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Commit 56543c4b authored by Olav Morken's avatar Olav Morken
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Translation update.

git-svn-id: 44740490-163a-0410-bde0-09ae8108e29a
parent 8375fa53
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...@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ ...@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@
"pl": "Przyk\u0142adowe Demo SAML 2.0 SP", "pl": "Przyk\u0142adowe Demo SAML 2.0 SP",
"cs": "SAML 2.0 SP Demo", "cs": "SAML 2.0 SP Demo",
"tr": "SAML 2.0 SP Demo \u00d6rne\u011fi", "tr": "SAML 2.0 SP Demo \u00d6rne\u011fi",
"it": "Demo di SAML 2.0 SP" "it": "Demo di SAML 2.0 SP",
"lt": "SAML 2.0 SP Demonstracin\u0117s versijos Pavyzdys"
}, },
"header_shib": { "header_shib": {
"no": "Shibboleth Demo", "no": "Shibboleth Demo",
...@@ -37,7 +38,8 @@ ...@@ -37,7 +38,8 @@
"pl": "Demo Shibboleth", "pl": "Demo Shibboleth",
"cs": "Shibboleth demo", "cs": "Shibboleth demo",
"tr": "Shibboleth demo", "tr": "Shibboleth demo",
"it": "Demo di Shibboleth" "it": "Demo di Shibboleth",
"lt": "Shibboleth demonstracin\u0117 versija"
}, },
"header_wsfed": { "header_wsfed": {
"no": "WS-Fed SP Demo Eksempel", "no": "WS-Fed SP Demo Eksempel",
...@@ -57,7 +59,8 @@ ...@@ -57,7 +59,8 @@
"pl": "Przyk\u0142adowe Demo WS-Fed SP", "pl": "Przyk\u0142adowe Demo WS-Fed SP",
"cs": "WS-Fed SP Demo", "cs": "WS-Fed SP Demo",
"tr": "WS-Fed SP Demo \u00d6rne\u011fi", "tr": "WS-Fed SP Demo \u00d6rne\u011fi",
"it": "Demo di WS-Fed SP" "it": "Demo di WS-Fed SP",
"lt": "WS-Fed SP Demonstracin\u0117s versijos Pavyzdys"
}, },
"header_diagnostics": { "header_diagnostics": {
"no": "SimpleSAMLphp diagnostikk", "no": "SimpleSAMLphp diagnostikk",
...@@ -77,7 +80,8 @@ ...@@ -77,7 +80,8 @@
"pl": "Diagnostyka SimpleSAMLphp", "pl": "Diagnostyka SimpleSAMLphp",
"cs": "SimpleSAMLphp diagnostika", "cs": "SimpleSAMLphp diagnostika",
"tr": "SimpleSAMLphp Kontroller", "tr": "SimpleSAMLphp Kontroller",
"it": "Diagnostici di SimpleSAMLphp" "it": "Diagnostici di SimpleSAMLphp",
"lt": "SimpleSAMLphp Diagnostika"
}, },
"some_error_occured": { "some_error_occured": {
"no": "En feil har oppst\u00e5tt", "no": "En feil har oppst\u00e5tt",
...@@ -97,7 +101,8 @@ ...@@ -97,7 +101,8 @@
"pl": "Wystapi\u0142 jaki\u015b b\u0142\u0105d", "pl": "Wystapi\u0142 jaki\u015b b\u0142\u0105d",
"cs": "Nalezena chyba", "cs": "Nalezena chyba",
"tr": "Hata olu\u015ftu", "tr": "Hata olu\u015ftu",
"it": "Si \u00e8 verificato un errore" "it": "Si \u00e8 verificato un errore",
"lt": "\u012evyko tam tikra klaida"
}, },
"intro": { "intro": {
"no": "Hei, dette er en statusside p\u00e5 simpleSAMLphp. Her kan du se om sesjonen din er timet ut, hvor lenge det er til den timer ut og attributter som er knyttet til din sesjon.", "no": "Hei, dette er en statusside p\u00e5 simpleSAMLphp. Her kan du se om sesjonen din er timet ut, hvor lenge det er til den timer ut og attributter som er knyttet til din sesjon.",
...@@ -117,7 +122,8 @@ ...@@ -117,7 +122,8 @@
"pl": "Hej, to jest status strony simpleSAMLphp. Tutaj mo\u017cesz zaboaczy\u0107, czy Twoja sesja jest nadal aktywna, jak d\u0142ugo pozosta\u0142o czasu do zako\u0144czenia sesji i wszystkie atrybuty, kt\u00f3re zosta\u0142y za\u0142\u0105czone do sesji.", "pl": "Hej, to jest status strony simpleSAMLphp. Tutaj mo\u017cesz zaboaczy\u0107, czy Twoja sesja jest nadal aktywna, jak d\u0142ugo pozosta\u0142o czasu do zako\u0144czenia sesji i wszystkie atrybuty, kt\u00f3re zosta\u0142y za\u0142\u0105czone do sesji.",
"cs": "V\u00edtejte na informa\u010dn\u00ed str\u00e1nce. Zde uvid\u00edte, pokud vypr\u0161elo va\u0161e sezen\u00ed, jak dlouho jste pry\u010d a v\u0161echny atributy p\u0159ipojen\u00e9 k va\u0161emu sezen\u00ed.", "cs": "V\u00edtejte na informa\u010dn\u00ed str\u00e1nce. Zde uvid\u00edte, pokud vypr\u0161elo va\u0161e sezen\u00ed, jak dlouho jste pry\u010d a v\u0161echny atributy p\u0159ipojen\u00e9 k va\u0161emu sezen\u00ed.",
"tr": "Merhaba, bu simpleSAMLphp durum sayfas\u0131d\u0131r. Oturumunuzun s\u00fcresinin dolup dolmad\u0131\u011f\u0131n\u0131, oturumunuzun ne kadar s\u00fcrd\u00fc\u011f\u00fcn\u00fc ve oturumunuza ait t\u00fcm bilgileri buradan g\u00f6rebilirsiniz.", "tr": "Merhaba, bu simpleSAMLphp durum sayfas\u0131d\u0131r. Oturumunuzun s\u00fcresinin dolup dolmad\u0131\u011f\u0131n\u0131, oturumunuzun ne kadar s\u00fcrd\u00fc\u011f\u00fcn\u00fc ve oturumunuza ait t\u00fcm bilgileri buradan g\u00f6rebilirsiniz.",
"it": "Salve, questa \u00e8 la pagina di stato di simpleSAMLphp. Qui \u00e8 possiible vedere se la sessione \u00e8 scaduta, quanto \u00e8 durata prima di scadere e tutti gli attributi ad essa collegati." "it": "Salve, questa \u00e8 la pagina di stato di simpleSAMLphp. Qui \u00e8 possiible vedere se la sessione \u00e8 scaduta, quanto \u00e8 durata prima di scadere e tutti gli attributi ad essa collegati.",
"lt": "Sveikia, \u010dia simpleSAMLphp b\u016bsenos tinklapis. \u010cia galite pamatyti, ar J\u016bs\u0173 sesija turi laiko apribojim\u0105, kiek trunka tas laiko apribojimas bei kitus J\u016bs\u0173 sesijai priskirtus atributus."
}, },
"validfor": { "validfor": {
"no": "Din sesjon er gyldig i %SECONDS% sekunder fra n\u00e5.", "no": "Din sesjon er gyldig i %SECONDS% sekunder fra n\u00e5.",
...@@ -137,7 +143,8 @@ ...@@ -137,7 +143,8 @@
"pl": "Twoja sesja jest jeszcze wa\u017cna przez %SECONDS% sekund", "pl": "Twoja sesja jest jeszcze wa\u017cna przez %SECONDS% sekund",
"cs": "Va\u0161e sezen\u00ed je platn\u00e9 %SECONDS% sekund od te\u010f.", "cs": "Va\u0161e sezen\u00ed je platn\u00e9 %SECONDS% sekund od te\u010f.",
"tr": "Oturumunuz, \u015fu andan itibaren %SECONDS% saniyeli\u011fine ge\u00e7erlidir.", "tr": "Oturumunuz, \u015fu andan itibaren %SECONDS% saniyeli\u011fine ge\u00e7erlidir.",
"it": "La tua sessione \u00e8 valida per ulteriori %SECONDS% secondi." "it": "La tua sessione \u00e8 valida per ulteriori %SECONDS% secondi.",
"lt": "J\u016bs\u0173 sesija galioja %SECONDS% sekund\u017ei\u0173, skai\u010diuojant nuo \u0161io momento."
