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Unverified Commit 082ed85a authored by Tim van Dijen's avatar Tim van Dijen Committed by GitHub
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Merge pull request #1645 from simplesamlphp/translations

Fix error messages
parents af49313e 4ced6848
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......@@ -21,39 +21,39 @@ class ErrorCodes
final public static function defaultGetAllErrorCodeTitles(): array
return [
'ACSPARAMS' => Translate::noop('{errors:title_ACSPARAMS}'),
'ACSPARAMS' => Translate::noop('No SAML response provided'),
'ARSPARAMS' => Translate::noop('No SAML message provided'),
'AUTHSOURCEERROR' => Translate::noop('{errors:title_AUTHSOURCEERROR}'),
'BADREQUEST' => Translate::noop('{errors:title_BADREQUEST}'),
'CASERROR' => Translate::noop('{errors:title_CASERROR}'),
'CONFIG' => Translate::noop('{errors:title_CONFIG}'),
'CREATEREQUEST' => Translate::noop('{errors:title_CREATEREQUEST}'),
'DISCOPARAMS' => Translate::noop('{errors:title_DISCOPARAMS}'),
'INVALIDCERT' => Translate::noop('{errors:title_INVALIDCERT}'),
'LDAPERROR' => Translate::noop('{errors:title_LDAPERROR}'),
'LOGOUTINFOLOST' => Translate::noop('{errors:title_LOGOUTINFOLOST}'),
'LOGOUTREQUEST' => Translate::noop('{errors:title_LOGOUTREQUEST}'),
'AUTHSOURCEERROR' => Translate::noop('Authentication source error'),
'BADREQUEST' => Translate::noop('Bad request received'),
'CASERROR' => Translate::noop('CAS Error'),
'CONFIG' => Translate::noop('Configuration error'),
'CREATEREQUEST' => Translate::noop('Error creating request'),
'DISCOPARAMS' => Translate::noop('Bad request to discovery service'),
'GENERATEAUTHNRESPONSE' => Translate::noop('Could not create authentication response'),
'INVALIDCERT' => Translate::noop('Invalid certificate'),
'LDAPERROR' => Translate::noop('LDAP Error'),
'LOGOUTINFOLOST' => Translate::noop('Logout information lost'),
'LOGOUTREQUEST' => Translate::noop('Error processing the Logout Request'),
'MEMCACHEDOWN' => Translate::noop('Cannot retrieve session data'),
'METADATA' => Translate::noop('{errors:title_METADATA}'),
'METADATANOTFOUND' => Translate::noop('{errors:title_METADATANOTFOUND}'),
'NOACCESS' => Translate::noop('{errors:title_NOACCESS}'),
'NOCERT' => Translate::noop('{errors:title_NOCERT}'),
'NORELAYSTATE' => Translate::noop('{errors:title_NORELAYSTATE}'),
'NOSTATE' => Translate::noop('{errors:title_NOSTATE}'),
'NOTFOUND' => Translate::noop('{errors:title_NOTFOUND}'),
'NOTFOUNDREASON' => Translate::noop('{errors:title_NOTFOUNDREASON}'),
'NOTSET' => Translate::noop('{errors:title_NOTSET}'),
'NOTVALIDCERT' => Translate::noop('{errors:title_NOTVALIDCERT}'),
'PROCESSASSERTION' => Translate::noop('{errors:title_PROCESSASSERTION}'),
'PROCESSAUTHNREQUEST' => Translate::noop('{errors:title_PROCESSAUTHNREQUEST}'),
'SLOSERVICEPARAMS' => Translate::noop('{errors:title_SLOSERVICEPARAMS}'),
'METADATA' => Translate::noop('Error loading metadata'),
'METADATANOTFOUND' => Translate::noop('Metadata not found'),
'NOACCESS' => Translate::noop('No access'),
'NOCERT' => Translate::noop('No certificate'),
'NORELAYSTATE' => Translate::noop('No RelayState'),
'NOSTATE' => Translate::noop('State information lost'),
'NOTFOUND' => Translate::noop('Page not found'),
'NOTFOUNDREASON' => Translate::noop('Page not found'),
'NOTSET' => Translate::noop('Password not set'),
'NOTVALIDCERT' => Translate::noop('Invalid certificate'),
'PROCESSASSERTION' => Translate::noop('Error processing response from Identity Provider'),
'PROCESSAUTHNREQUEST' => Translate::noop('Error processing request from Service Provider'),
'RESPONSESTATUSNOSUCCESS' => Translate::noop('Error received from Identity Provider'),
'SLOSERVICEPARAMS' => Translate::noop('No SAML message provided'),
'SSOPARAMS' => Translate::noop('No SAML request provided'),
'UNHANDLEDEXCEPTION' => Translate::noop('{errors:title_UNHANDLEDEXCEPTION}'),
'UNKNOWNCERT' => Translate::noop('{errors:title_UNKNOWNCERT}'),
'USERABORTED' => Translate::noop('{errors:title_USERABORTED}'),
'WRONGUSERPASS' => Translate::noop('{errors:title_WRONGUSERPASS}'),
'UNHANDLEDEXCEPTION' => Translate::noop('Unhandled exception'),
'UNKNOWNCERT' => Translate::noop('Unknown certificate'),
'USERABORTED' => Translate::noop('Authentication aborted'),
'WRONGUSERPASS' => Translate::noop('Incorrect username or password'),
......@@ -79,45 +79,84 @@ class ErrorCodes
final public static function defaultGetAllErrorCodeDescriptions(): array
return [
'ACSPARAMS' => Translate::noop('{errors:descr_ACSPARAMS}'),
'ACSPARAMS' => Translate::noop("" .
