Andreas Åkre Solberg authored
git-svn-id: https://simplesamlphp.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@201 44740490-163a-0410-bde0-09ae8108e29a
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* A Shibboleth 1.3 authentication response.
* @author Andreas kre Solberg, UNINETT AS. <andreas.solberg@uninett.no>
* @package simpleSAMLphp
* @version $Id$
* @abstract
class SimpleSAML_XML_Shib13_AuthnResponse extends SimpleSAML_XML_AuthnResponse {
private $configuration = null;
private $metadata = 'default.php';
private $message = null;
private $dom;
private $relayState = null;
private $validIDs = null;
private $validNodes = null;
const PROTOCOL = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0';
const SHIB_PROTOCOL_NS = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:protocol';
const SHIB_ASSERT_NS = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:assertion';
function __construct(SimpleSAML_Configuration $configuration, SimpleSAML_Metadata_MetaDataStorageHandler $metadatastore) {
$this->configuration = $configuration;
$this->metadata = $metadatastore;
// Inhereted public function setXML($xml) {
// Inhereted public function getXML() {
// Inhereted public function setRelayState($relayState) {
// Inhereted public function getRelayState() {
public function validate() {
$dom = $this->getDOM();
/* Create an XML security object, and register ID as the id attribute for sig references. */
$objXMLSecDSig = new XMLSecurityDSig();
$objXMLSecDSig->idKeys[] = 'ResponseID';
/* Locate the signature element to be used. */
$objDSig = $objXMLSecDSig->locateSignature($dom);
/* If no signature element was found, throw an error */
if (!$objDSig) {
throw new Exception("Could not locate XML Signature element in Authentication Response");
/* Get information about canoncalization in to the xmlsec library. Read from the siginfo part. */
$refids = $objXMLSecDSig->getRefIDs();
/* Validate refrences */
$retVal = $objXMLSecDSig->validateReference();
if (! $retVal) {
throw new Exception("XMLsec: digest validation failed");
$key = NULL;
$objKey = $objXMLSecDSig->locateKey();
if ($objKey) {
if ($objKeyInfo = XMLSecEnc::staticLocateKeyInfo($objKey, $objDSig)) {
/* Handle any additional key processing such as encrypted keys here */
if (empty($objKey)) {
throw new Exception("Error loading key to handle Signature");
/* Check certificate fingerprint. */
if ( ! $this->validateCertFingerprint($objKey) ) {
throw new Exception("Fingerprint Validation Failed");
if (! $objXMLSecDSig->verify($objKey)) {
throw new Exception("Unable to validate Signature");
$this->validIDs = $refids;
$this->validNodes = $objXMLSecDSig->getValidatedNodes();
return true;
function validateCertFingerprint($objKey) {
/* Get the fingerprint. */
$fingerprint = $objKey->getX509Fingerprint();
if($fingerprint === NULL) {
throw new Exception('Key used to sign the message wasn\'t an X509 certificate.');
// Get the issuer of the assertion.
$issuer = $this->getIssuer();
//echo 'found issuer: ' . $this->getIssuer();
$md = $this->metadata->getMetaData($issuer, 'shib13-idp-remote');
* Get fingerprint from saml20-idp-remote metadata...
* Accept fingerprints with or without colons, case insensitive
$issuerFingerprint = strtolower( str_replace(":", "", $md['certFingerprint']) );
//echo 'issuer fingerprint: ' . $issuerFingerprint;
if (empty($issuerFingerprint)) {
throw new Exception("Certificate finger print for entity ID [" . $issuer . "] in metadata was empty.");
if (empty($fingerprint)) {
throw new Exception("Certificate finger print in message was empty.");
if ($fingerprint != $issuerFingerprint) {
throw new Exception("Expecting certificate fingerprint [$issuerFingerprint] but got [$fingerprint]");
return ($fingerprint == $issuerFingerprint);
/* Checks if the given node is validated by the signatore on this response.