}, },
"sessionsize": { "sessionsize": {
"no": "Sesjons st\u00f8rrelse: %SIZE%", "no": "Sesjons st\u00f8rrelse: %SIZE%",
...@@ -157,7 +164,8 @@ ...@@ -157,7 +164,8 @@
"pl": "Rozmiar sesji: %SIZE%", "pl": "Rozmiar sesji: %SIZE%",
"cs": "Velikost sezeni: %SIZE%", "cs": "Velikost sezeni: %SIZE%",
"tr": "Oturum b\u00fcy\u00fckl\u00fc\u011f\u00fc: %SIZE%", "tr": "Oturum b\u00fcy\u00fckl\u00fc\u011f\u00fc: %SIZE%",
"it": "Dimensione della session: %SIZE%" "it": "Dimensione della session: %SIZE%",
"lt": "Sesijos trukm\u0117: %SIZE%"
}, },
"attributes_header": { "attributes_header": {
"no": "Dine attributter", "no": "Dine attributter",
...@@ -177,7 +185,8 @@ ...@@ -177,7 +185,8 @@
"pl": "Twoje atrybuty", "pl": "Twoje atrybuty",
"cs": "Va\u0161e atributy", "cs": "Va\u0161e atributy",
"tr": "Bilgileriniz", "tr": "Bilgileriniz",
"it": "I tuoi attributi" "it": "I tuoi attributi",
"lt": "J\u016bs\u0173 atributai"
}, },
"logout": { "logout": {
"no": "Logg ut", "no": "Logg ut",
...@@ -197,6 +206,7 @@ ...@@ -197,6 +206,7 @@
"pl": "Wyloguj", "pl": "Wyloguj",
"cs": "Odhl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed", "cs": "Odhl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed",
"tr": "\u00c7\u0131k\u0131\u015f", "tr": "\u00c7\u0131k\u0131\u015f",
"it": "Disconnessione" "it": "Disconnessione",
"lt": "Atsijungti"
} }
} }
...@@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ ...@@ -18,7 +18,8 @@
"pl": "<strong>Gratulacje<\/strong>, instalacja simpleSAMLphp przebieg\u0142a pomy\u015blnie. To jest strona startowa Twojej instalacji, na kt\u00f3rej znajdziesz odno\u015bniki do przyk\u0142ad\u00f3w, narz\u0119dzi do diagnozowania, metadane a nawet linki do dokumentacji.", "pl": "<strong>Gratulacje<\/strong>, instalacja simpleSAMLphp przebieg\u0142a pomy\u015blnie. To jest strona startowa Twojej instalacji, na kt\u00f3rej znajdziesz odno\u015bniki do przyk\u0142ad\u00f3w, narz\u0119dzi do diagnozowania, metadane a nawet linki do dokumentacji.",
"cs": "<strong>Blahop\u0159ejeme<\/strong>, m\u00e1te spr\u00e1vn\u011b nainstalovan simpleSAMLphp. Toto je startovac\u00ed str\u00e1nka va\u0161\u00ed instalace, kde najde linky na testovac\u00ed uk\u00e1zky, diagnostiku, metadata a relevantn\u00ed literaturu.", "cs": "<strong>Blahop\u0159ejeme<\/strong>, m\u00e1te spr\u00e1vn\u011b nainstalovan simpleSAMLphp. Toto je startovac\u00ed str\u00e1nka va\u0161\u00ed instalace, kde najde linky na testovac\u00ed uk\u00e1zky, diagnostiku, metadata a relevantn\u00ed literaturu.",
"tr": "<strong>Tebrikler<\/strong>, simpleSAMLphp'i ba\u015far\u0131yla y\u00fcklediniz. Bu sayfa, test \u00f6rneklerine, kontrollere, \u00fcstveriye (metadata) ve hatta ilgili dok\u00fcmanlara ba\u011flant\u0131lar bulabilece\u011finiz, kurulumun ba\u015flang\u0131\u00e7 sayfas\u0131d\u0131r.", "tr": "<strong>Tebrikler<\/strong>, simpleSAMLphp'i ba\u015far\u0131yla y\u00fcklediniz. Bu sayfa, test \u00f6rneklerine, kontrollere, \u00fcstveriye (metadata) ve hatta ilgili dok\u00fcmanlara ba\u011flant\u0131lar bulabilece\u011finiz, kurulumun ba\u015flang\u0131\u00e7 sayfas\u0131d\u0131r.",
"it": "<strong>Congratulazioni<\/strong>, hai installato simpleSAMLphp con successo. Questa &egrave; la pagina di riferimento della tua installazione, qui puoi trovare i link ad esempi di test, diagnostiche, metadati e alla documentazione relativa." "it": "<strong>Congratulazioni<\/strong>, hai installato simpleSAMLphp con successo. Questa &egrave; la pagina di riferimento della tua installazione, qui puoi trovare i link ad esempi di test, diagnostiche, metadati e alla documentazione relativa.",
"lt": "<strong>Sveikiname<\/strong>, J\u016bs s\u0117kmingai \u012fdieg\u0117te simpleSAMLphp. Tai pradinis diegimo puslapis, kur J\u016bs rasite nuorodas \u012f testavimo pavyzd\u017eius, diagnostik\u0105, metaduomenis ir netgi nuorodas \u012f susijusi\u0105 dokumentacij\u0105."
}, },
"useful_links_header": { "useful_links_header": {
"no": "Nyttige lenker for denne installasjonen", "no": "Nyttige lenker for denne installasjonen",
...@@ -39,7 +40,8 @@ ...@@ -39,7 +40,8 @@
"pl": "Przydatne linki dla Twojej instalacji", "pl": "Przydatne linki dla Twojej instalacji",
"cs": "Linky pro va\u0161i instalaci", "cs": "Linky pro va\u0161i instalaci",
"tr": "Kurulumunuz i\u00e7in faydal\u0131 linkler", "tr": "Kurulumunuz i\u00e7in faydal\u0131 linkler",
"it": "Link utili per la tua installazione" "it": "Link utili per la tua installazione",
"lt": "Naudingos nuorodos diegimui"
}, },
"metadata_header": { "metadata_header": {
"no": "Metadata", "no": "Metadata",
...@@ -60,7 +62,8 @@ ...@@ -60,7 +62,8 @@
"pl": "Metadane", "pl": "Metadane",
"cs": "Metadata", "cs": "Metadata",
"tr": "\u00dcstveri (Metadata)", "tr": "\u00dcstveri (Metadata)",
"it": "Metadati" "it": "Metadati",
"lt": "Metaduomenys"
}, },
"doc_header": { "doc_header": {
"no": "Dokumentasjon", "no": "Dokumentasjon",
...@@ -81,7 +84,8 @@ ...@@ -81,7 +84,8 @@
"pl": "Dokumentacja", "pl": "Dokumentacja",
"cs": "Dokumentace", "cs": "Dokumentace",
"tr": "Dok\u00fcmantasyon", "tr": "Dok\u00fcmantasyon",
"it": "Documentazione" "it": "Documentazione",
"lt": "Dokumentacija"
}, },
"checkphp": { "checkphp": {
"no": "Sjekker din PHP installasjon", "no": "Sjekker din PHP installasjon",
...@@ -102,7 +106,8 @@ ...@@ -102,7 +106,8 @@
"pl": "Sprawdzanie instalacji PHP", "pl": "Sprawdzanie instalacji PHP",
"cs": "Test va\u0161\u00ed PHP instalace", "cs": "Test va\u0161\u00ed PHP instalace",
"tr": "PHP kurulumunuz kontrol ediliyor", "tr": "PHP kurulumunuz kontrol ediliyor",
"it": "Controllo dell'installazione di PHP" "it": "Controllo dell'installazione di PHP",
