## Cloud VM configuration during system boot using cloud-init
Terraform demonstrates how to configure VM servers on creation with cloud-init:
Terraform demonstrates [how to configure VM servers on creation with cloud-init](modules/common/nodes-cloudinit.txt):
- Add ssh keys, disable SSH password auth
- Create partition and filesystemand mount extra data from extra volume
## Handling different project restrictions (quotas, shared networks, ...)
e-INFRA.CZ OpenStack cloud distinguishes between two types of projects, personal and group
e-INFRA.CZ OpenStack cloud distinguishes between two project types: personal and group
([more the topic](https://docs.e-infra.cz/compute/openstack/technical-reference/brno-site/get-access/#personal-project)).
Terraform demo code with additional variable file [`personal-projects.tfvars`](./personal-projects.tfvars) shows
how to parametrize infrastructure definition with minimal code duplications.
Terraform demo code with additional variable file [`personal-projects.tfvars`](./personal-projects.tfvars) shows how to support both project types i.e. how to parametrize infrastructure definition with minimal code duplications.
There is thin terraform wrapper [`terraform.sh`](./terraform.sh) abstracting the fact which project type you are on.
It is not necessary to use the [`terraform.sh`](./terraform.sh) wrapper when you keep in mind that
There is thin terraform wrapper [`terraform.sh`](./terraform.sh) abstracting the fact which project type you are on. It is not necessary to use the [`terraform.sh`](./terraform.sh) wrapper when you keep in mind that additional terraform variables file [`personal-projects.tfvars`](./personal-projects.tfvars) has to be passed at plan step when you are on personal project.
## Using the terraform demo
1. Clone the repository.
1. Load you OpenStack application credentials to environment variables `source project_openrc.sh.inc`
1. Override any infrastructure variables in [main.tf](main.tf) file if needed. Full set of variables can be found in [modules/2tier_public_bastion_private_vm_farm/variables.tf](modules/2tier_public_bastion_private_vm_farm/variables.tf) or [modules/1tier-public-vm-farm/variables.tf](modules/1tier-public-vm-farm/variables.tf).
1. Override any infrastructure variables in [main.tf](main.tf) file if needed. Full set of variables can be found in [modules/common/variables.tf](modules/common/variables.tf).
1. In the [terraform root directory](/clouds/g2/ostrava/general/terraform) run following commands to initiate and validate environment
*`./terraform.sh validate-tools`
*`./terraform.sh detect-cloud`
@@ -48,9 +46,9 @@ It is not necessary to use the [`terraform.sh`](./terraform.sh) wrapper when you
*`./terraform.sh plan --out plan`
*`./terraform.sh apply plan`
1. Once you need to change the infrastructure, first modify the infrastructure declaration and repeat above steps to deploy changes.
1. Cloud resources teardown caan be achieved with `./terraform.sh destroy`.
1. Cloud resources can be deleted with `./terraform.sh destroy`.
You may use terraform directly without the [`terraform.sh`](./terraform.sh) wrapper, but then keep in your mind that just for personal project type you should pass additional variable file [`personal-projects.tfvars`](./personal-projects.tfvars) at plan step (i.e. `terraform plan --out personal-project.plan --var-file=personal-projects.tfvars`)
> You may use terraform directly without the [`terraform.sh`](./terraform.sh) wrapper, but then keep in your mind that just for personal project type you should pass additional variable file [`personal-projects.tfvars`](./personal-projects.tfvars) at plan step (i.e. `terraform plan --out personal-project.plan --var-file=personal-projects.tfvars`)
Detailed terminal transcripts show how to run terraform demo inside personal project ([with](./terraform-2tier_public_bastion_private_vm_farm-personal-project-wrapper.log) / [without the wrapper](./terraform-2tier_public_bastion_private_vm_farm-personal-project-no-wrapper.log)) as well as under group project([with](./terraform-2tier_public_bastion_private_vm_farm-group-project-wrapper.log) / [without the wrapper](./terraform-2tier_public_bastion_private_vm_farm-group-project-no-wrapper.log)).