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feat(publications): improve Publications application for a production usage

Created by: HejdaJakub

  • Checked rules for different roles (PERUNADMIN, CABINETADMIN, SELF) and fixed some use cases for these roles (un/lock publication, side-menu, routing).
  • Publications filter fixed - now it is possible to filter by code (isbn, issn, doi), in a date-picker are used only years, not months/days, start year is not selected by default, and also after Clear filter action is the start year also again unselected.
  • Create publication guide improved - fixed some labels, button positioning, fixed the finding of similar publications, a label of a similar publication in a tab menu, and navigation between steps.
  • According to an old GUI there is a new alert when a user tries to create a publication where he/she is not selected as an author.
  • Fixed some other labels, translations, icons, and some other CSS magic has been involved.

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