"lt": "Tikrinamas J\u016bs\u0173 PHP diegimas"
}, },
"about_header": { "about_header": {
"no": "Om simpleSAMLphp", "no": "Om simpleSAMLphp",
...@@ -123,7 +128,8 @@ ...@@ -123,7 +128,8 @@
"pl": "O simpleSAMLphp", "pl": "O simpleSAMLphp",
"cs": " ", "cs": " ",
"tr": "simpleSAMLphp hakk\u0131nda", "tr": "simpleSAMLphp hakk\u0131nda",
"it": "A proposito di simpleSAMLphp" "it": "A proposito di simpleSAMLphp",
"lt": "Apie simpleSAMLphp"
}, },
"about_text": { "about_text": {
"no": "Yey! simpleSAMLphp virker jammen kult, hvor kan jeg finne ut mer om det? Du kan lese mer om simpleSAMLphp p\u00e5 <a href=\"http:\/\/\/simplesamlphp\">simpleSAMLphp sin hjemmeside<\/a>.", "no": "Yey! simpleSAMLphp virker jammen kult, hvor kan jeg finne ut mer om det? Du kan lese mer om simpleSAMLphp p\u00e5 <a href=\"http:\/\/\/simplesamlphp\">simpleSAMLphp sin hjemmeside<\/a>.",
...@@ -144,7 +150,8 @@ ...@@ -144,7 +150,8 @@
"pl": "Ten simpleSAMLphp jest niez\u0142y, gdzie mog\u0119 poczyta\u0107 o tym? Mo\u017cesz znale\u017a\u0107 wi\u0119cej informacji o <a href=\"http:\/\/\/simplesamlphp\">simpleSAMLphp na blogu Feide RnD<\/a> oraz na stronie <a href=\"http:\/\/\">UNINETT<\/a>.", "pl": "Ten simpleSAMLphp jest niez\u0142y, gdzie mog\u0119 poczyta\u0107 o tym? Mo\u017cesz znale\u017a\u0107 wi\u0119cej informacji o <a href=\"http:\/\/\/simplesamlphp\">simpleSAMLphp na blogu Feide RnD<\/a> oraz na stronie <a href=\"http:\/\/\">UNINETT<\/a>.",
"cs": " ", "cs": " ",
"tr": "Bu simpleSAMLphp olduk\u00e7a iyiymi\u015f, daha fazla bilgiyi nereden okuyabilirim? <a href=\"http:\/\/\">UNINETT<\/a> \u00fczerinde <a href=\"http:\/\/\/simplesamlphp\">Feide RnD blog'unda simpleSAMLphp <\/a> hakk\u0131nda daha fazlas\u0131n\u0131 bulabilirsiniz.", "tr": "Bu simpleSAMLphp olduk\u00e7a iyiymi\u015f, daha fazla bilgiyi nereden okuyabilirim? <a href=\"http:\/\/\">UNINETT<\/a> \u00fczerinde <a href=\"http:\/\/\/simplesamlphp\">Feide RnD blog'unda simpleSAMLphp <\/a> hakk\u0131nda daha fazlas\u0131n\u0131 bulabilirsiniz.",
"it": "Questo simpleSAMLphp &egrave; davvero un bel prodotto, dove trovo ulteriori informazioni a riguardo? Puoi trovare maggiori informazioni su <a href=\"http:\/\/\/simplesamlphp\">simpleSAMLphp nel Blog di Feide RnD<\/a> oltre che <a href=\"http:\/\/\">UNINETT<\/a>." "it": "Questo simpleSAMLphp &egrave; davvero un bel prodotto, dove trovo ulteriori informazioni a riguardo? Puoi trovare maggiori informazioni su <a href=\"http:\/\/\/simplesamlphp\">simpleSAMLphp nel Blog di Feide RnD<\/a> oltre che <a href=\"http:\/\/\">UNINETT<\/a>.",
"lt": "\u0160is simpleSAMLphp dalykas yra gana puikus, kur gal\u0117\u010diau daugiau apie j\u012f paskaityti? Daugiau informacijos apie <a href=\"http:\/\/\/simplesamlphp\">simpleSAMLphp galite rasti Feide RnD blog'e<\/a> bei <a href=\"http:\/\/\">UNINETT<\/a> svetain\u0117je."
}, },
"required": { "required": {
"no": "P\u00e5krevd", "no": "P\u00e5krevd",
...@@ -165,7 +172,8 @@ ...@@ -165,7 +172,8 @@
"pl": "Wymagane", "pl": "Wymagane",
"cs": "Po\u017eadov\u00e1no", "cs": "Po\u017eadov\u00e1no",
"tr": "Gerekli", "tr": "Gerekli",
"it": "Obbligatorio" "it": "Obbligatorio",
"lt": "B\u016btinas"
}, },
"required_ldap": { "required_ldap": {
"no": "P\u00e5krevd for LDAP", "no": "P\u00e5krevd for LDAP",
...@@ -186,7 +194,8 @@ ...@@ -186,7 +194,8 @@
"pl": "Wymagane dla LDAP", "pl": "Wymagane dla LDAP",
"cs": "Po\u017eadov\u00e1no pro LDAP", "cs": "Po\u017eadov\u00e1no pro LDAP",
"tr": "LDAP i\u00e7in gerekli", "tr": "LDAP i\u00e7in gerekli",
"it": "Obbligatorio per LDAP" "it": "Obbligatorio per LDAP",
"lt": "B\u016btinas LDAP serveriui"
}, },
"required_radius": { "required_radius": {
"no": "P\u00e5krevd for Radius", "no": "P\u00e5krevd for Radius",
...@@ -207,7 +216,8 @@ ...@@ -207,7 +216,8 @@
"pl": "Wymagane dla Radius", "pl": "Wymagane dla Radius",
"cs": "Po\u017eadov\u00e1no pro Radius", "cs": "Po\u017eadov\u00e1no pro Radius",
"tr": "Radius i\u00e7in gerekli", "tr": "Radius i\u00e7in gerekli",
"it": "Obbligatorio per Radius" "it": "Obbligatorio per Radius",
"lt": "B\u016btinas Radius serveriui"
}, },
"optional": { "optional": {
"no": "Valgfritt", "no": "Valgfritt",
...@@ -228,7 +238,8 @@ ...@@ -228,7 +238,8 @@
"pl": "Opcjonalne", "pl": "Opcjonalne",
"cs": "Voliteln\u00e9", "cs": "Voliteln\u00e9",
"tr": "\u0130ste\u011fe ba\u011fl\u0131", "tr": "\u0130ste\u011fe ba\u011fl\u0131",
"it": "Facoltativo" "it": "Facoltativo",
"lt": "Neprivalomas"
}, },
"reccomended": { "reccomended": {
"no": "Anbefalt", "no": "Anbefalt",
...@@ -249,7 +260,8 @@ ...@@ -249,7 +260,8 @@
"pl": "Rekomendowane", "pl": "Rekomendowane",
"cs": "Doporu\u010den\u00e9", "cs": "Doporu\u010den\u00e9",
"tr": "Tavsiye edilen", "tr": "Tavsiye edilen",
"it": "Raccomandato" "it": "Raccomandato",
"lt": "Rekomenduojamas"
}, },
"warnings": { "warnings": {
"no": "Advarsler", "no": "Advarsler",
...@@ -270,7 +282,8 @@ ...@@ -270,7 +282,8 @@
"pl": "Ostrze\u017cenia", "pl": "Ostrze\u017cenia",
"cs": "Varov\u00e1n\u00ed", "cs": "Varov\u00e1n\u00ed",
"tr": "Uyar\u0131lar", "tr": "Uyar\u0131lar",
"it": "Avvertenze" "it": "Avvertenze",
"lt": "\u012esp\u0117jimai"
}, },
"warnings_https": { "warnings_https": {
"no": "<strong>Du bruker ikke HTTPS<\/strong> - kryptert kommunikasjon med brukeren. HTTP fungerer utmerket til testform\u00e5l, men i et produksjonsmilj\u00f8 anbefales sterkt \u00e5 skru p\u00e5 sikker kommunikasjon med HTTPS. [ <a href=\"http:\/\/\/content\/simplesamlphp-maintenance-and-configuration\">Les mer i dokumentet: simpleSAMLphp maintenance<\/a> ]", "no": "<strong>Du bruker ikke HTTPS<\/strong> - kryptert kommunikasjon med brukeren. HTTP fungerer utmerket til testform\u00e5l, men i et produksjonsmilj\u00f8 anbefales sterkt \u00e5 skru p\u00e5 sikker kommunikasjon med HTTPS. [ <a href=\"http:\/\/\/content\/simplesamlphp-maintenance-and-configuration\">Les mer i dokumentet: simpleSAMLphp maintenance<\/a> ]",
