Ulrik Nielsen authored
updated twig to version 3 and added wrapper for translation via symfony/twig-bridge Co-authored-by:
Ulrik nielsen <un@ipwsystems.dk>
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<table id="table_with_attributes" class="attributes pure-table pure-table-striped pure-table-attributes" summary="attribute overview">
{% for name, values in items %}
<tr class="{{ cycle(['odd', 'even'], loop.index0) }}">
{% block namecol -%}
<td class="attrname">{{ name }}</td>
{%- endblock %}
<td class="attrvalue">{% apply spaceless %}
{% for value in values %}
{% if loop.length>1 and loop.first %}<ul>{% endif %}
{% if loop.length>1 %}<li>{% endif -%}
{% block value %}{% endblock %}
{% if loop.length>1 %}</li>{% endif %}
{% if loop.length>1 and loop.last %}</ul>{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endapply -%}
{% endfor %}