Upgrade notes for SimpleSAMLphp 1.5 =================================== * `SimpleSAML_Session::isValid()` If your code calls `$session->isValid()` without an argument, you will now have to update it to pass an argument (probably `saml2`). The reason for this change is that calling `$session->isValid()` without an argument can easily create a security hole. * We have introduced a new module for SAML authentication. This authentication module supports both SAML 1.1 and SAML 2.0 IdPs. We have also added a new authentication framework which should replace the previous redirects to the initSSO-scripts. Relating to this change, we have also deprecated the `initSSO`-scripts for SAML 1.1 and SAML 2.0 authentication. The old methods will still be supported for a while, but new code should probably use the new code. See the [migration guide](simplesamlphp-sp-migration) for more information about this. * The `request.signing` option has been removed. That option was replaced with the `redirect.sign` and `redirect.validate` options, and has been depreceated for one year. * The `aggregator` module's configuration file has changed name. It was changed from `aggregator.php` to `module_aggregator.php`.