...@@ -291,7 +304,8 @@ ...@@ -291,7 +304,8 @@
"pl": "<strong>Nie u\u017cywasz HTTPS<\/strong> - szyfrowana komunikacja z u\u017cytkownikiem. HTTP jest OK dla test\u00f3w, ale na produkcji powiniene\u015b u\u017cywa\u0107 tylko HTTPS. [ <a href=\"http:\/\/\/content\/simplesamlphp-maintenance-and-configuration\">Przeczytaj wi\u0119cej o zarz\u0105dzaniu simpleSAMLphp<\/a> ]", "pl": "<strong>Nie u\u017cywasz HTTPS<\/strong> - szyfrowana komunikacja z u\u017cytkownikiem. HTTP jest OK dla test\u00f3w, ale na produkcji powiniene\u015b u\u017cywa\u0107 tylko HTTPS. [ <a href=\"http:\/\/\/content\/simplesamlphp-maintenance-and-configuration\">Przeczytaj wi\u0119cej o zarz\u0105dzaniu simpleSAMLphp<\/a> ]",
"cs": "<strong>Nepou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1te HTTPS<\/strong> - \u0161ivrovanou komunikaci s u\u017eivatelem. HTTP je vhodn\u00e9 jen k testovac\u00edm \u00fa\u010del\u016fm, pro produk\u010dn\u00ed \u00fa\u010dely pou\u017eijte HTTPS. [ <a href=\"http:\/\/\/content\/simplesamlphp-maintenance-and-configuration\">\u010ctete v\u00edce o \u00fadr\u017eb\u011b simpleSAMLphp<\/a> ]", "cs": "<strong>Nepou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1te HTTPS<\/strong> - \u0161ivrovanou komunikaci s u\u017eivatelem. HTTP je vhodn\u00e9 jen k testovac\u00edm \u00fa\u010del\u016fm, pro produk\u010dn\u00ed \u00fa\u010dely pou\u017eijte HTTPS. [ <a href=\"http:\/\/\/content\/simplesamlphp-maintenance-and-configuration\">\u010ctete v\u00edce o \u00fadr\u017eb\u011b simpleSAMLphp<\/a> ]",
"tr": "Kullan\u0131c\u0131yla \u015fifreli ileti\u015fim -<strong>HTTPS kullanm\u0131yorsunuz<\/strong>. HTTP test ama\u00e7l\u0131 olarak kullan\u0131labilir, ancak \u00fcretim ortam\u0131nda, HTTPS kullanmal\u0131s\u0131n\u0131z. [ <a href=\"http:\/\/\/content\/simplesamlphp-maintenance-and-configuration\">simpleSAMLphp bak\u0131m\u0131 hakk\u0131nda daha fazlas\u0131n\u0131 okuyun<\/a> ]", "tr": "Kullan\u0131c\u0131yla \u015fifreli ileti\u015fim -<strong>HTTPS kullanm\u0131yorsunuz<\/strong>. HTTP test ama\u00e7l\u0131 olarak kullan\u0131labilir, ancak \u00fcretim ortam\u0131nda, HTTPS kullanmal\u0131s\u0131n\u0131z. [ <a href=\"http:\/\/\/content\/simplesamlphp-maintenance-and-configuration\">simpleSAMLphp bak\u0131m\u0131 hakk\u0131nda daha fazlas\u0131n\u0131 okuyun<\/a> ]",
"it": "<strong>Non stai usando HTTPS<\/strong> - comunicazione cifrata con l'utente. HTTP pu&ograve; funzionare per i test, ma in un ambiente di produzione si dovrebbe usare HTTPS. [ <a href=\"http:\/\/\/content\/simplesamlphp-maintenance-and-configuration\">Maggiori informazioni sulla manutenzione di simpleSAMLphp<\/a> ]" "it": "<strong>Non stai usando HTTPS<\/strong> - comunicazione cifrata con l'utente. HTTP pu&ograve; funzionare per i test, ma in un ambiente di produzione si dovrebbe usare HTTPS. [ <a href=\"http:\/\/\/content\/simplesamlphp-maintenance-and-configuration\">Maggiori informazioni sulla manutenzione di simpleSAMLphp<\/a> ]",
"lt": "<strong>J\u016bs nenaudojate HTTPS<\/strong> - \u0161ifruotos komunikacijos su vartotoju. HTTP puikiai tinka testavimo reikm\u0117ms, ta\u010diau realioje aplinkoje tur\u0117tum\u0117te naudoti HTTPS. [ <a href=\"http:\/\/\/content\/simplesamlphp-maintenance-and-configuration\">Skaityti daugiau apie simpleSAMLphp prie\u017ei\u016br\u0105<\/a> ]"
}, },
"link_saml2example": { "link_saml2example": {
"no": "SAML 2.0 SP eksempel - test innlogging med SAML 2.0 via din IdP", "no": "SAML 2.0 SP eksempel - test innlogging med SAML 2.0 via din IdP",
...@@ -312,7 +326,8 @@ ...@@ -312,7 +326,8 @@
"pl": "SAML 2.0 SP - przyk\u0142ad - test logowania przez Twoje IdP", "pl": "SAML 2.0 SP - przyk\u0142ad - test logowania przez Twoje IdP",
"cs": "SAML 2.0 SP \u00fak\u00e1zka - testovac\u00ed p\u0159ihl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed pomoc\u00ed va\u0161\u00ed IdP", "cs": "SAML 2.0 SP \u00fak\u00e1zka - testovac\u00ed p\u0159ihl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed pomoc\u00ed va\u0161\u00ed IdP",
"tr": "SAML 2.0 SP \u00f6rne\u011fi - IdP'nizden giri\u015f yaparak test edin", "tr": "SAML 2.0 SP \u00f6rne\u011fi - IdP'nizden giri\u015f yaparak test edin",
"it": "Esempio di SAML 2.0 SP - prova l'autenticazione tramite il tuo IdP" "it": "Esempio di SAML 2.0 SP - prova l'autenticazione tramite il tuo IdP",
"lt": "SAML 2.0 SP pavyzdys - testinis prisijungimas per J\u016bs\u0173 IdP"
}, },
"link_shib13example": { "link_shib13example": {
"no": "Shibboleth 1.3 SP eksempel - test innlogging med Shibboleth 1.3 via din IdP", "no": "Shibboleth 1.3 SP eksempel - test innlogging med Shibboleth 1.3 via din IdP",
...@@ -333,7 +348,8 @@ ...@@ -333,7 +348,8 @@
"pl": "Shibboleth 1.3 SP - przyk\u0142ad - test logowania przez Twoje Shib IdP", "pl": "Shibboleth 1.3 SP - przyk\u0142ad - test logowania przez Twoje Shib IdP",
"cs": "Shibboleth 1.3 SP uk\u00e1zka - testovac\u00ed p\u0159ihl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed pomoc\u00ed va\u0161\u00ed Shib IdP", "cs": "Shibboleth 1.3 SP uk\u00e1zka - testovac\u00ed p\u0159ihl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed pomoc\u00ed va\u0161\u00ed Shib IdP",
"tr": "Shibboleth 1.3 SP \u00f6rne\u011fi - Shib IdP'nizden giri\u015f yaparak test edin", "tr": "Shibboleth 1.3 SP \u00f6rne\u011fi - Shib IdP'nizden giri\u015f yaparak test edin",
