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fix: step up infinite loading on firefox

Rastislav Kruták requested to merge rkrutak/STR-1222/step_up_not_working_ff into main


After calling oauthService.loadDiscoveryDocument() there would sometimes (only in firefox and also not when running locally) be an unspecified http error from somewhere inside the function. This would be on the url. Error from this workflow would then be caught in initialize method of admin-gui-config.service.ts . Where it would just jump to / and reload causing infinite loading later on. Simply ignoring this particular error seems to be working fine.

How to test

This problem occured only on step-up window requiring just the 2nd factor (no complete sign-in). So to replicate it one cannot trigger the MFA on the sign in already. So an account without perun admin is needed (perun admin is critical role). This account also needs to have MFA disabled for all services in the corresponding user-profile (for me this only worked with cesnet account not with the MUNI one). The error also never occured when running locally for me so it is needed to test the gui only on devel. After all these steps when signed in with one factor only with non-perun admin account but with some admin role (e.g. VO admin) try to trigger some critical operation (e.g add/remove member from VO). Also as mentioned above the problem is firefox only.

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  • I have edited the documentation (if the changes require it) or I have noted the need for the change if I do not have access to the documentation
  • I have marked all introduced BREAKING CHANGES or necessary DEPLOYMENT NOTES in the commit message(s)

Reviewer's checklist

  • This MR has been tested or does not change functionality
  • This MR has correct commit message format

Related issues

Closes STR-1222

Merge request reports