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Upgrade notes

Created by: melanger

for this git history:

Date:   Thu Jun 22 22:39:30 2023 +0200

    fix: this has a deployment note
    UPGRADE NOTE: you should be careful

Date:   Thu Jun 22 14:52:29 2023 +0200

    feat: something
    BREAKING CHANGE: deletes everything

Date:   Thu Jun 22 14:52:24 2023 +0200

    fix: bugfix

Date:   Thu Jun 22 14:52:18 2023 +0200

    feat: feature

this will generate the following upgrade notes:

## 8.0.0 (2023-06-22)


    * you should be careful
    * deletes everything

### New features and notable changes

    * feature (18c8cd4)
    * something (d13746c)
    * this has a deployment note (1e55bcb)


  • config for semantic release is updated to produce a file
    • the BREAKING CHANGES section contains all BREAKING CHANGES and UPGRADE NOTES from all commits regardless of type and scope
      • but only a BREAKING CHANGE causes the major version to increase, not a UPGRADE NOTE
    • all features and any commit with a BREAKING CHANGE or a UPGRADE NOTE are listed under New features and notable changes, even if it is a fix: or other type
  • .commitlintrc.json is a config file for both commitizen (commit wizard) and commitlint (CI validation of correct commit messages)
  • CI job "check" is added which uses commitlint to validate commit messages in pull requests
  • is updated with badges

If developers want to use commitizen automatically to help with commit messages when using git commit, they need to create a local file on their computers .git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg with the following content:

exec < /dev/tty && node_modules/.bin/cz --hook || true

Merge request reports