"it": "Esempio di Shibboleth 1.3 SP - prova l'autenticazione tramite il tuo IdP Shibboleth" "it": "Esempio di Shibboleth 1.3 SP - prova l'autenticazione tramite il tuo IdP Shibboleth",
"lt": "Shibboleth 1.3 SP pavyzdys - istorini\u0173 duomen\u0173 testavimas kartu su J\u016bs\u0173 Shib IdP"
}, },
"link_openidprovider": { "link_openidprovider": {
"no": "OpenID Provider side - Alpha versjon (testkode)", "no": "OpenID Provider side - Alpha versjon (testkode)",
...@@ -354,7 +370,8 @@ ...@@ -354,7 +370,8 @@
"pl": "Strona Dostawcy OpenID - wersja Alpha (kod w fazie test\u00f3w)", "pl": "Strona Dostawcy OpenID - wersja Alpha (kod w fazie test\u00f3w)",
"cs": "Str\u00e1nka OpenID poskytovatele - alfa version (testovac\u00ed k\u00f3d)", "cs": "Str\u00e1nka OpenID poskytovatele - alfa version (testovac\u00ed k\u00f3d)",
"tr": "OpenID Provider site - Alpha s\u00fcr\u00fcm\u00fc (test kodu)", "tr": "OpenID Provider site - Alpha s\u00fcr\u00fcm\u00fc (test kodu)",
"it": "OpenID Provider site - versione Alpha (codice di test)" "it": "OpenID Provider site - versione Alpha (codice di test)",
"lt": "OpenID tiek\u0117jo puslapis - alfa versija (bandomasis kodas)"
}, },
"link_diagnostics": { "link_diagnostics": {
"no": "Diagnostiser hostnavn, port og protokoll", "no": "Diagnostiser hostnavn, port og protokoll",
...@@ -375,7 +392,8 @@ ...@@ -375,7 +392,8 @@
"pl": "Diagnostyka na ho\u015bcie, port i protok\u00f3\u0142", "pl": "Diagnostyka na ho\u015bcie, port i protok\u00f3\u0142",
"cs": "Diagnoza jm\u00e9na po\u010d\u00edta\u010de, portu a protokolu", "cs": "Diagnoza jm\u00e9na po\u010d\u00edta\u010de, portu a protokolu",
"tr": "Bilgisayar ad\u0131, port ve protokol \u00fczerine kontroller", "tr": "Bilgisayar ad\u0131, port ve protokol \u00fczerine kontroller",
"it": "Diagnostica su nome dell'host, porta e protocollo" "it": "Diagnostica su nome dell'host, porta e protocollo",
"lt": "Serverio vardo, porto ir protokolo diagnostika"
}, },
"link_phpinfo": { "link_phpinfo": {
"no": "PHPinfo", "no": "PHPinfo",
...@@ -396,7 +414,8 @@ ...@@ -396,7 +414,8 @@
"pl": "PHP info", "pl": "PHP info",
"cs": "PHP info", "cs": "PHP info",
"tr": "PHP info", "tr": "PHP info",
"it": "PHP info" "it": "PHP info",
"lt": "PHP informacija"
}, },
"link_meta_overview": { "link_meta_overview": {
"no": "Oversikt over metadata for din installasjon. Diagnostiser metadatafilene her.", "no": "Oversikt over metadata for din installasjon. Diagnostiser metadatafilene her.",
...@@ -417,7 +436,8 @@ ...@@ -417,7 +436,8 @@
"pl": "Przegl\u0105d Metadanych dla Twojej instalacji. Diagnose your metadata files", "pl": "Przegl\u0105d Metadanych dla Twojej instalacji. Diagnose your metadata files",
"cs": "P\u0159ehled metadat va\u0161\u00ed instalace a jejich diagn\u00f3za.", "cs": "P\u0159ehled metadat va\u0161\u00ed instalace a jejich diagn\u00f3za.",
"tr": "Kurulumunuz i\u00e7in \u00fcstveri (metadata) bilgisi. \u00dcstveri dosyalar\u0131n\u0131z\u0131 kontrol edin.", "tr": "Kurulumunuz i\u00e7in \u00fcstveri (metadata) bilgisi. \u00dcstveri dosyalar\u0131n\u0131z\u0131 kontrol edin.",
"it": "Panoramica dei metadati della tua installazione. Diagnostica dei file dei metadati" "it": "Panoramica dei metadati della tua installazione. Diagnostica dei file dei metadati",
"lt": "Diegimo metaduomen\u0173 per\u017ei\u016bra. Galite analizuoti savo metaduomenis"
}, },
"link_meta_saml2sphosted": { "link_meta_saml2sphosted": {
"no": "Hosted SAML 2.0 Service Provider Metadata (automatisk generert)", "no": "Hosted SAML 2.0 Service Provider Metadata (automatisk generert)",
...@@ -438,7 +458,8 @@ ...@@ -438,7 +458,8 @@
"pl": "Metadane - Lokalny SAML 2.0 Dostawca Serwisu (generowane automatycznie)", "pl": "Metadane - Lokalny SAML 2.0 Dostawca Serwisu (generowane automatycznie)",
"cs": "Metada look\u00e1ln\u00edho (hosted) SAML 2.0 poskytovatele slu\u017eby (SP) (automaticky generovan\u00e9)", "cs": "Metada look\u00e1ln\u00edho (hosted) SAML 2.0 poskytovatele slu\u017eby (SP) (automaticky generovan\u00e9)",
"tr": "Sunulan SAML 2.0 Servis Sa\u011flay\u0131c\u0131 \u00dcstverisi (metadata) (otomatik olarak \u00fcretilmi\u015ftir)", "tr": "Sunulan SAML 2.0 Servis Sa\u011flay\u0131c\u0131 \u00dcstverisi (metadata) (otomatik olarak \u00fcretilmi\u015ftir)",
"it": "Metadati del Service Provider SAML 2.0 Locale (generati automaticamente)" "it": "Metadati del Service Provider SAML 2.0 Locale (generati automaticamente)",
"lt": "Vietinio SAML 2.0 SP metaduomenys (sugeneruoti automati\u0161kai)"
}, },
"link_meta_saml2idphosted": { "link_meta_saml2idphosted": {
"no": "Hosted SAML 2.0 Identity Provider Metadata (automatisk generert)", "no": "Hosted SAML 2.0 Identity Provider Metadata (automatisk generert)",
...@@ -459,7 +480,8 @@ ...@@ -459,7 +480,8 @@
"pl": "Metadane - Lokalny SAML 2.0 Dostawca To\u017csamo\u015bci (generowane automatycznie)", "pl": "Metadane - Lokalny SAML 2.0 Dostawca To\u017csamo\u015bci (generowane automatycznie)",
"cs": "Metada look\u00e1ln\u00edho (hosted) SAML 2.0 poskytovatele identity (IdP) (automaticky generovan\u00e9)", "cs": "Metada look\u00e1ln\u00edho (hosted) SAML 2.0 poskytovatele identity (IdP) (automaticky generovan\u00e9)",
"tr": "Sunulan SAML 2.0 Kimlik Sa\u011flay\u0131c\u0131 \u00dcstverisi (metadata) (otomatik olarak \u00fcretilmi\u015ftir)", "tr": "Sunulan SAML 2.0 Kimlik Sa\u011flay\u0131c\u0131 \u00dcstverisi (metadata) (otomatik olarak \u00fcretilmi\u015ftir)",
"it": "Metadati dell'Identity Provider SAML 2.0 Locale (generati automaticamente)" "it": "Metadati dell'Identity Provider SAML 2.0 Locale (generati automaticamente)",
"lt": "Vietinio SAML 2.0 IdP metaduomenis (sugeneruoti automati\u0161kai)"
}, },
