@@ -52,16 +52,3 @@ Documentation on specific SimpleSAMLphp modules:
@@ -52,16 +52,3 @@ Documentation on specific SimpleSAMLphp modules:
Documentation for SimpleSAMLphp developers:
Documentation for SimpleSAMLphp developers:
* [Error handling in SimpleSAMLphp](simplesamlphp-errorhandling)
* [Error handling in SimpleSAMLphp](simplesamlphp-errorhandling)
## Externally contributed documentation
* [Notes on using SimpleSAMLphp SP and Shibboleth IdP using SAML 2.0](http://www.zeitoun.net/articles/configure-simplesaml-1.3-sp-and-shibboleth-2.1-idp/start)
## Video tutorials
* [Installation, configuration and test login with Feide (approx 8 minutes)](http://rnd.feide.no/content/video-tutorial-installing-and-configuring-simplesamlphp)
## Community help and support
* [Please join the mailinglist](https://simplesamlphp.org/lists)