repo restructuralization
The repo is being restructured, where the old version was moved to an archive branch, and the master is now updated to the still WIP production version
V sobotu 15.3. v 4:00 ráno proběhne údržba GitLab Registry. Po dobu běhu údržby nebudou GitLab Registry dostupné (GitLab samotný poběží bez omezení). Je ale možné, že toto ovlivní některé automatické pipelines. Údržba by neměla trvat déle, než jednotky hodin. Tuto údržbu plánujeme ve stejný čas pouštět každý týden, jako tomu bylo před migrací GitLabu na verzi 17. Věnujte prosím pozornost kontrole vašich pipelines a případně je přeplánujte na jinou dobu, pokud by se objevily problémy. / GitLab Registry maintenance will take place on Saturday, March 15 at 4:00 am. GitLab Registry will be unavailable while the maintenance is being performed (GitLab itself will be available without restrictions). However, it is possible that this will affect some automated pipelines. Maintenance should not last more than several hours. We plan to run this maintenance at the same time every week as we did before the GitLab migration to version 17. Please pay attention to checking your pipelines and if necessary reschedule them for a different time should problems arise.
The repo is being restructured, where the old version was moved to an archive branch, and the master is now updated to the still WIP production version
mentioned in commit a8d44114