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Archived 0Updated
Tomáš Plesník / bachelor-thesis
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseUpdated -
Radim Peša / flask-celery-example
MIT LicenseStarting docker command test. Based on tutorial at https://blog.miguelgrinberg.com/post/using-celery-with-flask and repository https://github.com/miguelgrinberg/flask-celery-example prepared by Miguel Grinberg.
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Archived 0Updated
europdx / cbio-on-demand / cbio-docker
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyCbioportal in docker-compose format
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Cbio database container without volumes with initial data included.
Archived 0Updated -
Tomáš Stribula / ansible
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
cloud / puppet-razor
OtherPuppet Module for managing and configuring Razor. https://github.com/Lavaburn/puppet-razor (upstream) Razor specification: https://puppet.com/docs/pe/2017.3/how_razor_works.html
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Alternative sync tool for EGI AppDB image lists. No configuration, no options, just sync. As is.
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europdx / cbioportal / cbio-docker
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyCbioportal v docker-compose formatu
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CSIRT-MU-PUBLIC / ansible-roles / nrpe-client
MIT LicenseUpdated