feat: interface for custom login webflow
Added an interface for insertion of custom login flow states and actions.
How to test
Add new config entries to cas.yaml with a structure like this:
- filter-name: "perunUserShowcase"
key1: "value1"
key2: "value2"
- filter-name: "filter2"
key3: "value10"
key4: "value20"
As you can see, the new stuff isn't part of the cas scope but of a newly added perun scope. firstFilterName is the name of the first filter. (There has to exist a state with that name which is named filterName + State. so here it would be perunUserState)
Build CAS with overlay in cas-sites.
Add this logger to log4j2.j2:
<Logger name="org.apereo.cas.web.flow.perun" level="DEBUG" />
(This is probably only required if web flow logger isn't already set but I recommend to remove almost all other loggers for this test.)
Run CAS and look at the logs.
Author's checklist
I have followed the contribution guidelines -
This MR has been tested or does not change functionality -
I have added relevant merge request dependencies (if this MR has any) -
I have added the correct labels -
I have assigned reviewers (if any are relevant) - [not yet] I have edited the documentation (if the changes require it) or I have noted the need for the change if I do not have access to the documentation
I have marked all introduced BREAKING CHANGES or necessary DEPLOYMENT NOTES in the commit message(s)
Reviewer's checklist
This MR has been tested or does not change functionality -
This MR has correct commit message format
Other information
There will also be a guide how to use this interface. Will be linked in the task description.
Related issues
Closes STR-1494