<?php /** * A minimalistic XHTML PHP based template system implemented for simpleSAMLphp. * * @author Andreas Åkre Solberg, UNINETT AS. <andreas.solberg@uninett.no> * @package simpleSAMLphp * @version $Id$ */ class SimpleSAML_XHTML_Template { /** * This is the default language map. It is used to map languages codes from the user agent to * other language codes. */ private static $defaultLanguageMap = array('nb' => 'no'); private $configuration = null; private $template = 'default.php'; private $language = null; private $langtext = array(); public $data = null; /** * Associative array of dictionaries. */ private $dictionaries = array(); /** * The default dictionary. */ private $defaultDictionary = NULL; /** * Constructor * * @param $configuration Configuration object * @param $template Which template file to load * @param $defaultDictionary The default dictionary where tags will come from. */ function __construct(SimpleSAML_Configuration $configuration, $template, $defaultDictionary = NULL) { $this->configuration = $configuration; $this->template = $template; $this->data['baseurlpath'] = $this->configuration->getBaseURL(); if (isset($_GET['language'])) { $this->setLanguage($_GET['language']); } if($defaultDictionary !== NULL && substr($defaultDictionary, -4) === '.php') { /* For backwards compatibility - print warning. */ $backtrace = debug_backtrace(); $where = $backtrace[0]['file'] . ':' . $backtrace[0]['line']; SimpleSAML_Logger::warning('Deprecated use of new SimpleSAML_Template(...) at ' . $where . '. The last parameter is now a dictionary name, which should not end in ".php".'); $this->defaultDictionary = substr($defaultDictionary, 0, -4); } else { $this->defaultDictionary = $defaultDictionary; } } /** * setLanguage() will set a cookie for the user's browser to remember what language * was selected * * @param $language Language code for the language to set. */ public function setLanguage($language) { $this->language = $language; // setcookie ( string $name [, string $value [, int $expire [, string $path [, string $domain [, bool $secure [, bool $httponly ]]]]]] ) // time()+60*60*24*900 expires 900 days from now. setcookie('language', $language, time()+60*60*24*900, '/'); } /** * getLanguage() will return the language selected by the user, or the default language * This function first looks for a cached language code, * then checks for a language cookie, * then it tries to calculate the preferred language from HTTP headers. * Last it returns the default language. */ public function getLanguage($checkHTTP = TRUE, $defaultFallback = TRUE) { // Language is set in object if (isset($this->language)) { return $this->language; } // Language is provided in a stored COOKIE if (isset($_COOKIE['language'])) { $this->language = $_COOKIE['language']; return $this->language; } if ($checkHTTP) { /* Check if we can find a good language from the Accept-Language http header. */ $httpLanguage = $this->getHTTPLanguage(); if ($httpLanguage !== NULL) { return $httpLanguage; } } // Language is not set, and we get the default language from the configuration. if ($defaultFallback) return $this->getDefaultLanguage(); return NULL; } /** * This function gets the prefered language for the user based on the Accept-Language http header. * * @return The prefered language based on the Accept-Language http header, or NULL if none of the * languages in the header were available. */ private function getHTTPLanguage() { $availableLanguages = $this->configuration->getValue('language.available'); $languageScore = SimpleSAML_Utilities::getAcceptLanguage(); /* For now we only use the default language map. We may use a configurable language map * in the future. */ $languageMap = self::$defaultLanguageMap; /* Find the available language with the best score. */ $bestLanguage = NULL; $bestScore = -1.0; foreach($languageScore as $language => $score) { /* Apply the language map to the language code. */ if(array_key_exists($language, $languageMap)) { $language = $languageMap[$language]; } if(!in_array($language, $availableLanguages, TRUE)) { /* Skip this language - we don't have it. */ continue; } /* Some user agents use very limited precicion of the quality value, but order the * elements in descending order. Therefore we rely on the order of the output from * getAcceptLanguage() matching the order of the languages in the header when two * languages have the same quality. */ if($score > $bestScore) { $bestLanguage = $language; $bestScore = $score; } } return $bestLanguage; } /** * Returns the language base (from configuration) */ private function getBaseLanguage() { return 'en'; } /** * Returns the language default (from configuration) */ private function getDefaultLanguage() { return $this->configuration->getValue('language.default', 'en'); } /** * Returns a list of all available languages. */ private function getLanguageList() { $availableLanguages = $this->configuration->getValue('language.available'); $thisLang = $this->getLanguage(); $lang = array(); foreach ($availableLanguages AS $nl) { $lang[$nl] = ($nl == $thisLang); } return $lang; } /** * Includs a file relative to the template base directory. * This function can be used to include headers and footers etc. * */ private function includeAtTemplateBase($file) { $data = $this->data; $filename = $this->findTemplatePath($file); include($filename); } /** * Retrieve a dictionary. * * This function retrieves a dictionary with the given name. * * @param $name The name of the dictionary, as the filename in the dictionary directory, * without the '.php'-ending. * @return An associative array with the dictionary. */ private function getDictionary($name) { assert('is_string($name)'); if(!array_key_exists($name, $this->dictionaries)) { $sepPos = strpos($name, ':'); if($sepPos !