16.0.0 Update to Angular 16 and update local issuer to keycloak.
14.3.0 Added support for max achievable score for clustering and final visualization.
14.2.0 Added support for Average score line in clustering and final visualization for statistical dashboard.
14.1.0 Remove elastic search service url from config.
13.0.2 Fix timeline fixed crosshair coords to use actual svg height instead.
13.0.1 Fix timeline X axis for clustering, final and line visualization.
13.0.0 Update to Angular 13 and CI/CD optimization, access level added.
12.1.2 Fix zoom reset problem.
12.1.1 Resolve problems with title of levels in clustering visualization.
12.0.7 Adjust visualization according to proposed design, add average time lines and estimated time bars.
12.0.6 Fix local config paths, add build of example app to CI, renaming terms game to training and flag to answer.
12.0.4 Fixed filtering and player id
12.0.3 Update gitlab CI