"link_meta_shib13sphosted": { "link_meta_shib13sphosted": {
"no": "Hosted Shibboleth 1.3 Service Provider Metadata (automatisk generert)", "no": "Hosted Shibboleth 1.3 Service Provider Metadata (automatisk generert)",
...@@ -669,7 +691,8 @@ ...@@ -669,7 +691,8 @@
"pl": "Konfiguracja i Prace administracyjne ", "pl": "Konfiguracja i Prace administracyjne ",
"cs": "simpleSAMLphp udr\u017eba a konfigurace", "cs": "simpleSAMLphp udr\u017eba a konfigurace",
"tr": "simpleSAMLphp Bak\u0131m ve D\u00fczenleme", "tr": "simpleSAMLphp Bak\u0131m ve D\u00fczenleme",
"it": "Manutenzione e configurazione di simpleSAMLphp " "it": "Manutenzione e configurazione di simpleSAMLphp ",
"lt": "simpleSAMLphp valdymas ir konfig\u016bracija"
}, },
"link_configcheck": { "link_configcheck": {
"no": "Sjekk av simpleSAMLphp konfigurasjonsfiler", "no": "Sjekk av simpleSAMLphp konfigurasjonsfiler",
...@@ -689,7 +712,8 @@ ...@@ -689,7 +712,8 @@
"pl": "sprawdzanie konfiguracji simpleSAMLphp", "pl": "sprawdzanie konfiguracji simpleSAMLphp",
"cs": "Test konfigurace simpleSAMLphp", "cs": "Test konfigurace simpleSAMLphp",
"tr": "simpleSAMLphp konfig\u00fcrasyon kontrol\u00fc", "tr": "simpleSAMLphp konfig\u00fcrasyon kontrol\u00fc",
"it": "Controllo configurazione simpleSAMLphp" "it": "Controllo configurazione simpleSAMLphp",
"lt": "simpleSAMLphp konfig\u016bracijos patikrinimas"
}, },
"link_cleardiscochoices": { "link_cleardiscochoices": {
"no": "Slett mitt valg av IdP i IdP discovery tjenestene", "no": "Slett mitt valg av IdP i IdP discovery tjenestene",
...@@ -728,7 +752,8 @@ ...@@ -728,7 +752,8 @@
"pl": "Witaj", "pl": "Witaj",
"cs": "V\u00edtejte", "cs": "V\u00edtejte",
"tr": "Ho\u015fgeldiniz", "tr": "Ho\u015fgeldiniz",
"it": "Benvenuto" "it": "Benvenuto",
"lt": "Sveiki atvyk\u0119"
}, },
"configuration": { "configuration": {
"no": "Konfigurasjon", "no": "Konfigurasjon",
...@@ -747,7 +772,8 @@ ...@@ -747,7 +772,8 @@
"pl": "Konfiguracja", "pl": "Konfiguracja",
"cs": "Konfigurace", "cs": "Konfigurace",
"tr": "Konfigurasyon", "tr": "Konfigurasyon",
"it": "Configurazione" "it": "Configurazione",
"lt": "Konfig\u016bracija"
}, },
"metadata": { "metadata": {
"no": "Metadata", "no": "Metadata",
...@@ -766,7 +792,8 @@ ...@@ -766,7 +792,8 @@
"pl": "Metadane", "pl": "Metadane",
"cs": "Metadata", "cs": "Metadata",
"tr": "\u00dcstveri (Metadata)", "tr": "\u00dcstveri (Metadata)",
"it": "Metadati" "it": "Metadati",
"lt": "Metaduomenys"
}, },
"tools": { "tools": {
"no": "Verkt\u00f8y", "no": "Verkt\u00f8y",
...@@ -785,7 +812,8 @@ ...@@ -785,7 +812,8 @@
"pl": "Narz\u0119dzia", "pl": "Narz\u0119dzia",
"cs": "N\u00e1stroje", "cs": "N\u00e1stroje",
"tr": "Ara\u00e7lar", "tr": "Ara\u00e7lar",
"it": "Strumenti" "it": "Strumenti",
"lt": "\u012erankiai"
}, },
"show_metadata": { "show_metadata": {
"no": "Vis metadata", "no": "Vis metadata",
...@@ -804,7 +832,8 @@ ...@@ -804,7 +832,8 @@
"pl": "Wy\u015bwietl metadane", "pl": "Wy\u015bwietl metadane",
"cs": "Zobraz metadata", "cs": "Zobraz metadata",
"tr": "\u00dcstveri (Metadata) g\u00f6ster", "tr": "\u00dcstveri (Metadata) g\u00f6ster",
"it": "Mostra metadati" "it": "Mostra metadati",
"lt": "Parodyti metaduomenis"
}, },
"login_as_admin": { "login_as_admin": {
"no": "Login som administrator", "no": "Login som administrator",
...@@ -823,7 +852,8 @@ ...@@ -823,7 +852,8 @@
"pl": "Zaloguj si\u0119 jako administrator", "pl": "Zaloguj si\u0119 jako administrator",
"cs": "P\u0159\u00edhl\u00e1sit se jako administr\u00e1tor", "cs": "P\u0159\u00edhl\u00e1sit se jako administr\u00e1tor",
"tr": "Y\u00f6netici olarak giri\u015f", "tr": "Y\u00f6netici olarak giri\u015f",
"it": "Accedi come amministratore" "it": "Accedi come amministratore",
"lt": "Prisijungti administratoriaus teis\u0117mis"
}, },
"loggedin_as_admin": { "loggedin_as_admin": {
"no": "Du er logget inn som administrator", "no": "Du er logget inn som administrator",
...@@ -842,7 +872,8 @@ ...@@ -842,7 +872,8 @@
"pl": "Jeste\u015b zalogowany jako administrator", "pl": "Jeste\u015b zalogowany jako administrator",
"cs": "Jste p\u0159ihl\u00e1\u0161en jako administrator", "cs": "Jste p\u0159ihl\u00e1\u0161en jako administrator",
"tr": "Y\u00f6netici olarak girdiniz", "tr": "Y\u00f6netici olarak girdiniz",
"it": "Sei connesso come amministratore" "it": "Sei connesso come amministratore",
"lt": "J\u016bs prisijung\u0117te administratoriaus teis\u0117mis"
}, },
"auth": { "auth": {
"no": "Autentisering", "no": "Autentisering",
...@@ -858,7 +889,8 @@ ...@@ -858,7 +889,8 @@
"pt": "Autentica\u00e7\u00e3o", "pt": "Autentica\u00e7\u00e3o",
"fr": "Authentification", "fr": "Authentification",
"hr": "Autentikacija", "hr": "Autentikacija",
"nn": "Autentisering" "nn": "Autentisering",
"lt": "Autentifikavimas"
}, },
"federation": { "federation": {
"no": "F\u00f8derasjon", "no": "F\u00f8derasjon",
...@@ -874,7 +906,8 @@ ...@@ -874,7 +906,8 @@
"pt": "Federa\u00e7\u00e3o", "pt": "Federa\u00e7\u00e3o",
"fr": "F\u00e9d\u00e9ration", "fr": "F\u00e9d\u00e9ration",
"hr": "Federacija", "hr": "Federacija",
"nn": "F\u00f8derasjon" "nn": "F\u00f8derasjon",
"lt": "Federacija"
}, },
"authtest": { "authtest": {
"no": "Test konfigurerte autentiseringskilder", "no": "Test konfigurerte autentiseringskilder",
...@@ -890,7 +923,8 @@ ...@@ -890,7 +923,8 @@
"pt": "Testar fontes de autentica\u00e7\u00e3o configuradas", "pt": "Testar fontes de autentica\u00e7\u00e3o configuradas",
"fr": "Tester les sources d'authentification configur\u00e9es", "fr": "Tester les sources d'authentification configur\u00e9es",
"hr": "Isprobajte iskonfigurirane autentikacijske servise", "hr": "Isprobajte iskonfigurirane autentikacijske servise",
