Explore projects
M365 / Compliance
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Perun / Perun IdM / perun-services-windows
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 onlyperun-services-windows project contains scripts used by Perun IdM for provisioning and deprovisioning users to services on Windows machines.
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Cybersecurity game "Locust 3302" created as a part of the PV276 course by students of the Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, in the Fall 2019 semester.
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M365 / AzureAD
MIT LicenseUpdated -
M365 / Exchange Online
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Based on the "Locust 3302". The attacker node was renamed to employee.
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Cybersecurity game "Locust 3302" created as a part of the PV276 course by students of the Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, in the Fall 2019 semester.
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MUNI-KYPO-IMAGES / windows-server-2019
MIT LicenseWindows Server 2019 Standard Desktop base image for KYPO and Vagrant built from ISO
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MUNI-KYPO-IMAGES / windows-10
MIT LicenseWindows 10 base image for KYPO and Vagrant built from ISO
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Tomáš Stribula / ansible
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -