Philipp Kolmann
* When multiple authentication sources are defined, you can specify one to use by default
* in order to authenticate users. In order to do that, you just need to name it "default"
* here. That authentication source will be used by default then when a user reaches the
* SimpleSAMLphp installation from the web browser, without passing through the API.
* If you already have named your auth source with a different name, you don't need to change
* it in order to use it as a default. Just create an alias by the end of this file:
* $config['default'] = &$config['your_auth_source'];
// This is a authentication source which handles admin authentication.
// The default is to use core:AdminPassword, but it can be replaced with
// any authentication source.
// An authentication source which can authenticate against SAML 2.0 IdPs.
// The entity ID of this SP.
// Can be NULL/unset, in which case an entity ID is generated based on the metadata URL.
'entityID' => null,
// The entity ID of the IdP this SP should contact.
// Can be NULL/unset, in which case the user will be shown a list of available IdPs.
'idp' => null,
// The URL to the discovery service.
// Can be NULL/unset, in which case a builtin discovery service will be used.
'discoURL' => null,
* The attributes parameter must contain an array of desired attributes by the SP.
* The attributes can be expressed as an array of names or as an associative array
Bjorn R. Jensen
* in the form of 'friendlyName' => 'name'. This feature requires 'name' to be set.
* The metadata will then be created as follows:
* <md:RequestedAttribute FriendlyName="friendlyName" Name="name" />
'name' => [
'en' => 'A service',
'no' => 'En tjeneste',
Bjorn R. Jensen
'dsn' => ';port=5432;dbname=simplesaml',
'username' => 'simplesaml',
'password' => 'secretpassword',
'query' => 'SELECT uid, givenName, email, eduPersonPrincipalName FROM users WHERE uid = :username ' .
'AND password = SHA2(CONCAT((SELECT salt FROM users WHERE uid = :username), :password), 256);',
'uid' => ['testuser'],
'eduPersonAffiliation' => ['member', 'employee'],
'cn' => ['Test User'],
// Give the user an option to save their username for future login attempts
// And when enabled, what should the default be, to save the username or not
//'remember.username.enabled' => false,
//'remember.username.checked' => false,
'student:studentpass' => [
'uid' => ['test'],
'eduPersonAffiliation' => ['member', 'student'],
'employee:employeepass' => [
'uid' => ['employee'],
'eduPersonAffiliation' => ['member', 'employee'],
// hashed version of 'verysecret', made with bin/pwgen.php
'professor:{SSHA256}P6FDTEEIY2EnER9a6P2GwHhI5JDrwBgjQ913oVQjBngmCtrNBUMowA==' => [
'uid' => ['prof_a'],
'eduPersonAffiliation' => ['member', 'employee', 'board'],
'htpasswd_file' => '/var/www/',
'static_attributes' => [
'eduPersonAffiliation' => ['member', 'employee'],
'Organization' => ['University of Foo'],
// This authentication source serves as an example of integration with an
// external authentication engine. Take a look at the comment in the beginning
// of modules/exampleauth/lib/Auth/Source/External.php for a description of
// how to adjust it to your own site.
'id' => '000',
// 'key' => '012345678',
// Register your Facebook application on
// App ID or API key (requests with App ID should be faster;
'api_key' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
// App Secret
'secret' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
// which additional data permissions to request from user
// see for the full list
// 'req_perms' => 'email,user_birthday',
// Which additional user profile fields to request.
// When empty, only the app-specific user id and name will be returned
// See for the full list
// 'user_fields' => 'email,birthday,third_party_id,name,first_name,last_name',
// Twitter OAuth Authentication API.
// Register your application to get an API key here:
'twitter' => [
'key' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
'secret' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
// Forces the user to enter their credentials to ensure the correct users account is authorized.
// Details:
'force_login' => false,
// Microsoft Account (Windows Live ID) Authentication API.
// Register your application to get an API key here:
'key' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
'secret' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
// Example of a LDAP authentication source.
// Give the user an option to save their username for future login attempts
// And when enabled, what should the default be, to save the username or not
//'remember.username.enabled' => false,
//'remember.username.checked' => false,
// The hostname of the LDAP server.
'hostname' => '',
// Whether SSL/TLS should be used when contacting the LDAP server.
// Whether debug output from the LDAP library should be enabled.
// Default is FALSE.
// The timeout for accessing the LDAP server, in seconds.
// The default is 0, which means no timeout.
'timeout' => 0,
// The port used when accessing the LDAP server.
// The default is 389.
'port' => 389,
// Set whether to follow referrals. AD Controllers may require FALSE to function.
// Which attributes should be retrieved from the LDAP server.
// This can be an array of attribute names, or NULL, in which case
// all attributes are fetched.
// The pattern which should be used to create the users DN given the username.
// %username% in this pattern will be replaced with the users username.
// This option is not used if the search.enable option is set to TRUE.
'dnpattern' => 'uid=%username%,ou=people,dc=example,dc=org',
// As an alternative to specifying a pattern for the users DN, it is possible to
// search for the username in a set of attributes. This is enabled by this option.
// The DN which will be used as a base for the search.
// This can be a single string, in which case only that DN is searched, or an
// array of strings, in which case they will be searched in the order given.
'search.base' => 'ou=people,dc=example,dc=org',
// The attribute(s) the username should match against.
// This is an array with one or more attribute names. Any of the attributes in
// the array may match the value the username.
'search.attributes' => ['uid', 'mail'],
// Additional LDAP filters appended to the search attributes
//'search.filter' => '(objectclass=inetorgperson)',
// The username & password the SimpleSAMLphp should bind to before searching. If
// this is left as NULL, no bind will be performed before searching.
'search.username' => null,
'search.password' => null,
// If the directory uses privilege separation,
// the authenticated user may not be able to retrieve
// all required attribures, a privileged entity is required
// to get them. This is enabled with this option.
// The DN & password the SimpleSAMLphp should bind to before
// retrieving attributes. These options are required if
// '' is set to TRUE.
'priv.username' => null,
'priv.password' => null,
// Example of an LDAPMulti authentication source.
// Give the user an option to save their username for future login attempts
// And when enabled, what should the default be, to save the username or not
//'remember.username.enabled' => false,
//'remember.username.checked' => false,
// Give the user an option to save their organization choice for future login
// attempts. And when enabled, what should the default be, checked or not.
//'remember.organization.enabled' => false,
//'remember.organization.checked' => false,
// The way the organization as part of the username should be handled.
// Three possible values:
// - 'none': No handling of the organization. Allows '@' to be part
// of the username.
// - 'allow': Will allow users to type 'username@organization'.
// - 'force': Force users to type 'username@organization'. The dropdown
// list will be hidden.
// The default is 'none'.
'username_organization_method' => 'none',
// Whether the organization should be included as part of the username
// when authenticating. If this is set to TRUE, the username will be on
// the form <username>@<organization identifier>. If this is FALSE, the
// username will be used as the user enters it.
// The default is FALSE.
'include_organization_in_username' => false,
// A list of available LDAP servers.
// The index is an identifier for the organization/group. When
// 'username_organization_method' is set to something other than 'none',
// the organization-part of the username is matched against the index.
// The value of each element is an array in the same format as an LDAP
// authentication source.
// A short name/description for this group. Will be shown in a dropdown list
// when the user logs on.
// This option can be a string or an array with language => text mappings.
'description' => 'Employees',
// The rest of the options are the same as those available for
// the LDAP authentication source.
'hostname' => '',
'dnpattern' => 'uid=%username%,ou=employees,dc=example,dc=org',
'description' => 'Students',
'hostname' => '',
'dnpattern' => 'uid=%username%,ou=students,dc=example,dc=org',