use function bin2hex;
use function microtime;
use function openssl_random_pseudo_bytes;
use function sprintf;
* Statistics handler class.
* This class is responsible for taking a statistics event and logging it.
* Whether this class is initialized.
* @var boolean
* The statistics output callbacks.
* @return mixed A new instance of the configured class.
private static function createOutput(Configuration $config): mixed
$cls = Module::resolveClass($cls, 'Stats\Output', '\SimpleSAML\Stats\Output');
$output = new $cls($config);
return $output;
* Initialize the outputs.
$config = Configuration::getInstance();
$outputCfgs = $config->getOptionalArray('statistics.out', []);
self::$outputs[] = self::createOutput(Configuration::loadFromArray($cfg));
* Notify about an event.
* @param string $event The event.
* @param array $data Event data. Optional.
public static function log(string $event, array $data = []): bool|null
Assert::keyNotExists($data, 'op');
Assert::keyNotExists($data, 'time');
Assert::keyNotExists($data, '_id');
if (!self::$initialized) {
self::$initialized = true;
if (empty(self::$outputs)) {
// not enabled
$data['op'] = $event;
$data['time'] = microtime(true);
// the ID generation is designed to cluster IDs related in time close together
$int_t = (int) $data['time'];
$hd = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(16);
$data['_id'] = sprintf('%016x%s', $int_t, bin2hex($hd));
foreach (self::$outputs as $out) {