Tyler Antonio
Tyler Antonio
use PDO;
use PDOException;
use function count;
use function is_array;
use function rand;
use function serialize;
use function sha1;
Tyler Antonio
* This file implements functions to read and write to a group of database servers.
Tyler Antonio
* This database class supports a single database, or a primary/secondary configuration with as many defined secondaries
* as a user would like.
* The goal of this class is to provide a single mechanism to connect to a database that can be reused by any component
* within SimpleSAMLphp including modules. When using this class, the global configuration should be passed here, but in
* the case of a module that has a good reason to use a different database, such as sqlauth, an alternative config file
* can be provided.
Tyler Antonio
* @package SimpleSAMLphp
Tyler Antonio
class Database
* This variable holds the instance of the session - Singleton approach.
* Array of PDO Objects for configured database secondaries
* Prefix to apply to the tables
Jaime Perez Crespo
* Array with information on the last error occurred.
Jaime Perez Crespo
* Retrieves the current database instance. Will create a new one if there isn't an existing connection.
* @param \SimpleSAML\Configuration $altConfig Optional: Instance of a \SimpleSAML\Configuration class
* @return \SimpleSAML\Database The shared database connection.
public static function getInstance(Configuration $altConfig = null): Database
$config = ($altConfig) ? $altConfig : Configuration::getInstance();
$instanceId = self::generateInstanceId($config);
// check if we already have initialized the session
if (isset(self::$instance[$instanceId])) {
return self::$instance[$instanceId];
self::$instance[$instanceId] = new Database($config);
return self::$instance[$instanceId];
* Private constructor that restricts instantiation to getInstance().
* @param \SimpleSAML\Configuration $config Instance of the \SimpleSAML\Configuration class
private function __construct(Configuration $config)
$driverOptions = $config->getOptionalArray('database.driver_options', []);
if ($config->getOptionalBoolean('database.persistent', true)) {
$driverOptions[PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT] = true;
// connect to the primary
$this->dbPrimary = $this->connect(
$config->getOptionalString('database.username', null),
$config->getOptionalString('database.password', null),
// connect to any configured secondaries
$secondaries = $config->getOptionalArray('database.secondaries', []);
$this->dbSecondaries[] = $this->connect(
$this->tablePrefix = $config->getOptionalString('database.prefix', '');
* Generate an Instance ID based on the database configuration.
* @param \SimpleSAML\Configuration $config Configuration class
* @return string $instanceId
private static function generateInstanceId(Configuration $config): string
'database.dsn' => $config->getString('database.dsn'),
'database.username' => $config->getOptionalString('database.username', null),
'database.password' => $config->getOptionalString('database.password', null),
'database.prefix' => $config->getOptionalString('database.prefix', ''),
'database.persistent' => $config->getOptionalBoolean('database.persistent', true),
'secondaries' => $config->getOptionalArray('database.secondaries', []),
return sha1(serialize($assembledConfig));
* This function connects to a database.
* @param string $dsn Database connection string
* @param string|null $username SQL user
* @param string|null $password SQL password
* @param array $options PDO options
* @throws \Exception If an error happens while trying to connect to the database.
* @return \PDO object
private function connect(string $dsn, string $username = null, string $password = null, array $options): PDO
$db = new PDO($dsn, $username, $password, $options);
} catch (PDOException $e) {
throw new Exception("Database error: " . $e->getMessage());
* This function randomly selects a secondary database server to query. In the event no secondaries are configured,
* it will return the primary.
* @return \PDO object
if (count($this->dbSecondaries) > 0) {
$secondaryId = rand(0, count($this->dbSecondaries) - 1);
return $this->dbSecondaries[$secondaryId];
* This function simply applies the table prefix to a supplied table name.
* @param string $table Table to apply prefix to, if configured
* @return string Table with configured prefix
public function applyPrefix(string $table): string
* This function queries the database
* @param \PDO $db PDO object to use
* @param string $stmt Prepared SQL statement
* @param array $params Parameters
* @throws \Exception If an error happens while trying to execute the query.
private function query(PDO $db, string $stmt, array $params): PDOStatement
try {
$query = $db->prepare($stmt);
foreach ($params as $param => $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$query->bindValue(":$param", $value[0], ($value[1]) ? $value[1] : PDO::PARAM_STR);
$query->bindValue(":$param", $value, PDO::PARAM_STR);
return $query;
} catch (PDOException $e) {
Jaime Perez Crespo
$this->lastError = $db->errorInfo();
throw new Exception("Database error: " . $e->getMessage());
* This function queries the database without using a prepared statement.
* @param \PDO $db PDO object to use
* @param string $stmt An SQL statement to execute, previously escaped.
* @throws \Exception If an error happens while trying to execute the query.
* @return int The number of rows affected.
private function exec(PDO $db, string $stmt): int
return $db->exec($stmt);
} catch (PDOException $e) {
Jaime Perez Crespo
$this->lastError = $db->errorInfo();
throw new Exception("Database error: " . $e->getMessage());
* This executes queries directly on the primary.
* @param string $stmt Prepared SQL statement
* @param array $params Parameters
* @return int|false The number of rows affected by the query or false on error.
public function write(string $stmt, array $params = []): int|bool
return $this->query($this->dbPrimary, $stmt, $params)->rowCount();
* This executes queries on a database server that is determined by this::getSecondary().
* @param string $stmt Prepared SQL statement
* @param array $params Parameters
public function read(string $stmt, array $params = []): PDOStatement
return $this->query($db, $stmt, $params);
Jaime Perez Crespo
* Return an array with information about the last operation performed in the database.
* @return array The array with error information.
Jaime Perez Crespo
return $this->lastError;
* Return the name of the PDO-driver
* @return string
public function getDriver(): string
return $this->dbPrimary->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME);