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## Description
An [Ansible]( role to install Java8 JDK. This role works on Debian, Ubuntu and RedHat (CentOS) operation systems. Installation from source is also supported.
## Requirements
- Ansible >= 2.X
## Facts
- **java_installed**: fact to indicate if Java is installed on the host.
- **java_version_installed**: fact containing Java version installed on the host in a string.
## Role Variables
- **java_source**: flag to enable installation from source files instead from a repository.
- **debug**: flag to enable verbose mode within the role.
- **java_set_as_default**: flag to set the Java version installed by this role as default (default= `yes`).
### Debian
- **java_apt_repository**: Java source PPA for installation .
- **java_apt_repository_key**: PPA key.
- **java_cache_valid_time**: how many seconds is the apt cache valid.
- **java_deb_package**: name of the Debian package.
- **java_debconf_package_default**: name of the Debconf package to set default.
- **java_home**: Java home directory location.
- **java_state**: the package state.
### Debian/Ubuntu
- **java_apt_repository**: Java source PPA for installation .
- **java_cache_valid_time**: how many seconds is the apt cache valid.
- **java_deb_package**: name of the Debian package.
- **java_debconf_package_default**: name of the Debconf package to set default.
- **java_home**: Java home directory location.
- **java_license_version**: Oracle license version to be accepted.
- **java_state**: the package state.
### Redhat-only
- **java_dir_source**: Where to store the RPM files.
- **java_download_timeout**: download timeout in seconds.
- **java_home**: Java home directory location.
- **java_rpm_filename**: download destination filename.
- **java_rpm_url**: RPM source URL.
- **java_rpm_validate_certs**: enable/disable SSL certificate validation.
- **java_version_string**: string with Java version to verify installation against.
## Example Playbook
# Generic with debug
- hosts: myServer
- role: java-8
debug: yes
java_source: yes
# Enable debug, install from source
- hosts: myServer
- role: java-8
debug: yes
java_source: yes
File added
# File: java-8/defaults/debian-ubuntu.yml
# Description:
# Default variables for Ubuntu distributions.
java_apt_repository: 'ppa:webupd8team/java'
java_cache_valid_time: 3600
java_deb_package: 'oracle-java8-installer'
java_debconf_package_default: 'oracle-java8-set-default'
java_home: "/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle"
java_license_version: 'shared/accepted-oracle-license-v1-1'
java_state: latest
# File: java-8/defaults/debian.yml
# Description:
# Default variables for Debian-based distributions.
java_apt_repository: 'deb bionic main'
java_apt_repository_key: 'EA8CACC073C3DB2A'
java_cache_valid_time: 3600
java_deb_package: 'oracle-java8-installer'
java_debconf_package_default: 'oracle-java8-set-default'
java_home: "/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle"
java_license_version: 'shared/accepted-oracle-license-v1-1'
java_state: latest
# File: java-8/defaults/main.yml
# Description:
# Defaults main file
java_set_as_default: yes
java_source: no
java_source_url: ""
# File: java-8/defaults/redhat.yml
# Description:
# Default variables for Redhat-based distributions.
java_dir_source: '/usr/local/src'
java_download_timeout: 60
java_rpm_filename: 'jdk-8u191_linux-x64.rpm'
java_home: '/usr/java/default'
java_rpm_url: ''
java_rpm_validate_certs: yes
java_version_string: 1.8.0_191
# File: java-8/tasks/check_env.yml
# Description:
# This task checks host envinronment
# and sets these facts:
# - Is Java already installed?
# - If so, which Java version is already installed?
- name: check if Java is already installed
shell: which java
register: java_task_installed
changed_when: java_task_installed.rc != 0
failed_when: no
# java_installed.rc=0 means installed
# java_installed.rc=1 means not installed
- name: set fact java_installed
java_installed={{ not java_task_installed.changed }}
- name: check installed Java version
shell: java -version 2>&1 | head -n 1 | awk '{ print $3 }' | awk -F '"' '{ print $2 }'
register: java_task_version
when: java_installed
changed_when: False
- name: set fact java_installed_version
java_version_installed="{{ java_task_version.stdout }}"
when: java_task_version is defined and java_task_version.stdout is defined
changed_when: False
- debug:
var="{{ item }}"
when: item is defined and debug | default(false)
- java_installed
- java_task_installed
- java_task_version
- java_version_installed
tags: [ debug ]
# File: java-8/tasks/debug.yml
# Description:
# This task just prints
# debug information about vars.
- debug:
var="{{ item }}"