"nn": "Autentiseringskjelder sett opp for testing" "nn": "Autentiseringskjelder sett opp for testing",
"lt": "Testuoti nustatytus autentifikavimo \u0161altinius"
}, },
"deprecated": { "deprecated": {
"no": "Utdatert", "no": "Utdatert",
...@@ -905,7 +939,8 @@ ...@@ -905,7 +939,8 @@
"pt": "Descontinuado", "pt": "Descontinuado",
"fr": "D\u00e9pr\u00e9ci\u00e9", "fr": "D\u00e9pr\u00e9ci\u00e9",
"hr": "Zastarjelo", "hr": "Zastarjelo",
"nn": "Utfasa" "nn": "Utfasa",
"lt": "Nebepalaikoma"
}, },
"page_title": { "page_title": {
"sv": "Installationssida f\u00f6r simpleSAMLphp", "sv": "Installationssida f\u00f6r simpleSAMLphp",
...@@ -917,6 +952,7 @@ ...@@ -917,6 +952,7 @@
"da": "simpleSAMLphp installations side", "da": "simpleSAMLphp installations side",
"nn": "simpleSAMLphp installasjons-side", "nn": "simpleSAMLphp installasjons-side",
"it": "Pagina di installazione di simpleSAMLphp", "it": "Pagina di installazione di simpleSAMLphp",
"es": "P\u00e1gina de instalaci\u00f3n de simpleSAMLphp" "es": "P\u00e1gina de instalaci\u00f3n de simpleSAMLphp",
"lt": "simpleSAMLphp diegimo puslapis"
} }
} }
...@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ ...@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@
"da": "OpenID udbyder", "da": "OpenID udbyder",
"fr": "Fournisseur OpenID", "fr": "Fournisseur OpenID",
"it": "Provider OpenID", "it": "Provider OpenID",
"es": "Proveedor OpenID" "es": "Proveedor OpenID",
"lt": "OpenID teik\u0117jas"
}, },
"title_user": { "title_user": {
"no": "OpenID for %USERID%", "no": "OpenID for %USERID%",
...@@ -21,7 +22,8 @@ ...@@ -21,7 +22,8 @@
"da": "OpenID for %USERID%", "da": "OpenID for %USERID%",
"fr": "OpenID pour %USERID%", "fr": "OpenID pour %USERID%",
"it": "OpenID per %USERID%", "it": "OpenID per %USERID%",
"es": "OpenID para %USERID%" "es": "OpenID para %USERID%",
"lt": "Vartotojo %USERID% OpenID"
}, },
"user_page_for": { "user_page_for": {
"no": "Dette er OpenID brukersiden for <code>%USERID%<\/code>.", "no": "Dette er OpenID brukersiden for <code>%USERID%<\/code>.",
...@@ -33,7 +35,8 @@ ...@@ -33,7 +35,8 @@
"da": "Dette er OpenID brugersiden for <code>%USERID%<\/code>.", "da": "Dette er OpenID brugersiden for <code>%USERID%<\/code>.",
"fr": "Ceci est la page OpenID pour <code>%USERID%<\/code>.", "fr": "Ceci est la page OpenID pour <code>%USERID%<\/code>.",
"it": "Questa \u00e8 la pagina utente OpenID per <code>%USERID%<code>.", "it": "Questa \u00e8 la pagina utente OpenID per <code>%USERID%<code>.",
"es": "Esta es la p\u00e1gina OpenID de usuario para <code>%USERID%<\/code>" "es": "Esta es la p\u00e1gina OpenID de usuario para <code>%USERID%<\/code>",
"lt": "Tai OpenID puslapis vartotojui <code>%USERID%<\/code>."
}, },
"view_own_page": { "view_own_page": {
"no": "Se p\u00e5 din egen OpenID side.", "no": "Se p\u00e5 din egen OpenID side.",
...@@ -45,7 +48,8 @@ ...@@ -45,7 +48,8 @@
"da": "Se din egen OpenID side.", "da": "Se din egen OpenID side.",
"fr": "Voir votre propre page OpenID.", "fr": "Voir votre propre page OpenID.",
"it": "Visualizza la tua pagina OpenID.", "it": "Visualizza la tua pagina OpenID.",
"es": "Visuarlizar tu propia p\u00e1gina OpenID" "es": "Visuarlizar tu propia p\u00e1gina OpenID",
"lt": "Pamatyti savo OpenID puslap\u012f."
}, },
"login_view_own_page": { "login_view_own_page": {
"no": "Logg p\u00e5 for \u00e5 se p\u00e5 din egen OpenID side.", "no": "Logg p\u00e5 for \u00e5 se p\u00e5 din egen OpenID side.",
...@@ -57,7 +61,8 @@ ...@@ -57,7 +61,8 @@
"da": "Log ind for at se dine egen OpenID side.", "da": "Log ind for at se dine egen OpenID side.",
"fr": "Connexion pour acc\u00e9der \u00e0 votre propre page OpenID.", "fr": "Connexion pour acc\u00e9der \u00e0 votre propre page OpenID.",
"it": "Collegati per visualizzare la tua pagina OpenID.", "it": "Collegati per visualizzare la tua pagina OpenID.",
"es": "Accede para ver tu p\u00e1gina OpenID" "es": "Accede para ver tu p\u00e1gina OpenID",
"lt": "Prisijunkite, kad pamatytum\u0117te savo OpenID puslap\u012f."
}, },
"logout_title": { "logout_title": {
"no": "Logg av", "no": "Logg av",
...@@ -69,7 +74,8 @@ ...@@ -69,7 +74,8 @@
"da": "Log ud", "da": "Log ud",
"fr": "Se d\u00e9connecter", "fr": "Se d\u00e9connecter",
"it": "Disconnessione", "it": "Disconnessione",
"es": "Cerrar sesi\u00f3n" "es": "Cerrar sesi\u00f3n",
"lt": "Atsijungti"
}, },
"logout": { "logout": {
"no": "Trykk her for \u00e5 logge ut av din OpenID bruker.", "no": "Trykk her for \u00e5 logge ut av din OpenID bruker.",
...@@ -81,7 +87,8 @@ ...@@ -81,7 +87,8 @@
"hr": "Kliknite ovdje da biste se odjavili.", "hr": "Kliknite ovdje da biste se odjavili.",
"fr": "Cliquez ici pour clore votre session OpenID.", "fr": "Cliquez ici pour clore votre session OpenID.",
"it": "Clicca qui per disconnetterti come utente OpenID.", "it": "Clicca qui per disconnetterti come utente OpenID.",
"es": "Pincha aqu\u00ed para salir de tu usuario OpenID" "es": "Pincha aqu\u00ed para salir de tu usuario OpenID",
"lt": "Spauskite \u010dia nor\u0117dami atsijungti nuo savo OpenID vartotojo."
}, },
"confirm_question": { "confirm_question": {
"no": "\u00d8nsker du \u00e5 logge p\u00e5 %SITEURL%?", "no": "\u00d8nsker du \u00e5 logge p\u00e5 %SITEURL%?",
...@@ -93,7 +100,8 @@ ...@@ -93,7 +100,8 @@
"da": "Vil du logge ind til %SITEURL%?", "da": "Vil du logge ind til %SITEURL%?",
"fr": "Voulez vous vous connecter sur %SITEURL%?", "fr": "Voulez vous vous connecter sur %SITEURL%?",
"it": "Vuoi collegarti a %SITEURL% ?", "it": "Vuoi collegarti a %SITEURL% ?",
"es": "\u00bfDeseas acceder a %SITEURL%?" "es": "\u00bfDeseas acceder a %SITEURL%?",
"lt": "Ar norite prisijungti prie %SITEURL%?"
