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Training run overview visualizations

How to integrate

  • Install npm package into your Angular app
  • Add node_modules/@muni-kypo-crp/overview-visualization/styles.scss to your styles in angular.json

How to use with other visualizations

  • If cross visualization communication is required, see project's wiki for instructions

Input parameters of kypo2-viz-overview-clustering component

useLocalMock: boolean to use local jsons of a visualization

enableAllPlayers: boolean set true to show all the players of a selected training run, false will only show the learner specified by feedbackLearnerId

feedbackLearnerId: string if set, it highlights the given learner dot in the clustering

colorScheme: string[] to specify color scheme of individual bars by hexadecimal strings (e.g. '#20d5fa')

size: {width: number; height: number} object that specifies the vis size in pixels

trainingDefinitionId: number

trainingInstanceId: number

How to use as a library

  • there are 3 components that can be independent (it depends on their parameters)

Overview Table

    [useLocalMock]="true"         <--- if set to true, the visualization will use mocked data (available only when run localy!)
    [standalone]="true"           <--- this ensures that the table does not cooperate with the timeline visualization and can be run independently
    [feedbackLearnerId]="'player'"> <--- the id should be set *only* for the trainee view - the vis. will provide a limited information


  [useLocalMock]="true"          <--- if set to true, the visualization will use mocked data (available only when run localy!)
  [feedbackLearnerId]="'player'" <--- the id should be set *only* for the trainee view - the vis. will provide a limited information
  [size]="{width: 800, height: 500}"


  [useLocalMock]="true"          <--- if set to true, the visualization will use mocked data (available only when run localy!)
  [enableAllPlayers]="true"      <--- when set to false, it will hide the related filtering table and show only the line related to the feedbackLearnerId
  [feedbackLearnerId]="'player'" <--- the id should be set *only* for the trainee view - the vis. will provide a limited information
  [size]="{width: 1300, height: 700}"