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fix(rt): generate proxy idp eppns from einfra idp identities

Pavel Zlámal requested to merge zlamalp/fix into main


fix(rt): generate proxy idp eppns from einfra idp identities

We plan to remove all old Metacentrum IdP identities hence we must use different identity as a source when generating proxy IdP EPPN.

How to test

Generate data using old/new script version. Identities should be present in both outputs. login should match einfra login in both cases. New users (without old identity) should have new identity generated (hence outputs are not really the same, there will be such identities added).

Author's checklist

  • I have followed the contribution guidelines
  • This MR has been tested or does not change functionality
  • I have added relevant merge request dependencies (if this MR has any)
  • I have added the correct labels
  • I have assigned reviewers (if any are relevant)
  • I have edited the documentation (if the changes require it) or I have noted the need for the change if I do not have access to the documentation
  • I have marked all introduced BREAKING CHANGES or necessary DEPLOYMENT NOTES in the commit message(s)

Reviewer's checklist

  • This MR has been tested or does not change functionality
  • This MR has correct commit message format

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Edited by Pavel Zlámal

Merge request reports