"You accessed the Assertion Consumer Service interface, but did not " .
"provide a SAML Authentication Response. Please note that this endpoint is" .
" not intended to be accessed directly."),
'ARSPARAMS' => Translate::noop("" .
"You accessed the Artifact Resolution Service interface, but did not " .
"provide a SAML ArtifactResolve message. Please note that this endpoint is" .
" not intended to be accessed directly."),
'AUTHSOURCEERROR' => Translate::noop('{errors:descr_AUTHSOURCEERROR}'),
'BADREQUEST' => Translate::noop('{errors:descr_BADREQUEST}'),
'CASERROR' => Translate::noop('{errors:descr_CASERROR}'),
'CONFIG' => Translate::noop('{errors:descr_CONFIG}'),
'CREATEREQUEST' => Translate::noop('{errors:descr_CREATEREQUEST}'),
'DISCOPARAMS' => Translate::noop('{errors:descr_DISCOPARAMS}'),
'INVALIDCERT' => Translate::noop('{errors:descr_INVALIDCERT}'),
'LDAPERROR' => Translate::noop('{errors:descr_LDAPERROR}'),
'LOGOUTINFOLOST' => Translate::noop('{errors:descr_LOGOUTINFOLOST}'),
'LOGOUTREQUEST' => Translate::noop('{errors:descr_LOGOUTREQUEST}'),
'MEMCACHEDOWN' => Translate::noop('{errors:descr_MEMCACHEDOWN}'),
'METADATA' => Translate::noop('{errors:descr_METADATA}'),
'METADATANOTFOUND' => Translate::noop('{errors:descr_METADATANOTFOUND}'),
'NOACCESS' => Translate::noop('{errors:descr_NOACCESS}'),
'NOCERT' => Translate::noop('{errors:descr_NOCERT}'),
'NORELAYSTATE' => Translate::noop('{errors:descr_NORELAYSTATE}'),
'NOSTATE' => Translate::noop('{errors:descr_NOSTATE}'),
'NOTFOUND' => Translate::noop('{errors:descr_NOTFOUND}'),
'NOTFOUNDREASON' => Translate::noop('{errors:descr_NOTFOUNDREASON}'),
'NOTSET' => Translate::noop('{errors:descr_NOTSET}'),
'NOTVALIDCERT' => Translate::noop('{errors:descr_NOTVALIDCERT}'),
'PROCESSASSERTION' => Translate::noop('{errors:descr_PROCESSASSERTION}'),
'PROCESSAUTHNREQUEST' => Translate::noop('{errors:descr_PROCESSAUTHNREQUEST}'),
'SLOSERVICEPARAMS' => Translate::noop('{errors:descr_SLOSERVICEPARAMS}'),
'AUTHSOURCEERROR' => Translate::noop('Authentication error in source %AUTHSOURCE%. The reason was: %REASON%'),
'BADREQUEST' => Translate::noop('There is an error in the request to this page. The reason was: %REASON%'),
'CASERROR' => Translate::noop('Error when communicating with the CAS server.'),
'CONFIG' => Translate::noop('SimpleSAMLphp appears to be misconfigured.'),
'CREATEREQUEST' => Translate::noop("An error occurred when trying to create the SAML request."),
'DISCOPARAMS' => Translate::noop("" .
"The parameters sent to the discovery service were not according to " .
'GENERATEAUTHNRESPONSE' => Translate::noop("" .
"When this identity provider tried to create an authentication response, " .
"an error occurred."),
'INVALIDCERT' => Translate::noop("" .
"Authentication failed: the certificate your browser sent is invalid or " .
"cannot be read"),
'LDAPERROR' => Translate::noop("" .
"LDAP is the user database, and when you try to login, we need to contact " .
"an LDAP database. An error occurred when we tried it this time."),
'LOGOUTINFOLOST' => Translate::noop("" .
"The information about the current logout operation has been lost. You " .
"should return to the service you were trying to log out from and try to " .
"log out again. This error can be caused by the logout information " .
"expiring. The logout information is stored for a limited amout of time - " .
"usually a number of hours. This is longer than any normal logout " .
"operation should take, so this error may indicate some other error with " .
"the configuration. If the problem persists, contact your service " .
'LOGOUTREQUEST' => Translate::noop('An error occurred when trying to process the Logout Request.'),
'MEMCACHEDOWN' => Translate::noop("" .
