Select Git revision
- Branches 7
- 114-disable-adding-updating-and-removing-tasks-to-a-training-definition-when-it-s-in-use
- 116-create-adaptive-post-training-assessment-endpoint
- 120-move-stepper-bar-from-training-definition-to-training-instance
- create-integration-tests
- create-persistence-tests
- develop protected
- master default protected
- Tags 20
- test-sb1
- 24.08
- v2.3.1 protected
- 24.06
- v2.2.8 protected
- 23.12
- v2.2.5 protected
- 23.07
- v2.2.1 protected
- 22.12
- v22.12-rc.1 protected
- v2.1.3 protected
- v2.1.2 protected
- 22.06
- v2.1.1 protected
- v2.1.0 protected
- v2.1.0-rc protected
- v2.0.0 protected
- v1.1.0 protected
- v1.0.46 protected
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