== FALSE) { $module = substr($name, 0, $sepPos); $fileName = substr($name, $sepPos + 1); $dictDir = SimpleSAML_Module::getModuleDir($module) . '/dictionaries/'; } else { $dictDir = $this->configuration->getPathValue('dictionarydir'); $fileName = $name; } $this->dictionaries[$name] = $this->readDictionaryFile($dictDir . $fileName . '.php'); } return $this->dictionaries[$name]; } /** * Retrieve a tag. * * This function retrieves a tag as an array with language => string mappings. * * @param $tag The tag name. The tag name can also be on the form '{<dictionary>:<tag>}', to retrieve * a tag from the specific dictionary. * @return As associative array with language => string mappings, or NULL if the tag wasn't found. */ public function getTag($tag) { assert('is_string($tag)'); /* First check translations loaded by the includeInlineTranslation and includeLanguageFile methods. */ if(array_key_exists($tag, $this->langtext)) { return $this->langtext[$tag]; } /* Check whether we should use the default dictionary or a dictionary specified in the tag. */ if(substr($tag, 0, 1) === '{' && preg_match('/^{((?:\w+:)?\w+?):(.*)}$/', $tag, $matches)) { $dictionary = $matches[1]; $tag = $matches[2]; } else { $dictionary = $this->defaultDictionary; if($dictionary === NULL) { /* We don't have any dictionary to load the tag from. */ return NULL; } } $dictionary = $this->getDictionary($dictionary); if(!array_key_exists($tag, $dictionary)) { return NULL; } return $dictionary[$tag]; } /** * Retrieve the preferred translation of a given text. * * @param $translations The translations, as an associative array with language => text mappings. * @return The preferred translation. */ public function getTranslation($translations) { assert('is_array($translations)'); /* Look up translation of tag in the selected language. */ $selected_language = $this->getLanguage(); if (array_key_exists($selected_language, $translations)) { return $translations[$selected_language]; } /* Look up translation of tag in the default language. */ $default_language = $this->getDefaultLanguage(); if(array_key_exists($default_language, $translations)) { return $translations[$default_language]; } /* Look up translation of tag in the base language. */ $base_language = $this->getBaseLanguage(); if(array_key_exists($base_language, $translations)) { return $translations[$base_language]; } /* Pick the first translation available. */ if(count($translations) > 0) { $languages = array_keys($translations); return $translations[$languages[0]]; } /* We don't have anything to return. */ throw new Exception('Nothing to return from translation.'); } /** * Translate a tag into the current language, with a fallback to english. * * This function is used to look up a translation tag in dictionaries, and return the * translation into the current language. If no translation into the current language can be * found, english will be tried, and if that fails, placeholder text will be returned. * * An array can be passed as the tag. In that case, the array will be assumed to be on the * form (language => text), and will be used as the source of translations. * * This function can also do replacements into the translated tag. It will search the * translated tag for the keys provided in $replacements, and replace any found occurances * with the value of the key. * * @param string|array $tag A tag name for the translation which should be looked up, or an * array with (language => text) mappings. * @param array $replacements An associative array of keys that should be replaced with * values in the translated string. * @return string The translated tag, or a placeholder value if the tag wasn't found. */ public function t($tag, $replacements = array(), $fallbackdefault = true, $oldreplacements = array(), $striptags = false) { if(!is_array($replacements)) { /* Old style call to t(...). Print warning to log. */ $backtrace = debug_backtrace(); $where = $backtrace[0]['file'] . ':' . $backtrace[0]['line']; SimpleSAML_Logger::warning('Deprecated use of SimpleSAML_Template::t(...) at ' . $where . '. Please update the code to use the new style of parameters.'); /* For backwards compatibility. */ if(!$replacements && $this->getTag($tag) === NULL) { SimpleSAML_Logger::warning('Code which uses $fallbackdefault === FALSE shouls be' . ' updated to use the getTag-method instead.'); return NULL; } $replacements = $oldreplacements; } if(is_array($tag)) { $tagData = $tag; } else { $tagData = $this->getTag($tag); if($tagData === NULL) { /* Tag not found. */ SimpleSAML_Logger::info('Template: Looking up [' . $tag . ']: not translated at all.'); return $this->t_not_translated($tag, TRUE); } } $translated = $this->getTranslation($tagData); foreach ($replacements as $k => $v) { /* try to translate if no replacement is given */ if (!