"Your session data cannot be retrieved right now due to technical " .
"difficulties. Please try again in a few minutes."),
'METADATA' => Translate::noop("" .
"There is some misconfiguration of your SimpleSAMLphp installation. If you" .
" are the administrator of this service, you should make sure your " .
"metadata configuration is correctly setup."),
'METADATANOTFOUND' => Translate::noop('Unable to locate metadata for %ENTITYID%'),
'NOACCESS' => Translate::noop("" .
"This endpoint is not enabled. Check the enable options in your " .
"configuration of SimpleSAMLphp."),
'NOCERT' => Translate::noop('Authentication failed: your browser did not send any certificate'),
'NORELAYSTATE' => Translate::noop("".
"The initiator of this request did not provide a RelayState parameter " .
"indicating where to go next."),
'NOSTATE' => Translate::noop('State information lost, and no way to restart the request'),
'NOTFOUND' => Translate::noop('The given page was not found. The URL was: %URL%'),
'NOTFOUNDREASON' => Translate::noop("The given page was not found. The reason was: %REASON% The URL was: %URL%"),
'NOTSET' => Translate::noop("" .
"The password in the configuration (auth.adminpassword) is not changed " .
"from the default value. Please edit the configuration file."),
'NOTVALIDCERT' => Translate::noop('You did not present a valid certificate.'),
'PROCESSASSERTION' => Translate::noop('We did not accept the response sent from the Identity Provider.'),
'PROCESSAUTHNREQUEST' => Translate::noop("" .
"This Identity Provider received an Authentication Request from a Service " .
"Provider, but an error occurred when trying to process the request."),
'RESPONSESTATUSNOSUCCESS' => Translate::noop("" .
"The Identity Provider responded with an error. (The status code in the " .
"SAML Response was not success)"),
'SLOSERVICEPARAMS' => Translate::noop("" .
"You accessed the SingleLogoutService interface, but did not provide a " .
"SAML LogoutRequest or LogoutResponse. Please note that this endpoint is " .
"not intended to be accessed directly."),
'SSOPARAMS' => Translate::noop("" .
"You accessed the Single Sign On Service interface, but did not provide a " .
"SAML Authentication Request. Please note that this endpoint is not " .
"intended to be accessed directly."),
'UNHANDLEDEXCEPTION' => Translate::noop('{errors:descr_UNHANDLEDEXCEPTION}'),
'UNKNOWNCERT' => Translate::noop('{errors:descr_UNKNOWNCERT}'),
'USERABORTED' => Translate::noop('{errors:descr_USERABORTED}'),
'WRONGUSERPASS' => Translate::noop('{errors:descr_WRONGUSERPASS}'),
'UNHANDLEDEXCEPTION' => Translate::noop('An unhandled exception was thrown.'),
'UNKNOWNCERT' => Translate::noop('Authentication failed: the certificate your browser sent is unknown'),
'USERABORTED' => Translate::noop('The authentication was aborted by the user'),
'WRONGUSERPASS' => Translate::noop("" .
"Either no user with the given username could be found, or the password " .
"you gave was wrong. Please check the username and try again."),
......@@ -38,21 +38,21 @@
{# Add error report submit section if we have a valid technical contact. 'errorreportaddress' will only be set if
the technical contact email address has been set. #}
{% if errorReportAddress is defined -%}
<h2>{{ '{errors:report_header}' | trans }}</h2>
<h2>{{ 'Report errors' | trans }}</h2>
<form action="{{ errorReportAddress }}" class="pure-form" method="post">
<p>{{ '{errors:report_text}' | trans }}</p>
<label for="email">{{ '{errors:report_email}' | trans }}</label>
<p>{{ 'Optionally enter your email address, for the administrators to be able contact you for further questions about your issue:' | trans }}</p>
<label for="email">{{ 'E-mail address:' | trans }}</label>
<input type="email" name="email" id="email" class="edge" size="50" value="{{ email }}">
<textarea class="text-area edge" name="text" rows="6" cols="50" placeholder="{{ '{errors:report_explain}' | trans }}" required></textarea>
<textarea class="text-area edge" name="text" rows="6" cols="50" placeholder="{{ 'Explain what you did when this error occurred...' | trans }}" required></textarea>
<p class="center">
<input type="hidden" name="reportId" value="{{ error.reportId }}" />
<input type="submit" name="send" class="pure-button pure-button-red" value="{{ '{errors:report_submit}' | trans }}" />
<input type="submit" name="send" class="pure-button pure-button-red" value="{{ 'Send error report' | trans }}" />
{%- endif %}
<h2>{{ '{errors:howto_header}' | trans }}</h2>
<p>{{ '{errors:howto_text}' | trans }}</p>
<h2>{{ 'How to get help' | trans }}</h2>
<p>{{ 'This error probably is due to some unexpected behaviour or to misconfiguration of SimpleSAMLphp. Contact the administrator of this login service, and send them the error message above.' | trans }}</p>
{% endblock %}
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