namespace SimpleSAML\Metadata;
* Class for handling metadata files stored in a database.
* This class has been based off a previous version written by
* and patched to work with the latest version
class MetaDataStorageHandlerPdo extends MetaDataStorageSource
* The PDO object
private $db;
* Prefix to apply to the metadata table
private $tablePrefix;
* This is an associative array which stores the different metadata sets we have loaded.
* All the metadata sets supported by this MetaDataStorageHandler
* This constructor initializes the PDO metadata storage handler with the specified
* configuration. The configuration is an associative array with the following
* possible elements (set in config.php):
* - 'usePersistentConnection': TRUE/FALSE if database connection should be persistent.
* - 'dsn': The database connection string.
* - 'username': Database user name
* - 'password': Password for the database user.
* @param array $config An associative array with the configuration for this handler.
$this->db = \SimpleSAML\Database::getInstance();
* This function loads the given set of metadata from a file to a configured database.
* This function returns NULL if it is unable to locate the given set in the metadata directory.
* @param string $set The set of metadata we are loading.
* @return array|null $metadata Associative array with the metadata, or NULL if we are unable to load
* metadata from the given file.
* @throws \SimpleSAML\Error\Exception If the metadata can be retrieved from the database, but cannot be decoded.
if (!in_array($set, $this->supportedSets, true)) {
return null;
$stmt = $this->db->read("SELECT entity_id, entity_data FROM $tableName");
if ($stmt->execute()) {
$data = json_decode($d['entity_data'], true);
if ($data === null) {
throw new \SimpleSAML\Error\Exception("Cannot decode metadata for entity '${d['entity_id']}'");
if (!array_key_exists('entityid', $data)) {
$data['entityid'] = $d['entity_id'];
$metadata[$d['entity_id']] = $data;
throw new \Exception('PDO metadata handler: Database error: '.var_export($this->db->getLastError(), true));
* Retrieve a list of all available metadata for a given set.
* @param string $set The set we are looking for metadata in.
* @return array $metadata An associative array with all the metadata for the given set.
public function getMetadataSet($set)
if (array_key_exists($set, $this->cachedMetadata)) {
return $this->cachedMetadata[$set];
$metadataSet = $this->load($set);
if ($metadataSet === null) {
foreach ($metadataSet as $entityId => &$entry) {
if (preg_match('/__DYNAMIC(:[0-9]+)?__/', $entityId)) {
$entry['entityid'] = $this->generateDynamicHostedEntityID($set);
} else {
$entry['entityid'] = $entityId;
$this->cachedMetadata[$set] = $metadataSet;
return $metadataSet;
* Retrieve a metadata entry.
* @param string $entityId The entityId we are looking up.
* @param string $set The set we are looking for metadata in.
* @return array|null An associative array with metadata for the given entity, or NULL if we are unable to
* locate the entity.
public function getMetaData($entityId, $set)
$tableName = $this->getTableName($set);
if (!in_array($set, $this->supportedSets, true)) {
return null;
$stmt = $this->db->read(
"SELECT entity_id, entity_data FROM $tableName WHERE entity_id=:entityId",
if ($stmt->execute()) {
$rowCount = 0;
$data = null;
while ($d = $stmt->fetch()) {
if (++$rowCount > 1) {
\SimpleSAML\Logger::warning("Duplicate match for $entityId in set $set");
$data = json_decode($d['entity_data'], true);
if ($data === null) {
throw new \SimpleSAML\Error\Exception("Cannot decode metadata for entity '${d['entity_id']}'");
if (!array_key_exists('entityid', $data)) {
$data['entityid'] = $d['entity_id'];
return $data;
} else {
throw new \Exception('PDO metadata handler: Database error: '.var_export($this->db->getLastError(), true));
* @param string $set
* @throws \Exception
* @return string
private function generateDynamicHostedEntityID($set)
// get the configuration
$baseurl = \SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::getBaseURL();
if ($set === 'saml20-idp-hosted') {
return $baseurl.'saml2/idp/metadata.php';
} elseif ($set === 'saml20-sp-hosted') {
return $baseurl.'saml2/sp/metadata.php';
} elseif ($set === 'shib13-idp-hosted') {
return $baseurl.'shib13/idp/metadata.php';
} elseif ($set === 'shib13-sp-hosted') {
return $baseurl.'shib13/sp/metadata.php';
} elseif ($set === 'wsfed-sp-hosted') {
return 'urn:federation:'.\SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::getSelfHost();
} elseif ($set === 'adfs-idp-hosted') {
return 'urn:federation:'.\SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::getSelfHost().':idp';
} else {
throw new \Exception('Can not generate dynamic EntityID for metadata of this type: ['.$set.']');
* Add metadata to the configured database
* @param string $index Entity ID
* @param string $set The set to add the metadata to
* @param array $entityData Metadata
* @return bool True/False if entry was successfully added
public function addEntry($index, $set, $entityData)
if (!in_array($set, $this->supportedSets, true)) {
return false;
$tableName = $this->getTableName($set);
$metadata = $this->db->read(
"SELECT entity_id, entity_data FROM $tableName WHERE entity_id = :entity_id",
$retrivedEntityIDs = $metadata->fetch();
'entity_id' => $index,
'entity_data' => json_encode($entityData),
if ($retrivedEntityIDs !== false && count($retrivedEntityIDs) > 0) {
$rows = $this->db->write(
"UPDATE $tableName SET entity_data = :entity_data WHERE entity_id = :entity_id",
} else {
$rows = $this->db->write(
"INSERT INTO $tableName (entity_id, entity_data) VALUES (:entity_id, :entity_data)",
return $rows === 1;
* Replace the -'s to an _ in table names for Metadata sets
* since SQL does not allow a - in a table name.
* @param string $table Table
* @return string Replaced table name
private function getTableName($table)
return $this->db->applyPrefix(str_replace("-", "_", $this->tablePrefix.$table));
* Initialize the configured database
* @return int|false The number of SQL statements successfully executed, false if some error occurred.
$stmt = 0;
$fine = true;
foreach ($this->supportedSets as $set) {
$tableName = $this->getTableName($set);
$rows = $this->db->write(
"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $tableName (entity_id VARCHAR(255) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, entity_data ".
$fine = false;
} else {
$stmt += $rows;
if (!$fine) {
return false;
return $stmt;