* The translation-relevant bits from our original minimalistic XHTML PHP based template system.
use Gettext\BaseTranslator;
use SimpleSAML\Assert\Assert;
use SimpleSAML\Configuration;
use SimpleSAML\Logger;
use SimpleSAML\Module;
* The configuration to be used for this translator.
* @var \SimpleSAML\Configuration
* Associative array of languages.
* @var array
* Associative array of dictionaries.
private ?string $defaultDictionary = null;
* The language object we'll use internally.
* @var \SimpleSAML\Locale\Language
* @param \SimpleSAML\Configuration $configuration Configuration object
* @param string|null $defaultDictionary The default dictionary where tags will come from.
public function __construct(Configuration $configuration, ?string $defaultDictionary = null)
$this->language = new Language($configuration);
Jaime Perez Crespo
* Return the internal language object used by this translator.
* @return \SimpleSAML\Locale\Language
Jaime Perez Crespo
return $this->language;
* This method retrieves a dictionary with the name given.
* @param string $name The name of the dictionary, as the filename in the dictionary directory, without the
* '.php' ending.
* @return array An associative array with the dictionary.
private function getDictionary(string $name): array
if (!array_key_exists($name, $this->dictionaries)) {
$module = substr($name, 0, $sepPos);
$fileName = substr($name, $sepPos + 1);
$dictDir = Module::getModuleDir($module) . '/dictionaries/';
$dictDir = $this->configuration->getPathValue('dictionarydir', 'dictionaries/') ?: 'dictionaries/';
$this->dictionaries[$name] = $this->readDictionaryFile($dictDir . $fileName);
return $this->dictionaries[$name];
* This method retrieves a tag as an array with language => string mappings.
* @param string $tag The tag name. The tag name can also be on the form '{<dictionary>:<tag>}', to retrieve a tag
* from the specific dictionary.
* @return array|null An associative array with language => string mappings, or null if the tag wasn't found.
public function getTag(string $tag): ?array
// first check translations loaded by the includeInlineTranslation and includeLanguageFile methods
if (array_key_exists($tag, $this->langtext)) {
// check whether we should use the default dictionary or a dictionary specified in the tag
if (substr($tag, 0, 1) === '{' && preg_match('/^{((?:\w+:)?\w+?):(.*)}$/D', $tag, $matches)) {
$dictionary = $matches[1];
$tag = $matches[2];
} else {
$dictionary = $this->defaultDictionary;
if ($dictionary === null) {
// we don't have any dictionary to load the tag from
return null;
$dictionary = $this->getDictionary($dictionary);
if (!array_key_exists($tag, $dictionary)) {
return null;
return $dictionary[$tag];
* Retrieve the preferred translation of a given text.
* @param array $translations The translations, as an associative array with language => text mappings.
* @return string The preferred translation.
* @throws \Exception If there's no suitable translation.
public function getPreferredTranslation(array $translations): string
// look up translation of tag in the selected language
$selected_language = $this->language->getLanguage();
if (array_key_exists($selected_language, $translations)) {
return $translations[$selected_language];
// look up translation of tag in the default language
$default_language = $this->language->getDefaultLanguage();
if (array_key_exists($default_language, $translations)) {
return $translations[$default_language];
// check for english translation
if (array_key_exists('en', $translations)) {
// pick the first translation available
if (count($translations) > 0) {
$languages = array_keys($translations);
return $translations[$languages[0]];
// we don't have anything to return
throw new \Exception('Nothing to return from translation.');
* Translate the name of an attribute.
* @param string $name The attribute name.
* @return string The translated attribute name, or the original attribute name if no translation was found.
public function getAttributeTranslation(string $name): string
// normalize attribute name
$normName = str_replace([":", "-"], "_", $normName);
// check for an extra dictionary
$extraDict = $this->configuration->getString('attributes.extradictionary', null);
if ($extraDict !== null) {
$dict = $this->getDictionary($extraDict);
if (array_key_exists($normName, $dict)) {
return $this->getPreferredTranslation($dict[$normName]);
// search the default attribute dictionary
$dict = $this->getDictionary('attributes');
if (array_key_exists('attribute_' . $normName, $dict)) {
return $this->getPreferredTranslation($dict['attribute_' . $normName]);
* Mark a string for translation without translating it.
* @param string $tag A tag name to mark for translation.
* @return string The tag, unchanged.
public static function noop(string $tag): string
* Include a translation inline instead of putting translations in dictionaries. This function is recommended to be
* used ONLY for variable data, or when the translation is already provided by an external source, as a database
* or in metadata.
* @param mixed $translation The translation array
* @throws \Exception If $translation is neither a string nor an array.
public function includeInlineTranslation(string $tag, $translation): void
$translation = ['en' => $translation];
throw new \Exception(
"Inline translation should be string or array. Is " . gettype($translation) . " now!"
Logger::debug('Translate: Adding inline language translation for tag [' . $tag . ']');
$this->langtext[$tag] = $translation;
* Include a language file from the dictionaries directory.
