feat(admin): added columns to sponsored members list
Created by: xkureck
- added column logins and email to sponsored member list so sponsor can view his sponsored members and also his email and logins (the sponsor have access to that information when creating the sponsored member, so he should also have preview on the list - he doest have priviledge to go to member detail)
this PR is reaction to RT ticket: Dobrý den,
rád bych se zeptal, jak je to s oprávněním běžného zaměstnance v perunu. Nemyslím teď IT technika. Uživatelka si vytvořila sponzorovaný účet a potom v přehledu svých sponzorovaných účtů si ale nemůže jednotlivé účty rozkliknout a zkontrolovat např. učo. Pokud si tedy hned po vygenerování účtu neuloží údaje, tak se k nim už posléze nedostane.
BTW - this PR doesnt resolve this problem completely - problem is that sponsor doesnt have the priviledge to read email and login attributes, but with new attributes rights this can be resolved, also other roles that can read this attributes should have preview of this information on this page