}, },
"remember": { "remember": {
"no": "Husk dette valget", "no": "Husk dette valget",
...@@ -111,7 +119,8 @@ ...@@ -111,7 +119,8 @@
"pt-BR": "Lembrar desta decis\u00e3o", "pt-BR": "Lembrar desta decis\u00e3o",
"tr": "Karar\u0131m\u0131 hat\u0131rla", "tr": "Karar\u0131m\u0131 hat\u0131rla",
"fr": "Retenir cette d\u00e9cision", "fr": "Retenir cette d\u00e9cision",
"it": "Ricordati questa decisione" "it": "Ricordati questa decisione",
"lt": "Atsiminti \u0161\u012f sprendim\u0105"
}, },
"confirm": { "confirm": {
"no": "Bekreft", "no": "Bekreft",
...@@ -129,7 +138,8 @@ ...@@ -129,7 +138,8 @@
"pt-BR": "Confirmar", "pt-BR": "Confirmar",
"tr": "Do\u011frula", "tr": "Do\u011frula",
"fr": "Confirmer", "fr": "Confirmer",
"it": "Confermo" "it": "Confermo",
"lt": "Patvirtinti"
}, },
"notconfirm": { "notconfirm": {
"no": "Ikke bekreft", "no": "Ikke bekreft",
...@@ -147,7 +157,8 @@ ...@@ -147,7 +157,8 @@
"pt-BR": "N\u00e3o confirmar", "pt-BR": "N\u00e3o confirmar",
"tr": "Do\u011frulama", "tr": "Do\u011frulama",
"fr": "Ne pas confirmer", "fr": "Ne pas confirmer",
"it": "Non confermo" "it": "Non confermo",
"lt": "Nepatvirtinti"
}, },
"trustlist_trustedsites": { "trustlist_trustedsites": {
"no": "Klarerte websider", "no": "Klarerte websider",
...@@ -165,7 +176,8 @@ ...@@ -165,7 +176,8 @@
"pt-BR": "Sites Confi\u00e1veis", "pt-BR": "Sites Confi\u00e1veis",
"tr": "G\u00fcvenilir Siteler", "tr": "G\u00fcvenilir Siteler",
"fr": "Sites de confiance", "fr": "Sites de confiance",
"it": "Siti affidabili" "it": "Siti affidabili",
"lt": "Patikimi Tinklapiai"
}, },
"trustlist_remove": { "trustlist_remove": {
"no": "Fjern", "no": "Fjern",
...@@ -178,7 +190,8 @@ ...@@ -178,7 +190,8 @@
"hr": "Ukloni", "hr": "Ukloni",
"fr": "Supprimer", "fr": "Supprimer",
"it": "Rimuovere", "it": "Rimuovere",
"es": "Eliminar" "es": "Eliminar",
"lt": "Pa\u0161alinti"
}, },
"trustlist_nosites": { "trustlist_nosites": {
"no": "Ingen sites er husket. N\u00e5r du autentiserer deg hos en site, kan du velge \u00e5 legge den til denne listen ved \u00e5 velge <q>Husk dette valget<\/q>.", "no": "Ingen sites er husket. N\u00e5r du autentiserer deg hos en site, kan du velge \u00e5 legge den til denne listen ved \u00e5 velge <q>Husk dette valget<\/q>.",
...@@ -191,7 +204,8 @@ ...@@ -191,7 +204,8 @@
"hr": "Trenutno ne vjerujete niti jednoj web stranici. Prilikom autentikacije za pristup nekoj web stranici mo\u017eete ju postaviti na popis stranica kojima vjerujete odabirom opcije <q>Zapamti ovu odluku<\/q>.", "hr": "Trenutno ne vjerujete niti jednoj web stranici. Prilikom autentikacije za pristup nekoj web stranici mo\u017eete ju postaviti na popis stranica kojima vjerujete odabirom opcije <q>Zapamti ovu odluku<\/q>.",
"fr": "Aucun site de confiance. Quand vous vous authentifiez sur un site, vous pouvez d\u00e9cider de l'ajouter \u00e0 cette liste en s\u00e9lectionnant <q>Retenir cette d\u00e9cision<\/q>.", "fr": "Aucun site de confiance. Quand vous vous authentifiez sur un site, vous pouvez d\u00e9cider de l'ajouter \u00e0 cette liste en s\u00e9lectionnant <q>Retenir cette d\u00e9cision<\/q>.",
"it": "Non ci sono siti affidabili. Quando ti autentichi con un sito, puoi scegliere di aggiungerlo a tale list selezionando <q>Ricordati questa decisione<\/q>.", "it": "Non ci sono siti affidabili. Quando ti autentichi con un sito, puoi scegliere di aggiungerlo a tale list selezionando <q>Ricordati questa decisione<\/q>.",
"es": "No hay sitios de confianza. Cuando te autentiques en un sitio puede elegir a\u00f1adirlo a a esta lista seleccionando <q>Recordar esta decisi\u00f3n<\/q>" "es": "No hay sitios de confianza. Cuando te autentiques en un sitio puede elegir a\u00f1adirlo a a esta lista seleccionando <q>Recordar esta decisi\u00f3n<\/q>",
"lt": "N\u0117ra patikim\u0173 tinklapi\u0173. Kai tinklapyje patvirtinate autenti\u0161kum\u0105, galite prid\u0117ti j\u012f \u012f \u0161\u012f s\u0105ra\u0161\u0105 pasirink\u0119 <q>Atsiminti \u0161\u012f sprendim\u0105<\/q>."
}, },
"your_identifier": { "your_identifier": {
"no": "For \u00e5 logge inn med din OpenID, bruk f\u00f8lgende ID:", "no": "For \u00e5 logge inn med din OpenID, bruk f\u00f8lgende ID:",
...@@ -203,7 +217,8 @@ ...@@ -203,7 +217,8 @@
"fr": "Pour vous connecter avec votre identifiant OpenID, utilisez l'identifiant suivant:", "fr": "Pour vous connecter avec votre identifiant OpenID, utilisez l'identifiant suivant:",
"da": "For at logge ind med OpenID, brug f\u00f8lgende ID:", "da": "For at logge ind med OpenID, brug f\u00f8lgende ID:",
"it": "Per collegarsi con il proprio identificatore OpenID, usa il seguente:", "it": "Per collegarsi con il proprio identificatore OpenID, usa il seguente:",
"es": "Para acceder con tu identificador OpenID, usa el siguiente identificador" "es": "Para acceder con tu identificador OpenID, usa el siguiente identificador",
"lt": "Nor\u0117dami prisijungti su savo OpenID, naudokite \u0161\u012f identifikatori\u0173:"
}, },
"howto_delegate": { "howto_delegate": {
"no": "Du kan ogs\u00e5 delegere en annen OpenID til \u00e5 benytte denne OpenID tilbyderen. For \u00e5 gj\u00f8re det, m\u00e5 du legge til f\u00f8lgende <code>&lt;head&gt;<\/code>-element p\u00e5 websiden til denne OpenID-en du vil delegere.", "no": "Du kan ogs\u00e5 delegere en annen OpenID til \u00e5 benytte denne OpenID tilbyderen. For \u00e5 gj\u00f8re det, m\u00e5 du legge til f\u00f8lgende <code>&lt;head&gt;<\/code>-element p\u00e5 websiden til denne OpenID-en du vil delegere.",
...@@ -215,6 +230,7 @@ ...@@ -215,6 +230,7 @@
"fr": "Vous pouvez aussi utiliser un identifiant d\u00e9l\u00e9gu\u00e9 diff\u00e9rent pour ce fournisseur OpenID. Pour ce faire, ajoutez l'\u00e9l\u00e9ment <code>&lt;head&gt;<\/code> sur la page web de l'identifiant:", "fr": "Vous pouvez aussi utiliser un identifiant d\u00e9l\u00e9gu\u00e9 diff\u00e9rent pour ce fournisseur OpenID. Pour ce faire, ajoutez l'\u00e9l\u00e9ment <code>&lt;head&gt;<\/code> sur la page web de l'identifiant:",
"da": "Du kan ogs\u00e5 bruge et andet ID til denne OpenID udbyder. For at g\u00f8re dette, skal du tilf\u00f8je f\u00f8lgende til <code>&lt;head&gt;<\/code>-element p\u00e5 websiden for dette ID:", "da": "Du kan ogs\u00e5 bruge et andet ID til denne OpenID udbyder. For at g\u00f8re dette, skal du tilf\u00f8je f\u00f8lgende til <code>&lt;head&gt;<\/code>-element p\u00e5 websiden for dette ID:",
"it": "E' possibile delegare un altro identificatore perch\u00e9 sia usato con questo provider OpenID. Per far questo, occorre aggiungere il seguente <code>&lh;head&gt;<code> elemento nella pagina web dell'identificatore:", "it": "E' possibile delegare un altro identificatore perch\u00e9 sia usato con questo provider OpenID. Per far questo, occorre aggiungere il seguente <code>&lh;head&gt;<code> elemento nella pagina web dell'identificatore:",
"es": "Puede adem\u00e1s utilizar un identificador diferente para utilizar este proveedor OpenID. Para hacerlo debe agregar el elemento <code>&lt;head&gt;<\/code> a la p\u00e1gina del identificador:" "es": "Puede adem\u00e1s utilizar un identificador diferente para utilizar este proveedor OpenID. Para hacerlo debe agregar el elemento <code>&lt;head&gt;<\/code> a la p\u00e1gina del identificador:",
"lt": "J\u016bs taip pat galite priskirti kit\u0105 identifikatori\u0173 \u0161io OpenID teik\u0117jo naudojimui. Jums reikia prid\u0117ti \u0161\u012f <code>&lt;head&gt;<\/code> element\u0105 to identifikatoriaus tinklapyje:"
} }
} }
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