Jaime Perez Crespo authoredaf24da40
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* Configuration for the LDAP authentication module.
$config = array (
* LDAP configuration. This is only relevant if you use the LDAP authentication plugin.
* The attributes parameter is a list of attributes that should be retrieved.
* If the attributes parameter is set to null, all attributes will be retrieved.
'auth.ldap.dnpattern' => 'uid=%username%,dc=feide,dc=no,ou=feide,dc=uninett,dc=no',
'auth.ldap.hostname' => 'ldap.uninett.no',
'auth.ldap.attributes' => null,
'auth.ldap.enable_tls' => true,
* Searching the DN of the user.
// Set this to TRUE to enable searching.
'auth.ldap.search.enable' => FALSE,
// The base DN for the search.
'auth.ldap.search.base' => NULL,
/* The attribute(s) to search for.
* This may be a single string, or an array of string. If this is an array, then any of the attributes
* in the array may match the value the user supplied as the username.
'auth.ldap.search.attributes' => NULL,
/* The username & password the SimpleSAMLphp should bind as before searching. If this is left
* as NULL, no bind will be performed before searching.
'auth.ldap.search.username' => NULL,
'auth.ldap.search.password' => NULL,