hook. Will be passed as a reference. */ public static function callHooks($hook, &$data = null) { assert('is_string($hook)'); $modules = self::getModules(); sort($modules); foreach ($modules as $module) { if (!self::isModuleEnabled($module)) { continue; } $hookfile = self::getModuleDir($module).'/hooks/hook_'.$hook.'.php'; if (!file_exists($hookfile)) { continue; } require_once($hookfile); $hookfunc = $module.'_hook_'.$hook; assert('is_callable($hookfunc)'); $hookfunc($data); } } }