Assuming you are added ato a group project and you can log in via [MetaCentrum OpenStack cloud dashboard]( using one of supported federations (e-INFRA CZ, EGI CHeck-in, ...).
Assuming you are added into a group project and you can log in via [MetaCentrum OpenStack cloud dashboard]( using one of supported federations (e-INFRA CZ, EGI CHeck-in, ...).
We recommend to build custom cloud infrastructure with Terraform or openstack client rather than using [MetaCentrum OpenStack cloud Horizon UI dashboard](
Assuming you are allowed to use e-INFRA CZ OpenStack cloud in Ostrava and you can log in via [e-INFRA CZ OpenStack cloud dashboard]( using one of supported federations (e-INFRA CZ, ...).
We recommend to build custom cloud infrastructure with Terraform or openstack client rather than using [e-INFRA CZ OpenStack cloud Horizon UI dashboard](
Below demos show in detail how to do so.
## [Terraform `general` demo](./terraform)
Terraform demo shows how to automate building highly scalable IaaS infrastructure.