* Returns:
* TRUE if the node is validated or FALSE if not.
private function isNodeValidated($node) {
if($this->validNodes === NULL) {
return FALSE;
/* Convert the node to a DOM node if it is an element from SimpleXML. */
if($node instanceof SimpleXMLElement) {
$node = dom_import_simplexml($node);
assert('$node instanceof DOMNode');
while($node !== NULL) {
if(in_array($node, $this->validNodes)) {
return TRUE;
$node = $node->parentNode;
/* Neither this node nor any of the parent nodes could be found in the list of
* signed nodes.
return FALSE;
public function createSession() {
SimpleSAML_Session::init(self::PROTOCOL, $this, true);
$session = SimpleSAML_Session::getInstance();
$nameid = $this->getNameID();
$nameID["NameID"] = $node->nodeValue;
$nameID["NameQualifier"] = $node->getAttribute('NameQualifier');
$nameID["SPNameQualifier"] = $node->getAttribute('SPNameQualifier');
return $session;
function getSessionIndex() {
$token = $this->getDOM();
if ($token instanceof DOMDocument) {
$xPath = new DOMXpath($token);
$xPath->registerNamespace('mysamlp', self::SHIB_PROTOCOL_NS);
$xPath->registerNamespace('mysaml', self::SHIB_ASSERT_NS);
$query = '/mysamlp:Response/mysaml:Assertion/mysaml:AuthnStatement';
$nodelist = $xPath->query($query);
if ($node = $nodelist->item(0)) {
return $node->getAttribute('SessionIndex');
return NULL;
public function getAttributes() {
$md = $this->metadata->getMetadata($this->getIssuer(), 'shib13-idp-remote');
$base64 = isset($md['base64attributes']) ? $md['base64attributes'] : false;
//$base64 = isset($md['base64attributes']) ? $md['base64attributes'] : false;
define('SAML2_BINDINGS_POST', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST');
define('SAML2_STATUS_SUCCESS', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:Success');
echo 'Validids<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
$attributes = array();
$token = $this->getDOM();
//echo $this->getXML();
$attributes = array();
if ($token instanceof DOMDocument) {
$sxml = simplexml_import_dom($token);
$sxml->registerXPathNamespace('samlp', self::SHIB_PROTOCOL_NS);
$sxml->registerXPathNamespace('saml', self::SHIB_ASSERT_NS);
$assertions = $sxml->xpath('/samlp:Response/saml:Assertion');
foreach ($assertions AS $assertion) {
if(!$this->isNodeValidated($assertion)) {
throw new Exception('Shib13 AuthResponse contained an unsigned assertion.');
if ($assertion->Conditions) {
if (($start = (string)$assertion->Conditions['NotBefore']) &&
($end = (string)$assertion->Conditions['NotOnOrAfter'])) {
if (! SimpleSAML_Utilities::checkDateConditions($start, $end)) {
error_log( " Date check failed ... (from $start to $end)");
// Traverse AttributeStatements
foreach ($assertion->AttributeStatement AS $attributestatement) {
// Traverse Attributes
foreach ($attributestatement->Attribute AS $attribute) {
$values = array();
// Traverse Values
foreach ($attribute->AttributeValue AS $newvalue) {
$newvalue = (string)$newvalue;
if ($base64) {
$encodedvalues = explode('_', $newvalue);
foreach($encodedvalues AS $v) {
$values[] = base64_decode($v);
} else {
$values[] = $newvalue;
$attributes[(string)$attribute['AttributeName']] = $values;
echo "<PRE>token:";
echo htmlentities($token->saveXML());
echo ":</PRE>";
echo '<pre>Attributes: ';
echo '</pre>';
return $attributes;
public function getIssuer() {
$token = $this->getDOM();
$xPath = new DOMXpath($token);
$xPath->registerNamespace('mysamlp', self::SHIB_PROTOCOL_NS);
$xPath->registerNamespace('mysaml', self::SHIB_ASSERT_NS);
$query = '/mysamlp:Response/mysaml:Assertion/@Issuer';
$nodelist = $xPath->query($query);
if ($attr = $nodelist->item(0)) {
return $attr->value;
} else {
throw Exception('Could not find Issuer field in Authentication response');
public function getNameID() {
$token = $this->getDOM();
$nameID = array();
if ($token instanceof DOMDocument) {
$xPath = new DOMXpath($token);
$xPath->registerNamespace('mysamlp', self::SHIB_PROTOCOL_NS);
$xPath->registerNamespace('mysaml', self::SHIB_ASSERT_NS);
$query = '/mysamlp:Response/mysaml:Assertion/mysaml:AuthenticationStatement/mysaml:Subject/mysaml:NameIdentifier';
$nodelist = $xPath->query($query);
if ($node = $nodelist->item(0)) {
$nameID["NameID"] = $node->nodeValue;
$nameID["Format"] = $node->getAttribute('Format');
$nameID["NameQualifier"] = $node->getAttribute('NameQualifier');
return $nameID;
// Not updated for response. from request.
