# Generated by Cyber Sandbox Creator
{# Macro for router items #}
{% macro router(item, namespace) %}
# device (router): {{ }}
{{ namespace }}.vm.define "{{ }}" do |device|
{{ layer2(item.commands, "device") }}
{% endmacro -%}
{# Macro for host items #}
{% macro host(item, namespace) %}
# device (host): {{ }}
{{ namespace }}.vm.define "{{ }}" do |device|
{{ layer2(item.commands, "device") }}
{% endmacro -%}
{# Macro for provider items #}
{% macro provider(item, namespace) %}
{{ namespace }}.vm.provider "{{ }}" do |provider|
{{ layer3(item.commands, "provider") }}
{% endmacro -%}
{# Macro for provision items #}
{% macro provision(item, namespace) %}
# {{ item.note }}
{{ namespace }}.vm.provision :{{ item.provisioner }} do |provisioner|
{{ layer3(item.commands, "provisioner") }}
{# Macro for string items #}
{% macro string(item, namespace) %}
{{ namespace }}.{{ item.command }} = "{{ item.value }}"
{% endmacro -%}
{# Macro for boolean items #}
{% macro boolean(item, namespace) %}
{% if item.value %}
{{ namespace }}.{{ item.command }} = true
{% else %}
{{ namespace }}.{{ item.command }} = false
{% endif %}
{% endmacro -%}
{# Macro for integer items #}
{% macro integer(item, namespace) %}
{{ namespace }}.{{ item.command }} = {{ item.value }}
{% endmacro -%}
{# Macro for general items (not str int or bool) #}
{% macro other(item, namespace) %}
{% if item.separator %}
{{ namespace }}.{{ item.command }} {{ item.separator }} {{ item.value }}
{% else %}
{{ namespace }}.{{ item.command }} {{ item.value }}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro -%}
{# Macro for dictionaries #}
{% macro dictionary(item, namespace) %}
{{ namespace }}.{{ item.command }} = {
{% for key, value in item.dictionary.items() %}
{{ key }}: {{ value }}
{{ key }}: {{ value }},
{# Macro for group dictionaries #}
{% macro group_dict(item, namespace) %}{
{% for key, value in item.items() %}
{% if loop.last %}
"{{ key }}" => {{ value }}
{% else %}
"{{ key }}" => {{ value }},
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
}{% endmacro -%}
{# Macro for dictionaries #}
{% macro groups(item, namespace) %}
{{ namespace }}.groups = {
{% for key, value in item.groups.items() %}
{% if value is mapping %}
"{{ key }}" => {{ group_dict(value, namespace) }}
{% if loop.last %}
"{{ key }}" => {{ value }}
{% else %}
"{{ key }}" => {{ value }},
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{# Macro for network items #}
{% macro network(item, namespace) %}
{{ namespace }} :{{ item.network_type }}, ip: "{{ item.ip }}"
{%- if item.netmask %}
, netmask: "{{ item.netmask }}"
{%- endif %}
{%- if item.network_type == "private_network" %}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro -%}
{# A macro that generates the first level of indentation. #}
{% macro layer1(structure, namespace) %}
{% for item in structure %}
{% if item.type == "router" %}
{{ router(item, namespace) }}
{% elif item.type == "host" %}
{{ host(item, namespace) }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{%- endmacro -%}
{# A macro that generates the second level of indentation. #}
{% macro layer2(structure, namespace) %}
{% for item in structure %}
{% if item.type == "string" %}
{{ string(item, namespace) -}}
{% elif item.type == "boolean" %}
{{ boolean(item, namespace) -}}
{% elif item.type == "integer" %}
{{ integer(item, namespace) -}}
{% elif item.type == "other" %}
{{ other(item, namespace) -}}
{% elif item.type == "provider" %}
{{ provider(item, namespace) -}}
{% elif item.type == "network" %}
{{ network(item, namespace) -}}
{% elif item.type == "dictionary" %}
{{ dictionary(item, namespace) -}}
{% elif item.type == "groups" %}
{{ groups(item, namespace) -}}
{% elif item.type == "provision" %}
{{ provision(item, namespace) }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{%- endmacro -%}
{# A macro that generates the third level of indentation. #}
{% macro layer3(structure, namespace) %}
{% for item in structure %}
{% if item.type == "string" %}
{{ string(item, namespace) -}}
{% elif item.type == "boolean" %}
{{ boolean(item, namespace) -}}
{% elif item.type == "integer" %}
{{ integer(item, namespace) -}}
{% elif item.type == "dictionary" %}
{{ dictionary(item, namespace) -}}
{% elif item.type == "groups" %}
{{ groups(item, namespace) -}}
{% elif item.type == "other" %}
{{ other(item, namespace) -}}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{%- endmacro -%}
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
{{ layer1(defs, "config") -}}