* @param string $file File name of dictionary to include
* @param \SimpleSAML\Configuration|null $otherConfig Optionally provide a different configuration object than the
* one provided in the constructor to be used to find the directory of the dictionary. This allows to combine
* dictionaries inside the SimpleSAMLphp main code distribution together with external dictionaries. Defaults to
* null.
public function includeLanguageFile(string $file, Configuration $otherConfig = null): void
if (!empty($otherConfig)) {
$filebase = $otherConfig->getPathValue('dictionarydir', 'dictionaries/');
} else {
$filebase = $this->configuration->getPathValue('dictionarydir', 'dictionaries/');
$filebase = $filebase ?: 'dictionaries/';
$lang = $this->readDictionaryFile($filebase . $file);
Logger::debug('Translate: Merging language array. Loading [' . $file . ']');
$this->langtext = array_merge($this->langtext, $lang);
* Read a dictionary file in JSON format.
* @param string $filename The absolute path to the dictionary file, minus the .definition.json ending.
* @return array An array holding all the translations in the file.
private function readDictionaryJSON(string $filename): array
$definitionFile = $filename . '.definition.json';
$fileContent = file_get_contents($definitionFile);
$lang = json_decode($fileContent, true);
Logger::error('Invalid dictionary definition file [' . $definitionFile . ']');
$translationFile = $filename . '.translation.json';
if (file_exists($translationFile)) {
$fileContent = file_get_contents($translationFile);
$moreTrans = json_decode($fileContent, true);
Jaime Perez Crespo
$lang = array_merge_recursive($lang, $moreTrans);
* Read a dictionary file in PHP format.
* @param string $filename The absolute path to the dictionary file.
* @return array An array holding all the translations in the file.
private function readDictionaryPHP(string $filename): array
if (isset($lang)) {
return $lang;
* @param string $filename The absolute path to the dictionary file.
* @return array An array holding all the translations in the file.
private function readDictionaryFile(string $filename): array
Logger::debug('Translate: Reading dictionary [' . $filename . ']');
if (file_exists($jsonFile)) {
return $this->readDictionaryJSON($filename);
if (file_exists($phpFile)) {
return $this->readDictionaryPHP($filename);
$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . ' - Translate: Could not find dictionary file at [' . $filename . ']'
Tim van Dijen
* @param string|null $original The string before translation.
Tim van Dijen
public static function translateSingularGettext(?string $original): string
Tim van Dijen
// This may happen if you forget to set a variable and then run undefinedVar through the trans-filter
$original = $original ?? 'undefined variable';
$text = BaseTranslator::$current->gettext($original);
return $text;
$args = array_slice(func_get_args(), 1);
return strtr($text, is_array($args[0]) ? $args[0] : $args);
Tim van Dijen
* @param string|null $original The string before translation.
* @param string $plural
* @param string $value
* @return string The translated string.
Tim van Dijen
public static function translatePluralGettext(?string $original, string $plural, string $value): string
Tim van Dijen
// This may happen if you forget to set a variable and then run undefinedVar through the trans-filter
$original = $original ?? 'undefined variable';
$text = BaseTranslator::$current->ngettext($original, $plural, $value);
if (func_num_args() === 3) {
return $text;
$args = array_slice(func_get_args(), 3);
return strtr($text, is_array($args[0]) ? $args[0] : $args);
* Pick a translation from a given array of translations for the current language.
* @param array|null $context An array of options. The current language must be specified
* as an ISO 639 code accessible with the key "currentLanguage" in the array.
* @param array|null $translations An array of translations. Each translation has an
* ISO 639 code as its key, identifying the language it corresponds to.
* @return null|string The translation appropriate for the current language, or null if none found. If the
* $context or $translations arrays are null, or $context['currentLanguage'] is not defined, null is also returned.
public static function translateFromArray(?array $context, ?array $translations): ?string
} elseif (!is_array($context) || !isset($context['currentLanguage'])) {
} elseif (isset($translations[$context['currentLanguage']])) {
return $translations[$context['currentLanguage']];
// we don't have a translation for the current language, load alternative priorities
$sspcfg = Configuration::getInstance();
$langcfg = $sspcfg->getConfigItem('language');
$priorities = $langcfg->getArray('priorities', []);
foreach ($priorities[$context['currentLanguage']] as $lang) {
if (isset($translations[$lang])) {
return $translations[$lang];
// nothing we can use, return null so that we can set a default
return null;
* Prefix tag
* @param string $tag Translation tag
* @param string $prefix Prefix to be added
* @return string Prefixed tag
public static function addTagPrefix(string $tag, string $prefix): string
$tagPos = strrpos($tag, ':');
// if tag contains ':' target actual tag
$tagPos = ($tagPos === false) ? 0 : $tagPos + 1;
// add prefix at $tagPos
return substr_replace($tag, $prefix, $tagPos, 0);