public function generate($idpentityid, $spentityid, $inresponseto, $nameid, $attributes) {
//echo 'idp:' . $idpentityid . ' sp:' . $spentityid .' inresponseto:' . $inresponseto . ' namid:' . $nameid;
$idpmd = $this->metadata->getMetaData($idpentityid, 'shib13-idp-hosted');
$spmd = $this->metadata->getMetaData($spentityid, 'shib13-sp-remote');
$id = self::generateID();
$issueInstant = self::generateIssueInstant();
$assertionExpire = self::generateIssueInstant(60 * 5); # 5 minutes
$assertionid = self::generateID();
if (is_null($nameid)) {
$nameid = self::generateID();
$issuer = $idpentityid;
$shire = $spmd['shire'];
$audience = $spmd['audience'];
$spnamequalifier = $spmd['spnamequalifier'];
$base64 = $idpmd['base64'];
$encodedattributes = '';
if (is_array($attributes)) {
$encodedattributes .= '<AttributeStatement>
<NameIdentifier Format="urn:mace:shibboleth:1.0:nameIdentifier" NameQualifier="' . htmlspecialchars($spnamequalifier) . '"
>' . htmlspecialchars($nameid) . '</NameIdentifier>
foreach ($attributes AS $name => $value) {
$encodedattributes .= $this->enc_attribute($name, $value[0], $base64);
$encodedattributes .= '</AttributeStatement>';
* The SAML 1.1 response message
$response = '<Response xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:protocol"
xmlns:samlp="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:protocol" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" IssueInstant="' . $issueInstant. '"
MajorVersion="1" MinorVersion="1"
Recipient="' . htmlspecialchars($shire) . '"
ResponseID="' . $id . '">
<StatusCode Value="samlp:Success">
<StatusCode xmlns:code="urn:geant2:edugain:protocol" Value="code:Accepted"/>
<Assertion xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:assertion"
AssertionID="' . $assertionid . '" IssueInstant="' . $issueInstant. '"
Issuer="' . htmlspecialchars($issuer) . '" MajorVersion="1" MinorVersion="1">
<Conditions NotBefore="' . $issueInstant. '" NotOnOrAfter="'. $assertionExpire . '">
<Audience>' . htmlspecialchars($audience) . '</Audience>
<AuthenticationStatement AuthenticationInstant="' . $issueInstant. '"
<NameIdentifier Format="urn:mace:shibboleth:1.0:nameIdentifier" NameQualifier="' . htmlspecialchars($spnamequalifier) . '"
>' . htmlspecialchars($nameid) . '</NameIdentifier>
' . $encodedattributes . '
return $response;
private function enc_attribute($name, $value, $base64 = false) {
return '<Attribute AttributeName="' . htmlspecialchars($name) . '"
<AttributeValue>' . ($base64 ? base64_encode($value) : htmlspecialchars($value) ) . '</AttributeValue>