when: item is defined
- java_cache_valid_time
- java_home
- java_installed
- java_apt_repository
- java_apt_repository_key
- java_license_version
- java_set_as_default
- java_state
- java_version_installed
- java_version_string
# File: java-8/tasks/installation/debian/main.yml
# Description:
# This task installs Oracle JDK into a system
# with Debian based OS.
- name: Debian -> ensure the APT repository key is present
id="{{ java_apt_repository_key }}"
when: java_apt_repository_key is defined
become: yes
- name: Debian -> ensure the APT repository is present
repo="{{ java_apt_repository }}"
become: yes
- name: Debian -> set license as accepted
name="{{ java_deb_package }}"
question="{{ java_license_version }}"
become: yes
- name: Debian -> ensure Java is installed
name="{{ java_deb_package }}"
state={{ java_state }}
cache_valid_time={{ java_cache_valid_time }}
register: java_task_apt_install
become: yes
- name: Debian -> set Java version as default
name="{{ java_debconf_package_default }}"
register: java_task_set_default
when: java_set_as_default
become: yes
# File: java-8/tasks/installation/redhat/main.yml
# Description:
# This task installs Oracle JDK into a system
# with RedHat based OS.
- name: RedHat -> download Java RPM
headers='; oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie'
dest="{{ java_dir_source }}/{{ java_rpm_filename }}"
url="{{ java_rpm_url }}"
validate_certs="{{ java_rpm_validate_certs }}"
timeout={{ java_download_timeout }}
register: java_task_rpm_download
until: java_task_rpm_download|succeeded
become: yes
- name: RedHat -> install RPM
name="{{ java_dir_source }}/{{ java_rpm_filename }}"
when: not java_task_rpm_download|skipped
become: yes
- name: RedHat -> set Java version as default
name="{{ item.executable }}"
link="/usr/bin/{{ item.executable }}"
path="{{ item.path }}/{{ item.executable }}"
- { path: "{{ java_home }}/bin", executable: 'java' }
- { path: "{{ java_home }}/bin", executable: 'keytool' }
- { path: "{{ java_home }}/bin", executable: 'javac' }
- { path: "{{ java_home }}/bin", executable: 'javadoc' }
become: yes
when: (
java_set_as_default and
java_task_rpm_download is defined and
) or (
java_set_as_default and
java_installed is defined and
java_installed and
java_version_installed is defined and
java_version_installed != java_version_string)
register: java_task_set_default
# File: java-8/tasks/installation/source/java-8-source.yml
# Description: This task downloads and installs
# Java source files.
- name: source -> create temporary directory
state: directory
register: temp_dir
- name: source -> get JAVA
url: '{{ java_source_url }}'
dest: /tmp/java.tar.gz
validate_certs: no
- name: source -> unarchive JAVA
remote_src: yes
src: /tmp/java.tar.gz
dest: '{{ temp_dir.path }}'
- name: source -> create jvm directory
path: /usr/lib/jvm
state: directory
- name: source -> deploy java directory
shell: 'mv {{ temp_dir.path }}/`ls {{ temp_dir.path }} | head -n 1` /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle'
- name: source -> configure java
link: '/usr/bin/{{ item }}'
name: '{{ item }}'
path: '/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/{{ item }}'
priority: 1
- java
- javac
- name: source -> set JAVA_HOME variable
create: yes
path: /root/.mavenrc
line: 'export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle'
# File: java-8/tasks/installation/source/main.yml
# Description:
# This task installs Oracle JDK into a system
# from source.
- name: source -> install required Java packages
name: "{{ item }}"
state: latest
- ca-certificates
- name: source -> check if Java is downloaded
path: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle
register: downloaded_java
- include: java-8-source.yml
become: yes
become_user: root
when: downloaded_java.stat.exists == False
# File: java-8/tasks/main.yml
# Description:
# Main task file
## Include variables for given OS family/distribution
- name: include OS family/distribution specific variables
include_vars: "{{ item }}"
- "{{ role_path }}/defaults/{{ ansible_os_family | lower }}-{{ ansible_distribution | lower }}.yml"
- "{{ role_path }}/defaults/{{ ansible_os_family | lower }}.yml"
when: not java_source
tags: [ installation ]
## Check environment and print debug info
- name: check host environment
include: check_env.yml
- include: debug.yml
when: debug | default(false)
tags: [ debug ]
## Include task for given OS family/distribution
- name: include OS family/distribution specific task
include: "{{ item }}"
- "installation/{{ ansible_os_family | lower }}/{{ ansible_distribution | lower }}_{{ ansible_distribution_version | lower }}.yml"
- "installation/{{ ansible_os_family | lower }}/{{ ansible_distribution | lower }}.yml"
- "installation/{{ ansible_os_family | lower }}/main.yml"
when: not java_source
tags: [ installation ]
## Include task to install Java from source if specified
- name: include task for source installation
include: installation/source/main.yml
when: java_source
tags: [ installation ]
- name: check host environment
include: check_env.yml
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