Added grace period for groups in ad_mu
Created by: balcirakpeter
- Groups in ad_mu were not deleted from AD but attribute extensionAttribute1 was set to FALSE instead. That caused that further process in O365 removed these groups from MUNI internal systems.
- When someone accidentaly removed some group in Perun, then the group was deleted by the O365 even that the group still existed in AD. When the group was created again in Perun, ad_mu script set extensionAttribute1 to TRUE (in AD), but the O365 created completely new group with a new identifier so the internal MUNI systems did not know that it is the same group.
- To prevent these accidental removals, grace period was implemented for all groups propagated by the ad_mu script. When a group is deleted in Perun, the attribute mentioned above is not set immediately to FALSE. Instead of that current date + 30 days is set to the new attribute extensionAttribute2, which represents grace period for the given group. This attribute is initially undef and when the group is restored in Perun, it is again set to undef. When a date is set in this attribute and this date is before today (meaning when the scripts run), then the extensionAttribute1 is set to FALSE.