A next generation of https://gitlab.ics.muni.cz/KYPO-content/KYPO-Creator
create.py is a python program that generates a vagrant source file from a definition in yaml. This yaml file contains definitions of devices (hosts and routers) and networks. Its structure is described below.
### Requirements:
- Python 3
- VirtualBox 6
- Ansible
- Virtualization must be enabled
- DHCP server for vboxnet0 must be turned off in VirtualBox. It can be done manually in VirtualBox or with the command `$ VBoxManage dhcpserver remove --ifname vboxnet0`
### Usage:
1. Clone the project.
2. Navigate to the project folder.
3. Type `$ python3 create.py yaml_file.yml`. There is a test yaml file in the repository called test.yml.
4. Run `$ vagrant up`
1. Check the requirements and install/configure everything required.
2. Install Python dependencies with `pip3 install -r requirements.txt`.
3. Clone the project.
4. Navigate to the project folder.
5. Type `$ python3 create.py yaml_file.yml`. There is a test yaml file in the repository called test.yml.
6. Run `$ vagrant up`
### Input yaml file structure
@@ -85,6 +93,3 @@ The name of the correct network interface can be different for every box. The su
- tested on Vagrant 2.2.5, VirtualBox 6.0.4 and 6.0.10
- Vagrantfile and the provision directory contains everything needed by vagrant. Feel free to move them to a different directory after creation.
### Other requirements
- Virtualization must be enabled
- DHCP server for vboxnet0 must be turned off in VirtualBox. It can be done manually in VirtualBox or with the command `$ VBoxManage dhcpserver remove --ifname vboxnet0`