$v) $v = $this->t($k); $translated = str_replace($k, $v, $translated); } return $translated; } /** * Return the string that should be used when no translation was found. * * @param $tag A name tag of the string that should be returned. * @param $fallbacktag If set to TRUE and string was not found in any languages, return * the tag it self. If FALSE return NULL. */ private function t_not_translated($tag, $fallbacktag) { if ($fallbacktag) { return 'not translated (' . $tag . ')'; } else { return NULL; } } /** * You can include translation inline instead of putting translation * in dictionaries. This function is reccomended to only be used from dynamic * data, or when the translation is already provided from an external source, as * a database or in metadata. * * @param $tag The tag that has a translation * @param $translation The translation array */ public function includeInlineTranslation($tag, $translation) { if (is_string($translation)) { $translation = array($this->getBaseLanguage() => $translation); } elseif (!is_array($translation)) { throw new Exception("Inline translation should be string or array. Is " . gettype($translation) . " now!"); } SimpleSAML_Logger::info('Template: Adding inline language translation for tag [' . $tag . ']'); $this->langtext[$tag] = $translation; } /** * Include language file from the dictionaries directory. * * @param $file File name of dictionary to include * @param $otherConfig Optionally provide a different configuration object than * the one provided in the constructor to be used to find the dictionary directory. * This enables the possiblity of combining dictionaries inside simpleSAMLphp * distribution with external dictionaries. */ public function includeLanguageFile($file, $otherConfig = null) { $filebase = null; if (!empty($otherConfig)) { $filebase = $otherConfig->getPathValue('dictionarydir'); } else { $filebase = $this->configuration->getPathValue('dictionarydir'); } $lang = $this->readDictionaryFile($filebase . $file); SimpleSAML_Logger::info('Template: Merging language array. Loading [' . $file . ']'); $this->langtext = array_merge($this->langtext, $lang); } /** * Read a dictionary file. * * @param $filename The absolute path to the dictionary file. * @return The translation array which was found in the dictionary file. */ private function readDictionaryFile($filename) { assert('is_string($filename)'); SimpleSAML_Logger::info('Template: Reading [' . $filename . ']'); if (!file_exists($filename)) { SimpleSAML_Logger::error($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].' - Template: Could not find template file [' . $this->template . '] at [' . $filename . ']'); return array(); } $lang = NULL; include($filename); if (isset($lang)) { return $lang; } return array(); } /** * Show the template to the user. */ public function show() { $filename = $this->findTemplatePath($this->template); require_once($filename); } /** * Find template path. * * This function locates the given template based on the template name. * It will first search for the template in the current theme directory, and * then the default theme. * * The template name may be on the form <module name>:<template path>, in which case * it will search for the template file in the given module. * * An error will be thrown if the template file couldn't be found. * * @param string $template The relative path from the theme directory to the template file. * @return string The absolute path to the template file. */ private function findTemplatePath($template) { assert('is_string($template)'); $tmp = explode(':', $template, 2); if (count($tmp) === 2) { $templateModule = $tmp[0]; $templateName = $tmp[1]; } else { $templateModule = 'default'; $templateName = $tmp[0]; } $tmp = explode(':', $this->configuration->getValue('theme.use'), 2); if (count($tmp) === 2) { $themeModule = $tmp[0]; $themeName = $tmp[1]; } else { $themeModule = NULL; $themeName = $tmp[0]; } /* First check the current theme. */ if ($themeModule !== NULL) { /* .../module/<themeModule>/themes/<themeName>/<templateModule>/<templateName> */ $filename = SimpleSAML_Module::getModuleDir($themeModule) . '/themes/' . $themeName . '/' . $templateModule . '/' . $templateName; } elseif ($templateModule !== 'default') { /* .../module/<templateModule>/templates/<themeName>/<templateName> */ $filename = SimpleSAML_Module::getModuleDir($templateModule) . '/templates/' . $templateName; } else { /* .../templates/<theme>/<templateName> */ $filename = $this->configuration->getPathValue('templatedir') . $templateName; } if (file_exists($filename)) { return $filename; } /* Not found in current theme. */ SimpleSAML_Logger::info($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].' - Template: Could not find template file [' . $template . '] at [' . $filename . '] - now trying the base template'); /* Try default theme. */ $baseTheme = $this->configuration->getValue('theme.base'); if ($templateModule !== 'default') { /* .../module/<templateModule>/templates/<baseTheme>/<templateName> */ $filename = SimpleSAML_Module::getModuleDir($templateModule) . '/templates/' . $templateName; } else { /* .../templates/<baseTheme>/<templateName> */ $filename = $this->configuration->getPathValue('templatedir') . '/' . $templateName; } if (file_exists($filename)) { return $filename; } /* Not found in default template - log error and throw exception. */ $error = 'Template: Could not find template file [' . $template . '] at [' . $filename . ']'; SimpleSAML_Logger::critical($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . ' - ' . $error); throw new Exception($error); } } ?>