Upgrade notes for SimpleSAMLphp 1.18
The minimum PHP version required is now PHP 5.6.
### Deprecations
* The use of the PHP `memcache` extension was deprecated in favour of `memcached`.
In order to keep using memcache functionality you have to move to the PHP `memcached` extension,
which is available from PECL; see The former is considered abandoned
and it's safe use can no longer be guaranteed.
- Depending on your distribution, the package may just be available for you to install
- You could use the package from the REMI repository if you're on RHEL;
- Download the source from and compile the source as a PHP-extension manually;
* Support for SAML1.1 / Shibboleth 1.3 will be discontinued in a future release.
* The class `SimpleSAML\Auth\TimeLimitedToken` is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release
If your custom module relies on this class, be sure to make a copy into your repository and
make sure to also copy the unit tests that come along.
* Setting `privacypolicy` in metadata files will be removed in a future release. It was only used
by the consent module, which supports `UIInfo`'s `PrivacyStatementURL`.
See on how to configure this.